12-04-1989 Vacation Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The Town Board of the Town of Otsego COUNTY OF WRIGHT met this 4th day of December, 1989 TOWN OF OTSEGO at 1:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chair- man, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Larry Koshak, Engineer, William Radzwill Attorney, and Dave Licht Planner, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss vacation of River Road and future road needs of the Township. Larry Koshak and Dave Licht advised the Board that when vacating River Road they should obtain an easement for a future road to be constructed to extend 85TH Street to County #42. This street would be designated as a collector street so that when development comes in the area, the Town Board could specify to the Developers that this is where they want the collector street to be located. Dave Licht and Larry Koshak advised the Board that they should prepare a grid for the Township specifying where future streets should be located so that when development occurs they will have a plan in effect to show the Developers where they want the streets to be constructed. The Board requested Larry Koshak and Dave Licht to work together to prepare the grid. A copy of the grid should be made available to the Wright County Highway Department so they would be aware of Otsego's future street plans. The Wright County Highway Department also needs to know whether Otsego plans to vacate River Road so they can finalize their plans to rebuild County #42 next year. Attorney Bill Radzwill advised the Town Board that they need to be aware that the County Highway Department has plans to turn back some of the less travelled County Roads to the Townships. He also advised the Board that to obtain MSA status and be eligible for MSA funding for road construction and maintenance it would be necessary to become a City unless the Statutes are changed. Larry Koshak advised the Board that he has prepared a " Standard of Specifications For Street Construction for Developers" in Otsego Township. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the following Resolution: RESOLUTION Be it resolved that the Town of Otsego adopts the "Standard Specification For Street Construction" as prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. A revision was made in the original draft to require eighty feet (80') right-of-way for collector streets. The Wright County Highway Department acquired additional STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 4, 1989 - PAGE 2 - right-of-way in order to re -align Jaber and Jalger Avenues to Wright County #39 when they reconstructed County #39 and are requesting the Township to accept the revised right-of-ways. Motion by Norman Freske to waive the right of public hearing and accept the revised right-of-way easements as obtained by Wright County in the revised alignment of Jaber and Julger Avenues to Wright County #39. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. On motion the meeting adjourned. ORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIR -SUP. , DOUG LINDENFELSER, SUP. FLOYD RODEN, SUP. ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/eb STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION FOR DEVELOPERS OTSEGO TOWNSHIP Adopted by Town Board on December 4, 1989 Prepared by: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Telephone: (612) 427-5860 INDEX Page No. 1.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND COVENANTS 1 2.00 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 3 3.00 MATERIALS 5 4.00 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 7 5.00 STANDARD PLATES 7 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION FOR DEVELOPERS OTSEGO TOWNSHIP 1.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.01 Specification Reference: All work and materials shall conform to the provisions of Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) Standard Specifications for Construction, 1988 Edition including all current addendum except as modified herein. 1.02 Definitions: Owner: Owner shall mean the person(s), company, corporation, etc. that enter into a "Developers Agreement" with the Township of Otsego for the purpose of construction of public improvements on lands under the ownership and control of said person(s), company, corporation, etc. Engineer: Engineer shall mean the Owner's engineer. Township Engineer: Township Engineer shall mean Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., Anoka, Minnesota. 1.03 Control of Work: A. Standard Drawings: The Owner shall construct all road ways to the section as shown on standard plates as attached to these specifications. B. Staking: Construction staking shall be performed by Owners Engineer/Surveyor. All plat corners and right-of-way control points shall be installed. Street centerline shall be -referenced to the established plat corners and right-of-way control points. Street alignment, horizontal and vertical hubs shall be set at a maximum interval of 50 feet and shall be required at intervals of 25 feet on curves. C. Construction Inspection: The Township Engineer and/or his representative shall inspect the construction from time to time to insure conformance to township standards and approved drawing(s). The Owner shall notify the Township Engineer at least 24 hours ahead of time to schedule inspection. The Owner shall provide access to the site for the Township Engineer or his representatives. 