01-22-1990 Town Board MinutesSTATE OF MN The Town Board of the Town COUNTY OF WRIGHT of Otsego met this 22nd TOWN OF OTSEGO of January, 1990, at 8:30 PM. Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Doug Lindenfelser, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Depurty Clerk, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Larry Koshak, Engineer, and William Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the January 8, 1990, Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Wright County Sheriff Don Hozempa appeared before the Board to say that he just wanted to check with them to see if they had any problems with the Patrol Service or the Contract. The Board replied that there haven't been any problems and they are getting a lot of favorable comments from Township residents about the Patrol Service. Mr. Hozempa said they are providing service 7 days a week, 40 hours of Contract Patrol Service and the balance routine Patrol Service. He said traffic citations increased by 3 times in 1989 over 1988 but traffic accidents decreased. They now have a full time man working on the drug problem in the County. Regarding Burning Permit calls, he said he doesn't feel it is necessary to have the property owners call the Sheriff's Office to notify them that they are burning as it overloads his office with calls. The Board said they will discuss it with the DNR. Mr. Hozempa advised the Board that if they ever have any problesm with service, they should let him know right away. Dave Montebello appeared before the Board in regard to the Co. 42 construction and the Cost Sharing Agreement between Wright Co. and the Township for the Co. 42 project. Bill Radzwill advised that in the CO. 42 Cost Sharing Agreement, Article 7 should read that Wright County will submit a final billing to the Township after completion of the project. He also thought an addition should be made to the Agreement whereas Otsego is the first Township to be requested to pay a cost share for a County road. Dave Montebello said that in the future for any County road that requires an Urban Design within a Township, the Township will be required to cost share. Regarding street lights, the present policy is that the County does not pay any thing, but Mr. Montebello said the County Board is considering adopting a cost share policy, however he doesn't expect any change in the policy until after February 13. Mr. Montevello said he thought a street light at the interesection of Co. 42 and CO. 39 would be beneficial. Motion by Norman Freske to table action on the Co. 42 "Funding Participation & Construction Agreement" between Otsego and Wright Co. until the revised agreement is received. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Board Members STATE OF MN COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO - Page 2 - The Town Board of Otsego Town Board Meeting of January 22, 1990, 8:30 PM voted in favor of the motion. Wright -Hennepin Electric has requested a permit to re- build a power line along Kadler Ave., 70th St. and 67th St. The Board will request a representative of the Electric Co-op to appear at the next Town Board Meeting and fully explain their project. Larry Koshak presented the Board with a revised Feasibility Study for Packard Ave. between 60th and 70th Streets. He has revised the Feasibility Study because there are 21 assessable units instead of 20 as he used in his previous study. Motion by Floyd Roden to accept the revised Feasibility Study for Packard Ave. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak presented the Board with the Transportation Plan he has prepared for Otsego Township. Based on present Township road mileage 12.6 miles of Township roads could be designated as Collector Streets and be eligible for Municipal State Aid if it became available to the Township. He is recommending the following streets be designated Collector Streets: 85th St. (Nashau Ave. to Page Ave.) 85th St. (Page Ave. to Co. 42) (future construction) Nashua Ave (Co.39 to 85th St.) Nashua Ave (85th St. to 77th St) 77th St. (Nashua Ave to McAllister Ave.) McAllister Ave (77th St to Co 37) Quaday Ave(Co. 42 to Parrish Ave) (for future construction) 96th St. (in Mississippi Shores) Packard Ave (Co. 39 to 96th St) (for future construction) 70th St. (Co. 37 to Co. 42) (also CO. 122) Parson Ave(70th St to 72nd St) Quaday Ave(72nd St. Co. 42) 1.8 miles . 5 miles 1.1 miles . 8 miles .5 miles 1.8 miles 1.1 miles . 9 miles .4 miles 2.7 miles . 3 miles .7 miles 12.6 miles The segment of Quaday Ave. from Co. 42 to Parrish Ave. that is designated for future construction could be used to serve the proposed Commercial and Industrial area along State Highway 101. The Roard tentatively designated Feb. 7 at 1:00 PM as STATE OF MN COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO - Page 3 - The Town Board of the Town of Otsego Board Meeting of January 22, 1990 8:30 PM the date for a Workship to discuss road needs of the Township. Engineer Larry Koshak, Attorney Bill Radzwill and Planner Dave Licht will be requested to be present. Regarding re -applying for the DNR Grant for the Vasseur's 4th Addition Storm Drain Project, Bill Radzwill advised the Board that we will need to find out the DNR Funding Policy for 1990 and prepare our Grant application on that basis. The regularily scheduled second Town Board Meeting in February falls on a Legal Holiday. Motion by Douglas LIndenfelser to postpone the Feb. 19 Town Board Meeting until Monday, Feruary 26, at 8:00 PM. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Norman Freske to send out a quarterly News Letter to all Township residents. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to have County Inspector Craig Schultz check John Clasen's lot (at 14626- 83rd St) for zoning Ordinance violations. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 47 to 68 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. Freske, Supervisor las Lindenfelser, Supervisor ATTEST: Jerome Jerome Perrault, Clerk jeh Roden, Supervisor