09-06-1989 Special Meeeting MinutesSTATE OF MN A Special Town Board COUNTY OF WRIGHT Meeting of the Town of TOWN OF OTSEGO Otsego was held this 6 day September, 1989 at 4:00 PM Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Duputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, William Radzwill, Attorney, and Dave Licht, a professional planner were present. The meeting was called to discuss the possibility of Otsego Township developing its own Comprehensive Plan and Planning and Zoning Ordinance. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Attorney Bill Radzwill said he feels that what the Township needs now is to develop its own Comprehensive Plan. He suggested that the Town Board talk to Franklin Denn, a member of the Wright Co. Planning Commission, to find out the County's position on Otsego developing its own Comprehensive Plan and Planning and Zoning Ordinance. Dave Licht, of Northwest Associated Consultants Inc., has proposed to develop a Comprehensive Plan for Otsego and said his office would be available for assistance in implementing the Plan. He would also be available to assist with Grant applications. He also said the Township would need a Zoning Ordinance to go with the Comprehensive Plan and that when you set up Ordinances you should stick with them. Norman Freske asked if Wright Co. applies for Grants for a specific area of the County. Bill Radzwill said they did not. Bill Radzwill said he feels that once Otsego Township develops its own Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordianance, Wright Co. will back off and let Otsego Township operate on its own. Dave Licht said this would be essential as the Township would need the revenue from Building Permits to finance its own system. Dave Licht also said that one of the things the Township needs to do is broaden its tan base by Commerical Development and Multiple Housing and for this to occur you will need Sewer Service. Bill Radzwill said we are still waiting to hear from the City of Elk River on the feasibility of connecting to their Sewer Plant. He also said the Highway 101 expansion project is very important to the Township. Dave Licht said he compares Otsego today to Lakeville in its early stages of Development. Dave Licht said his firm would propose to develop a Comprehensive Plan for Otsego for a fee of $20,000 and a Zoning Ordinance for $10,000. He recommended a gradual pull away from the County rather than an abrupt change. Bill Radzwill suggested that it might be feasible in the beginning to work with Frankfort Township to share expenses such as a joint Building Inspector and Zoning Adminstrator. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve an agreement with Northwest Associated Consultants Inc. , to provide their f, Tnuqrshin r7rinfAr=r1 by Plnwrl STATE OF MN COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO - PAGE 2 - Special Town Broad Meeting. Town of Otsego, Sept. 6, 1989 Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Norman Freske to execute the Contract with Northwest Associated Consultants Inc. to develop a Comprehensive Plan for Otsego Township for a fee of $20,000. and a Zoning Subdivision Ordinance for a fee of $10,000. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted. in favor of the motion. On motion the meeting adjourned. ,Norman Freske, Chairman ,Bouglas Lindenfelser, Supervi or ,Floyd Roden, Supervisor ATTEST Jerome Perrault, Clerk