1 The Owner shall notify the Township Engineer to inspect at the following specific periods of construction activity: a) When clearing and grubbing is completed. b) When all necessary topsoil and unsuitable subgrade materials have been removed. Soil borings may be required to verify removal of unsuitable soils. The Owner shall furnish such assurance through the services of a professional soil engineer. c) When subbase has been graded and compacted to + 0.10 feet of the lines and grade establish in the approved plans. Compaction tests performed by a professional soils engineer may be required in embankments upon discretion of the Township Engineer. d) When base course (Class V) has been placed, compacted and graded to ± 0.10 feet of the lines and grades established by the approved plans. Compaction test performed by a professional soils engineer shall be required of the base course. e) When bituminous base/binder and wearing course is being placed. Compaction testing shall be required by an approved soils testing service. D. Acceptance of Work: Upon notice from the Engineer that all work has been completed, the Township Engineer will make an inspection of the entire project. If any work is found unsatisfactory or incomplete, instructions for correction will be issued and another inspection will be made after receiving notice that the corrective work has been completed. When final inspection reveals that all work has been completed in accordance with the terms of the contract, the Township Engineer shall so notify the Owner in writing, on the date of final inspection. The materials and workmanship will then be accepted subject to warranty and maintenance provisions contained in the developers agreement. 1.04 Control of Material: A. All material placed on the street shall be new and shall meet all requirements referred to herein. 2 B. The Owner shall provide the Township Engineer with sieve analysis performed by an independent approved testing firm for Class V and any other manufactured subbase or base materials. Minimum number of tests to be run shall be one per every 250 tons placed or a minimum of two per street. C. The Township reserves the right to order compaction tests taken in both the embankments, subbase and the base materials if, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, there appears to be insufficient compaction. Modified Proctor density of 95% is required for the upper two feet of the street and 90% density in the embankment below two feet of the surface. Maximum test rate is one compaction test per 500 foot section of roadway in each of the subbase and base. The cost of compaction tests shall be the responsibility of the Owner and shall be performed by an approved testing service. D. The Township reserves the right to order gradation/extraction marshall density tests and nuclear compaction on the bituminous material placed on the street. Two sample cylinders are required from each batch mix or per day operation. Tests shall be performed by an approved testing lab at the expense of the Owner. E. The Township reserves the right to have tests run on other material placed on the street or in the right-of-way at the Owner's expense. Those tests may include but not be limited to topsoil analysis, horizonation of soils and seed analysis. 2.00 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 2.01 Grading: All earthmoving and subgrade work shall be done in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2101, 2104, 2105, 2111, 2112, 2120, 2130. All other work not covered by these specifications shall be referenced to Mn/DOT specifications where applicable. 2.02 Base Construction: Aggregate base construction shall be a minimum of 4" or as required per approved street sections in thickness compacted in place at maximum density in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2211. All other work not covered by the specification shall be referenced to Mn/DOT specifications where applicable. 3 2.03 Pavement Construction: Bituminous base/binder course shall be 2" in thickness compacted in place. Bituminous wear course shall be 1-1/2" in thickness compacted in place. The depths so specified herein shall not deviate by more than 1/4". All bituminous pavement construction shall be done in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2331, 2341 and 2357. Bituminous berms shall be shoe formed integral with the bituminous pavement. Oil content shall conform to job mix design provided prior to construction. All other work not covered by these specifications shall be referenced to Mn/DOT specifications where applicable. 