02-20-1990 Special Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MN A Special Town Board COUNTY OF WRIGHT Meeting of the Town of TOWN OF OTSEGO Otsego was held this 20 day of February, 1990, at 9:00 AM. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Jereome Perrault, Clerk, Dave Licht, Planner, Larry Koshak Engineer, and BIll Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Town of Otsego incorporating and becoming a City. Bill Radzwill advised the Board that we need to have a Special Town Meeting to present the facts to the Township residents about becoming a City. The Township can become a City either by an act of the Legislature or by applying to the State Municipal Commission. Senator Betty Adkins, will be introducing a bill before the State Legislature to approve the Town of Otsego becoming a City. We will need to get a positive vote from the residents of the Township whether we ask approval from the Legislature or the Municipal Commission. The special Town Meeting will be set for March 8 at 8:00 PM at the Elk River High School Commons Area as the Town Hall is too small to accommadate the expected attendance. The vote on the issue could either be a floor vote or by ballot with ballots preferred. Planner Dave Licht advised the Board that we need to present the facts to the residents both pro and con, of how they will be affected by the Township becoming a City. We need to explain the Funds that are available to Cities and not Townships and how it will effect the residents tax wise, especially the Agricultural area. Mr. Licht said he will prepare and give a presentation to the residents at the Special Town Meeting explaining all the aspects of becoming a City. He said that Frank Frederick who works in his office and is an expert at tax matters, prepare a presentation for the Special Meeting on how becoming a City will affect them tax wise. The Board requested that Mr. Licht give them a cost estimate of his and Mr. Frederick's services by Feb. 26, the date of the next Town Board Meeting. Mr. Radzwill said he thought he should confine his presentation to the legal aspects of becoming a City. On motion the meeting adjourned. an Freske, Chairman ATTEST: Jerome Perrault Lindenfelser, Supervisor yd Roden, Supervisor jeh