10-18-1989 Special Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A special Town Board COUNTY OF WRIGHT Meeting of the Town of TOWN OF OTSEGO Otsego was held this 18 day of October at 2:30 PM. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, and Larry Koshak, Engineer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. The special Town Board Meeting was held to discuss the Co. 42 rebuilding project. Mr. Koshak and the Board discussed whether they should consider having the County pick up the Township share of the cost of curb, gutter, and driveway apron in exchange for the cost of maintaining the Township's River Road and Tom Thumb service road while they are being used as detours while the Co. 42 and Co. 39 junction is under construction. The curb gutter and driveway aprons are the only assessable items on the list of cost share items and this would eliminate the expense of going thru the Assessment procedure. County Engineer Wayne Fingalson and Project Engineer Dave Montebello were present at the meeting. Douglas Lindenfelser asked them if they felt the Township was entitled to compensation for using River Road as a detour. Wayne Fingalson replied this was certainly a possibility. Maintenance and dust control would have to be considered during detour use. Larry Koshak suggested that River Road should have a bituminous mat to support the traffic during detour use. Wayne Fingalson replied that the road base would need to be improved and 2 weeks of detour use would not justify it. Gravel and dust control would be a better alternative. The intersection of Co. 42 and River Road will be re- aligned as part of the Co. 42 Construction project to make a 90 degree approach. There is a gas line in the right-of-way along that would need to be considered if regrading was planned. Dave Montebello said the Service Road detour will be used for a longer period of time than River Road. Wayne Fingalson said another option would be to designate Co. 37 and Co. 122 as a South Bound detour for Co. 39. It would be necessary to check the condition and width of River Road before deciding. Larry Kosahk asked what the Assessment policy of the County was on a project like CO. 42. Wayne Finglason said the County would furnish the figures but it was up to the Local Gov't to adopt the Assessment procedure and do the Assessing. The Town Board said they would like to eliminate the Assessment procedure and asked if it were possible to trade off the maintenance of the River Road detour in exchange for the County picking up the full cost of the Curb and Gutter. Wayne Fingalson said the County policy is 50% on Curb and Gutter. The Board said they would like to avoid Assessments STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO - Page 2 - Special Town Board Meeting of the Town of Otsego October 18, 1989 as the procedure is costly. Wayne Fingalson asked if financing the Township's share over a two year period would be helpful. Dave Montebello questioned whether it would be a fair tradeoff for the County to pick up the Township share of Curb and Gutter in exchange for maintenance of the detour. The Township and County Officials then proceeded to do a site inspection of River Road. It will need more gravel and dust control to be used as a detour. River Road runs diagonally accross the John Lefebvre farm. Chairman Norman Freske suggested that maybe the Town Board should consider vacating River Road after the end of detour use rather than rebuilding it. This would also eliminate the necessity of the County rebuilding the junction of River Road and CO. 42 to make it a 90 degree approach. If the decision were made to vacate River Road a new driveway for Lefebvre Farm No 2 could be constructed to Page Avenue. The Board will request the Lefebvre Family to meet with them to discuss the vacation possibility. On motion the meeting adjourned. ,NORMAN FRESKE, CHAIRMAN ,DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUPERVISOR ,FLOYD RODEN, SUPERVISOR ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk jeh