2.04 Miscellaneous Construction: A. Pipe Culverts & Sewers: All pipe culverts and pipe sewers shall be done in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2501, 2502, 2503, 2506, 2511. All other work not covered by these specifications shall be referenced to Mn/DOT specifications where applicable. Pipe culverts shall be placed with a centerline camber of at least 0.1 feet and apron end sections. B. Traffic Signs and Devices: Street signs and markings shall be done in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2564 and in accordance with the Uniform Traffic Control Services Manual. C. Temporary Erosion Control: All erosion control measures required and necessary for the protection of adjoining properties, wetlands, ponds, lakes, rivers, etc. shall be done in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2573. Their removal and disposal after such time that they are not required as determined by the Township Engineer shall be required. D. Turf Establishment: All disturbed areas not surfaced shall be topsoiled, seeded and mulched or sodded and fertilized in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2575. These areas include but not limited in -slopes, ditches, backslopes, boulevards, temporary construction easements and permanent construction easements. The depth of topsoil shall be a minimum of 4 inches in-depth compacted in place. All areas shall be graded to drain to appropriate locations. All other work not covered by these specifications shall be referenced to Mn/DOT specifications where applicable. 4 3.00 MATERIALS 3.01 Aggregate Subbase: Aggregate subbase course shall be Class III or IV in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3138. 3.02 Aggregate Base: Aggregate base course shall be Class V in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3138. 3.03 Bituminous Mixtures: Graded aggregate for bituminous mixtures shall be BA -2 for bituminous base/binder courses and BA -1 for bituminous wear course all in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3139. Bituminous material for the mixture shall be asphalt cement, penetration 120/150 in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3151 for both base/binder and wear courses. 3.04 Pipe Culverts and Pipe Sewers: Pipe culverts shall be corrugated steel pipe in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3226 or reinforced concrete pipe in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3236. Minimum size shall be 15 inch diameter or equivalent. Corrugated metal pipe shall be a minimum 16 gage in thickness and galvanized coated. All pipe culverts shall be furnished with appropriate apron end sections, trash guards, fasteners and hardware. 3.05 Metals and Metal Products: A. Gray Iron Castings: Manhole and catch basin castings shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3321. Castings shall be Neenah Foundry or approved equal in accordance with the following schedule: Manhole R-1733 w/Type B Lid and "Storm Sewer" Catch Basin Manholes/Catch Basins R-3067 w/DR/DL Grate R-3246 w/C or V Grate R -3250-A w/F Grate Off Street Catchbasin Manholes and Catchbasins R 2561-A R 4342 B. Signs and Markers: Street signs and markings shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3352. Signs shall attach to Flanged Channel Sign Posts in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3401. Minimum weight of posts shall be 2.5 lbs./ft. 5 3.06 Stone and Brick: A. Riprap: Riprap shall be Class II randomly placed in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3601. Geotextile fabric is required beneath all riprap and shall be Type IV in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3733. B. Sewer Brick (Concrete): All concrete sewer brick used for construction of manholes and catch basins shall conform to the provisions of Mn/DOT 3616. 3.07 Precast Concrete Units: All precast reinforced concrete manhole/catch basin units used in construction of pipe sewers, shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3622. 3.08 Turf Establishment: A. Seed mixture shall be Mn/DOT 3876 mixture number 700 or 800 applied at the rate of 50 lbs./ac. B. Topsoil borrow shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3877.. C. Sod shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3878. D. Commercial fertilizer shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3881 and shall be a minimum analysis of 20-10-10 and applied at a rate of 500 lbs./ac. E. Mulch material shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3882 and shall be Type I applied at the rate of two tons per acre and disc anchored. F. Silt fence used for erosion control shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3886. 6 4.00 DESIGN CONSIDERATION 4.01 All drainage calculations shall be by Soil Conservation Service (SCS) TR55 method or similar. Culvert pipe flow capacities shall be determined by the Handbook of Steel Drainage and Highway Construction Products, current edition or similar type reference. A 10 year recurrence interval storm event shall be used for pipe design. A 100 year recurrence interval storm event shall be used for ponding design. The Township Engineer shall be furnished with design calculations prepared by a registered engineer for review prior to approval of plans. 4.02 All right-of-way widths shall conform to the following minimum standards. Traveled Shoulder Classification R/W Width Width Width Collector Streets 80' 24' rural 8' 32' suburb. Minor Streets 66' existing 24' rural 28' suburb. 