07-02-1990 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MN A Public Hearing on the COUNTY OF WRIGHT proposed construction of TOWN OF OTSEGO 85th St. from Page Ave. to Co. 42 and of 87th St. from Page Ave. Easterly 1120 ft. with a Cul -De -Sac was held this 2 day of July, 1990 at 7:30 PM. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser, and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Larry Koshak, Engineer and Bill Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The Hearing was called to order by Chairman, Norman Freske. Engineer Larry Koshak then addressed the Hearing concerning the proposed street projects. He said plans are to vacate River Road from Page Ave. to Co. 42 and construct 85th St. from Page Ave. to CO. 42. He also said that 85th St. is in the Township Road Plan as a Collector Street and will be built to a 9 ton standard road design. It will be necessary to relocate some Wright -Hennepin Electric poles and one NSP pole that will be moved at NSP's expense. The estimated costs of constructing 85th St. are as follows: Grading and Shaping $ 27,600 Culverts 2,000 Aggregate Base 13,800 Bituminous Suface 36,800 Restoration (Seed & Mulch) 6,000 Driveway Construction - 6,100 Strip Aggregate from River Road 3,800 Place Topsoil on River Road 5,000 Re -locate Utility Poles 4,000 Estimated Construction Cost $105,100 Overhead Cost (25%) 26,275 Estimated Total project cost $131,375 It is proposed to assess each of the 4 benefiting 40 acre parcels $16,422. This is assuming that the Township will pay 50% of the cost which would be $65,688, The annual unity cost for each of the four units would be $2,673 based on 10 years @ 10% interest. Construction would start this fall and be completed in the spring of 1991. On the 87th Street project, 87th St. is proposed to be constructed from Page Ave. Easterly about 1120 ft. with a 120 ft diameter Cul -De -Sac at the end. The street would have a 66 ft right -of -Way and be built according to Township standards for a 9 ton road. The Cul -De -Sac would have a 45 ft. paved radius for a turnaround. The estimated costs of the 87th St. project are as follows: Grading $ 6,000 Subgrad preparation 1,100 Class 5 gravel 7,710 Bituminous 13,975 STATE OF MN COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO A Public Hearing on construction of 85th St. from Page Ave. to Co. 42 and of 87th St from Page Ave. July 2, 1990, 7:30 PM - Page 2 - Restoration & Seeding $ 3,000 Total Construction Cost $ 31,785 Overhead (25%) 7,946 Total Estimated Cost $ 39,731 Eddy Lefebvre said that Wright -Hennepin did not pay anything for the easement when they put the poles in and, now we are being asked to pay to have to poles moved. Jerome Zachman said he thought every body would benefit from having 85th St built as it is a section line road and a thru street and the property owners were being assessed too much. The Lefebvre family indicated they did not want 85th St. built from Co. 42 to Page Ave. The Town Board replied that if 85th St. is not constructed now the Developer could be required to build it and pay 1006 of the cost. The Town Board also said that they have already advised Wright County that while constructing Co. 42 they should plan for River Road being vacated and to plan for 85th St. entering Co. 42 Wright County is also planning on constructing turn lanes on Co. 42 for 85th St. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to continue the Public Hearing on proposed construction of 85th St. from Page Ave. to Co. 42 and of 87th St. on July 16, 1990 at 7:30 PM. On motion the Hearing recessed. lit,- vele, , Norman Freske, Chairman oug Lindenfelser, Supervisor , Floyd Roden, Supervisor Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk jeh