08-29-1990 Joint Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MN COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO PM. Alfred Zachman, A joint meeting of the Town Boards of Frankfort and Otsego Townships was held at the Frankfort Town Hall this 29 day of August, 1990, at 3:00 Louis Lazer, and Engineer Pete Raatilka were present from Frankfort Township and Chairman Norman Freske, Supervisor Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, and Clerk, Jerome Perrault were present from Otsego Township. The meeting was held to discuss the drainage problems of Green Haven Development in Frankfort Township East of Albertville, some land in the City of Albertville, land in Otsego Township and also I-94 right-of-way. The water from this area drains into a ditch that goes thru Otsego to the Mississippi River. As an alternate route, the City of Albertville has suggested draining the water from the area South thru its Industrial Park. Floyd Goenner said there are five or six ditches that lead into one slough area near his and Alvin Beaudry's land. From this slough area there is one outlet to the ditch to the Mississippi River. There is an old 18" tile from the Green Haven Area that empties near Leon Zachman's farm. Alfred Zachman said when the old 18" tile near the former Butweiller home, the tile flowed freely. Pete Raatikka said that rather than clean the ditch thru Otsego, he suggested drainingit thru Albertville Industrial Park. Albertville Engineer Thor Meyer had estimated 60 to 80 acres of Albertville land involved in the drainage area. The State of Minnesota has said they would pay for their share of Freeway Land involved in the drainage area. The DNR has no jurisdiction over that area. There is a protected wetland near the Harold Vetsch farm in Otsego. To do elevation studies thru Otsego, Pete Raatikka estimated it woud cost at least $1,000.00. The Otsego Board thought that Frankfort Township and the City of Albertville should pay a share of the cost of this study. Brad Praught said he thought it would be more practical to clean out the ditch thru. Otsego and benefit the whole watershed area. If the ditch were cleaned as far as the Kenneth Davis farm, the ditch on his farm has already been dug out and there is probably sufficient fall from there to the river and would not need cleaning. Brad Praught said he had the equipment necessary to do the elevation shots and it would not be necessary to hire an Engineer to get an estimate of how much digging would be required to clean the ditch. Brad Praught, Fioyd Goenner and Bob Styern agreed to do elevation studies through Otsego from Co. 37 to 83rd Stret by the Randy Pouliot farm. STATE OF MN COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO Joint Meeting of the Town of Frankfort and Town of Otsego. August 29, 1990. Page 2 - Ori motion the meeting adjourned. , Norman F. Freske, Chairman uglas Lindenfelser, Supervisor ,Floyd Roden, Supervisor Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk jeh