60' new 24' rurual 28' suburb. Cul-de-sac 60' RAD 45' radius Horizontal and vertical alignment shall provide for not less than 30 mph design speed on minor streets and 50 mph on collector streets. All centerline gradients shall be at least 0.5 percent and shall not exceed 6 percent. Vertical curves shall be utilized when the "m" distance is greater than 0.20'. Intersection radius shall be a minimum of 30'. 5.00 STANDARD PLATES (TYPICAL SECTIONS) ATTACHED 7 J r 0 66' / 60' 4' Taper Edge 12' 12' . 4' Varies I/37Ft.'Min. E' Driveway Culvert Mkt. 15' Dia. –A & 6 Bituminous Mot Shoulder — 41 Min. Depth of Topsoil — C Class 5 Gravel Base 26' Width -O Approved Subgrode 32' Width LEGEND AASHTO R VALUE,SIGMA. N18 BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRADE SOIL CLASS WEAR 2341 A* BASEIBINOER 2331 6* CLASS 5/6 3138 C* CLASS 3/4 3138 Di1' A-3 A-4 A-6 A-7 (R-70:190.000) (R-20:=90.000) (R-1590.000) (R.10:590.000) (R -5:s90.000) 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' .1 1/2' 2' 2' 2' 2' 2' ' 4' 4" 4• 618' 6' - s, 6' * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY OUAUFIED SOILS ENGINEER NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL _ RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HUEEM STABILOMETER METHOD. SIGMA.. 1418 VALUES ARE THE CUMUI-ATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE' OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT_ BITUMINOUS RURAL STREET SECTION - 9 TON NO SCALE OTSEGO TOWNSHIP STANDARD DETAIL OT1 66' / 60' o -r J r 0 0 a1 Varies 5' 15' Varies 5'min. 2% IFill Behind Berm W/ Topsoil Min. Depth 4» Vminq Match Existing %3~/Ff. Bituminous Berm This Shape or Approved Equal A & B Bituminous Mat -C Class 5 Gravel 31' Width — 0 Approved Subgrade 32' Width c 1.-21 LEGEND • AASHTO R VALUE,SIGMA N18 BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRADE SOIL GLASS WEAR 2341 A*B*C* BASE/BINDER 2331 CLASS 5/6 3138 CLASS 3/4 3 36 A-3 A-4 A-6 A-7 (R -70:s 90.000) (R-20:190.000) (R-15:590,000) (R'10:S90,000) (R-5:_<90,000) 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 2' 2' 2' 2' 2' ' 4' 4' 4' 6' 6' - - 6' T 18' * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER NOTES: IL R SIEMBANKMENT STANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED TO BY THE HUEEM STABILOMETER METHOD. SIGMA N18 VALUES ARE THE CUMULATIVE MAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE' OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. SUBURBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON (BITUMINOUS BERM) NO SCALE OTSEGO TOWNSHIP STANDARD DETAIL OT2 Property Lln.. 66' / 60' 31' B -B 15.5' 15.5' B-618 Concrete Curb and Gutter Placed on Approved Subgrade Slope we per ft. 20/0 Min. Slope A & B Bituminous Mat — C. Class 5 Gravel — 0 Approved Subgrade 32' Width Property_Line LEGEND AASHTO tt R VALUE.SIGMA. N18 BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRAOE WEAR BASE/BINDER CLASS 5/6 CLASS 3/4 SOIL CLASS 2341 Alk 2331 B4' 3138 C%- 3138 D* A-3 (R-70:1.90.000) 1 1/2' 2' • 4' - A-4 (R-20:190,000) 1 1/2' 2' 4' - A-6 (R•15: 90.000) 1 1/2' 2' 4' 6 A-7 (R•10:190,000) 1 1/2' 2' 6' 7' _ (R-5:590.000) 1 1/2' 2' 6' 18' *SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HUEEM STABILOMETER METHOD. SIGMA. N18 VALUES ARE THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE' OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. SUBURBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON (CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER) NO SCALE OTSEGO TOWNSHIP STANDARD DETAIL OT3 NOTES FROM THE TAPE OF THE RIVER ROAD VACATION WORK MEETING OF 12-4-89 - 2:00 P.M. PRESENT: FLOYD RODEN NORM FRESKE LARRY KOSHAK DOUG LINDENFELSER BILL RADZWILL DAVID LICHT JEROME PERRAULT JUDY HUDSON Larry: Prepare a plan with options for the County on River Road Vacation and new easements. Vacate this portion. Petition the County to put entrance here and aquire and build this portion. Would the County build all the way back to here? Doug: How many feet did they say they would go? Not very much, 250' or so. That would eleminate them buying access and land and the whole bit. We need to get the entrance in the right spot and vacate the first part. Get County to build 150' to 250' entrance for us. As far as assessing back, issues are established based on City -County status, but not on County -Township status. Towns are different when our size. We got $7,000.00 or $8,000.00 gas tax money last year. Bill: What we should show John LeFebvre is that we need to trade right-of-ways. We give up one and we get one. It sounds like LeFebvre is very willing to vacate portion of River Road. Larry Koshak will get some information together and get it to John LeFebvre and the County Engineers and Dick Marquette. Larry: If the County would do the assessing and take that off your back. Bill: They have never done one and he will tell you that right off the bat. They don't want to do it. They get nailed. It's hard. Judy Hudson introduced papers fro the Board to look at on Julger and Jaber right-of-way on #39, easements and turnbacks. Where they made 90 degree angles. Turning easements back to us. Bill asked why the County didn't just deed it over to the Township? Larry said they are turning back easements to us and they aquired other easements for right-of-way. Bill asked Judy to get Dick Marquette on the phone and ask them to deed it over to us. Larry Koshak: 3-1/4" of bituminous on 9 -ton roads. We've been going