04-17-1990 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A Public Hearing on the COUNTY OF WRIGHT proposed upgrading and TOWN OF OTSEGO bituminous surfacing of Packard Ave. between 60th and 70th Streets was held this 17 day of April 1990, at 7:30 PM. Norman Freske, Chairman, Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Larry Koshak and Ross Abel, Engineers, were present. The Hearing' was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske, Engineer Larry Koshak then addressed the meeting and explained the results of the feasibility study he had done on the project. He said the total estimated cos: of the project is as follows: For a 9 Ton Design Bituminous surface - 2900 ton..0. 0000D ..$65,250.00 Aggregate base - 4900 ton..... .. 26,950.00 00 ...... 48,400.00 Drainage...................... 004 0400 00 5,000.00 Restoration................... 0d a ... .. 4,400.00 Total. Construction Cost...... . ..150,000.00 Engineering & Administration. . 00 00000 00 37,500.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $187,500.00 The 9 Ton design would have a 32 ft wide subgrade with 24 wide bituminous top 3 1/2 inches thick and 13 inches of gravel base. Driveway culverts will be sa]vaged and re- installed if they are in good condition and 15 inches in diameter. For a 7 Ton Design Bitumioius surface - 2450 ton..... 000 ...$54,900.00 Aggregate base - 5650 ton......... . OD Gym 31,000.00 Grading .. 29,900.00 Drainage.......................... 0•4 dA 5,000.00 Restoration....................... 00B 000 4,400.00 Total estimated constructon cost.. 0..125,200.00 Engineering and administrative.... ... 31,300.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $156,500.00 The 7 Ton design would have a 32 ft. wide subgrade with a 24 wide bituminous top 3 inches deep and base gravel 6 to 8 inches in depth. The hill at the south end of the street would be cut down to provide dequate sight distances for safety reasons. If the Town Board approves the project they would then order plans and specifications, upon approval of the plans and specifications would then advertise for bids, accept bids and proceed with the project. The final assessment hearing would be held after completion of the project. There are 21 assessable parcels in the project. Engineer Larry Koshak said that he is recommending the following Assessment alternatives STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO to the Town Board: A PUBLIC HEARING OF PACKARD AVE APRIL 17, 1990 7:30 PM - Page 2 - Alternative No. 1 ($2,500 per unit assessment) TOTAL COST 9 TON 7 TON $187,500. $156,500. Total unit; assessed 21 21 Assessed cosi- per unit 2,500. 2,500. Assessed cost 52,500. 52,500. Township Share 135,000. 104,000. Alternative No. 2 (50/50 Split) 9 TON 7 TON $187,500. $156,500. 21 21 4,464.29 3,726.19 93,750. 78,250. 93,750. 78,250. TOTAL COST Total units assessed Assessed cost per unit Total Assessed cost Township Share TOTAL COST Alternative No. 3 (60/40 Split) 9 TON $187,500. 21 3,571.43 75,000. 112,500. Total units assessed Assessed cost per unit Total. Assessed cost Township Share 7 TON $156,500. 21 2,980.95 62,600. 93,900. Merlin Krogstad asked why the grading cost was less for the 7 ton design. Ross Abel said it was because the 7 ton required less base. Engineer Larry Koshakl said he would recommend the 9 ton dsign. Chairman Norman Freske said he an the Board. Members favored using the 9 ton design, the initial. cost is greater but the road would stand up better to today's traffic needs. John Ouellette asked if it would be a problem to put in gas lines after the road was built. The answer was no. One resident asked what width the driveways would be. Larry Koshak said wide as necessary .For safely exiting and entering. All culverts under driveways would be a minimum of 15". John McShane asked what assessment rate the Town Board would recommend. The Board replied that they thought $2,500. per unit would he as high as the residents would be benefited. Gerard Zachman asked if he were to develop his land in the future, would. the assessment apply to all the lots? The answer was no, only to parcels of record when the road was built. John Holland said traffic has increased tremendously on Packard Ave. in recent years and if we wait longer to build STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO A PUBLIC HEARING ON PACKARD APRIL 17, 1990 7:30 PM -Page 3 - it, the cost will he even more. He said most people who live on the .road are concerned about speed, road width and having the hill cut down. Jeff Piude asked who determines what the assessment should be. Larry Koshak said that Engineers rely on previous experience to determine what the probable benefit would be. John. Holland said that deferred assessments are available to those who qualify for Green Acres. Motion by Floyd Roden that the assessment rate on the project be considered at $2,500. The Board then requested on advisory vote from the residents on the project. The result of the vote by ballot was as follows: YES ..........8 votes NO...........7 votes The Town Board then announced they would make a decision on the project at the next Town Board Meeting on May 7. On motion the hearing adjourned. ,Norman ::'eke, Chairman ,Doug Lindenfe.lser, Supervisor ,Floyd Roden, Supervisor Attest: Jerome Perault, Clerk