with 3", but MSA requires it be 3-1/2". It only really applies for MSA designed streets. You can only assess land for benefit. River Road Vacation Work Meeting 12-4-89 - Page 2 - Dave Licht: Normally communities figure what a 7 -ton road costs and then figure the difference between a 7 and 9 ton road and the community pays the difference between 7 and 9 ton road. A 7 ton is a residential street and that is what you show benefit on. Larry: You can build the road 7 ton and then come in and put another 2" on when you want to go to 9 ton roads. You restrict it with signs that it is 7 ton. Dave Licht: I think if you think the road will be a 9 -ton road eventually, (A collector street), you should build the base for a 9 ton road, because it costs a lot more to go back and rebuild it. Larry: There are three types of sections: 1. Rural street section - with a bituminous suburban berm on it. That is a little wider than normal. 2. This bottom would be OK for MSA minimum MSA is 32' with curb back to back. 3. Suburban street with curb and gutter 618 curb and gutter. We've looked at the soils in the Town and used the soils classification and this is the one accepted by MSA. These A- 3 soils are the better soils, the granular soils. A-7 and A- 6 are the bad clay soils. We have some of those in the Town. You go across the map you can see what it needs for bituminous and we've stuck to the standard of 3-1/2" for 9 ton. If you eliminate the 1-1/2" you are about at a 7 ton road then. Just don't put the top on it. If you look at how much class 5 and Class 6 you put in you are looking at 4 to 6" underneith that, depending on the soils you put in up to 18" of class 3 or class 4 material. The top of the class 3 or 4 material will actually be your subgrade. That would be always 32' wide. You would have to cut it out if you wanted to put in the Class 3 or 4. That would be your subgrade on top of that would be your gravel. What we did with Darkenwald down here and what we would like to do with all the Developers, is let them go out and do the soil borings to determine what the design should be, and do it by a methiod that we can all accept. The soils Engineer will tell us : a. That's what we need here. This is your specs for soils. We need 6" of gravel and 4" of class 3 or 4. So, that's what we need to do and that's what Darkenwalds did and that's what we should do in the future developments. River Road Vacation Meeting of 12-4-89 - Page 3 - Bill: Did ou get a chance to check with the County what standards they have right now? We have kind of a cross-over. Larry: They have these standards that I have here. Bill: A11 I want to do is protect ourselves so we don't have a hassle with the County Planning & Zoning. We want to make sure that there is no conflict as far as grades, Etc. Floyd: We want to make sure our standards are strictor, or better and the County's. Larry: If you go back a page then we talked about right-of- way bids. What we should require on collector streets. If you are going through a plat and you've designated that as a collector throughway and you say what should we have as right-of-way. Dave Licht: I recommend that there is a change in that. I'd have collector major and collector minors. Don't give an option 60 or 80 in there, because that goes back to your map because we just got done with a major lawsuit in Oakdale and they had 60 or 80 and the developer has said I'm going with the 60's and the City said no, you're going to put in 80 and it ended up the City is eatig a lot of it. Bill: Ya, you've got your minor streets at 66. Ya, let's just strike the one. Larry: In Rogers we go 70. Doug: That could be negotiated though, couldn't it? Larry: Well, when it's a MSA street, you start putting in ditches, you are way out on someone's property. If you create curb sections, It's not so bad. Then you can live with it. Dave'Licht suggested we take the 80 and be done with it because once it is lost, It's too hard to get back because people use it for setbacks, Etc. Bill: You can always use it for snowplowing. Dave: The minor streets are 66' now? Ya. Larry: Rurals 24, Suburban as 28 and cul -du -sacs 60' radius. Town Board wasn't sure of this. Larry: Bituminous was 50' but his right-of-way was 60. River Road Vacation Work Meeting - 12-4-89 - Page 4 Doug: I think you should go with 60 I guess. See, what we were recommending is 45. Plus, we get to talk about another thing, the radius. A bus doesn't make a 30' radius, quite. The big one. Larry: If you go to 60' right-of-way, you want to maintain the same boulevard as you go around the cul -du -sac, 15' or whatever it is from the shoulder to right-of-way because you have the utilities easement there. Larry: If you put 50' radius bituminous and you only have 10' left of right-of-way, boulevard, the normal street has 15' shoulder, so you shorten it up. Normally I don't think platting laws, 60' has been acceptable. Dave: I think that is something you ought to address in there, you're policy on Cul -du -sacs. Norm: We aren't in favor of them. Most cities and communities in terms of maintenance aren't. Doug: And some people love them. We can't get rid of them all. The thing to do is to put in here what your policy is. You can say it is only acceptable where it is necessary due to typography. It can only be, and put a distance on it - so long, and put that in there (Dave Licht) With that, I can start eliminating some of the battles before you go into them. Floyd: We should have that in there and cul -du -sac size. Norm: We've been arguing about that before. Dave: What we would be talking about is an Ordinance. Larry: Of course, we can eliminate this section in here. Board: No. Leave it in there. Bill: Agreed. Dave: Agreed. Larry: Then down below, some of this stuff you maybe want to pick out later and put in the Ordinances? Town Board: Ya. Larry: Like thoughts about 30 MPH design speed. Now, that's design speed. Actual speed you may want to post about 25 MPH. We want to design the road so it is a little bit faster River Road Vacation Meeting 12-4-89 - Page 5 - road. The collector we have 50 MPH so the curves and all will be designed for 50 MPH. Centerline is 1/295. You Can't be anymore than 695 steep. Doug: Ditches Larry: No. Going up a hill. Bill: Trains are only 4 or 3-1/2%. Larry: 695 is 6' on 100'. Norm: What about the one by the river there? They call all the time for it to be sanded there on 62ND Street. 212 pitch, that's quite a bit. Larry: It depends on how many ton, what speed, traffic and all that business. They get down where it can't be more than 1-1/295. Doug: How about the County? Do you know? Bill: They don't have specifications. That's how we got in a hassle with Monticello. Doug: For none of their roads? Bill: No. The only standard they use is Minn -DOT. Larry: Everything is done by Minn -DOT. Bill: Specs. Larry: The only question I have is sooner or later do you plan on putting this in the Ordinance form? I'd like it to be in Ordinance form, and if Dave could look at this and get it over with. Floyd: How about a dumping Ordinance? Dave: The way I think I would like to see these things handled and I don't care if you ant to put it in an Ordinance or not, if htere are specifications have it done by Resolution, because otherwise, you have to go through the chains and that sort of things. It makes it easier if you want to make it and Ordinance now, that's fine. Bill: In fact, I just want to get it done. Larry: This could be by Resolution now and it can be changed River Road Vacation Meeting - 12-4-89 - Page 6 - to an Ordinance. Floyd: With these few changes we could adopt this Resolution right now. Bill: Yes. Where we stand with the roads and what we want to do on the other, we kind of need to move. What we are doing is our road policy decisions we are doing it in one day when most people take two years. It gives us at least something to start with and we can change it. Larry: This acceptance - maybe, we don't need it, but why we had it in there is because a lot of them say - Well, I didn't know that. Bill: We can put that into the Developers Contract. Larry: You want to take this acceptance out? Bill: Yes, but other than that Larry, the rest, form wise, hopefully it meets all of our needs. If it doesn't quite, we shift it over one, to whatever we find does work. Dave: What's important is to get it into place. You can always change it. Bill: Absolutely, like Zoning and Planning, it's never perfect. Is it Dave? It's kind of vague. Dave: That's right. Bill: You've got to build it and you've got to start with something. We are doing a lot of Planning right now. Floyd: In other words, we can adopt this Resolution right? Larry: Adopt a Resolution for the standard specifications for street construction. Bill: Larry, and there are the standards you used on the other plats? Larry: Pretty close. Bill: We have a right to change it. Floyd: I'll make a Motion that we adopt these standards for road specification for street construction for Developers in Otsego Township, with corrections of 80' on collector streets and cancel item #6 on Page #8. River Road Vacation Work Meeting - 12-4-89 - Page 7 - Doug: I'll second that Motion. Norm: I'll agree with that Motion. Larry: OK, and I'll get together a final draft. Norm: You also need to get a letter to the County. Bill: On this they need a letter of acceptance on these two street easements and waving the Hearing, on #39. That is all they need. The facts seem to be they straightned the road out and they made 90 degrees. We are not turning any of the old right-of-way back so you'll have to decide if you want to maintain that. You are accepting the new right-of-way and the road the way it is constructed now. Doug: So you will also have the old right-of-way? Bill: You'll still have, apparently a sliver on the other side. Bill: You have a file on roads, right? You need to attach this into the Resolution adapted. In five years from now when we try to find. out what we did we want to make it so we index it. Make sure it gets into file on roads. Judy: NSP called today and because of the cold weather facility going in they have a transmission that has to be moved and they want to move it up by #37 and they want a Conditional Use Permit. Do you observe Martin Luther King's Holiday here? Bill: Ya. All offical Holidays we have to observe by Statute. Norm: Motioned to waive the Hearing and accept the strip of right-of-way on #39. (Tape ended) TRANSLATED BY: Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk