09-17-1990 Town Board MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The Town Board of the Town of Otsego COUNTY OF WRIGHT met this 17th day of September 1990 TOWN OF OTSEGO at 8:00 PM. Norman Freske, Chairman Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, James Barthel Treasurer, Elaine Beatty Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson Secretary, Jerome Perrault Clerk and Larry Koshak Engineer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the September 5, 1990 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Jacquie Rognli appeared before the Board concerning a Newsletter she is proposing for the Township. She said that at the present time it takes three (3) different newspapers to cover the Township and she feels that having our own Newsletter would be helpful in getting information out to the residents of Otsego. She is proposing a four page (8-1/8 x 11") Newsletter to be published every two months or else quarterly. She volunteered to do the editing and writing for the Newsletter at a fee of $150.00 per issue, however the first issue she would do at no charge. Distribution costs would be cheaper using ADS as they gave an estimate of $107.04 per issue delivered to 2230 households as compared to a bulk mail cost of $372.41 per issue delivered to the same number of households. The total estimated cost per issue for editing, printing using black ink only, and distribution would be an estimated $544.19. The Board advised Mrs. Rognli they would consider the idea of putting out a Newsletter and tabled a decision on it at this time. John and Gil Darkenwald appeared before the Board regarding approval of the streets in Mississippi Parkwood. Larry Koshak has inspected the streets and recommended they be accepted if the following conditOons are met: 1. If the streets cannot be accepted by October 24, 1990, then the developer shall furnish a revised letter of credit to the Township equal to an amount acceptable by the Board. 2. The plat shall be filed at the Courthouse and six copies be provided to the Township. 3. The lien waivers from contractors, engineers, surveyors and any other services be furnished to the Township. 4. That all fees and services incurred by the Township for review and approval of the plat be paid in full. 5. That if and when the streets are accepted, a letter of credit be furnished to the Township for a period of one year from the date of acceptance. The value of the letter of credit shall be $10,000 as noted in the Arirment. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO TOWN BOARD MEETING OF THE TOWN OF OTSEGO - SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 8PM - PAGE 2 - 6. Verification of approval from other government agencies such as Wright Co, DNR, Corps. of Engrs. etc. 7. That the following minor cleanup and corrections be made: a. Clean culvert at 94TH and Ohland. b. Correct minor washouts in ditches and slopes around 94TH and Ohland. c. Install staked hay bales at the inlet end of each cross street culvert to prevent erosion, three bales per inlet required. d. Repair two flared end sections bent by construction equipment. Motion by Floyd Roden to accept the streets in Mississippi Parkwood on condition the provisions as laid out by Engineer Larry Koshak are complied with. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak discussed the condition of the streets in James Addition. He said there are washouts in the shoulders, culverts need cleaning and shoulders need seeding. According to the Developers Agreement, these conditions are to be taken care of by the Developer and a $10,000.00 Letter of Credit was to have been given to the Township by the developer to cover the cost of these repairs if the developer failed to make them and the Township was required to do so. The Board advised Larry Koshak to contact the Petersons regarding the needed repairs. A Special Law was passed at the 1989 session of the State Legislature that grants the Town of Otsego the same powers as a City in regard to Economic Development. This Special Law requires a Resolution by the Town Board approving it before it becomes law. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Otsego approves Special Law Article 17, Sections 22 and 29, as passed by the 1989 State Legistlature. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. A full transcript of the Special Law is attached to these Minutes. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to donate $1,500.00 to assist in establishing the Otsego Vision Committee, a committee to promote the identity of Otsego Township. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO TOWN BOARD MEETING OF THE TOWN OF OTSEGO - SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 - PAGE 3 - Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Regarding recycling, Elaine Beatty reported that both Frankfort and Monticello Townships hire Wright Recycling. The pickup bins they use cost $5.12 apiece. Larry Koshak presented the Board with Engineer Pete Raatikka's Engineering Study and Evaluation of the solution to the drainage problem that involves the City of Albertville, MINN-DOT, Frankfort Township and Otsego Township. He is proposing three (3) alternative solutions which would be cost shared by the four (4) parties involved. Alternative A would be to reconstruct the 18 inch tile line in Frankfort Township East of Albertville and extend it to connect to the City of Albertville Storm Sewer System. This solutioln would cost an estimated $33,906.00 to $41,000.00 depending on whether 12" or 18" pipe were used. Alternate B would be to pipe the water East along 1-94 at an estimated cost of $62,000.00. This is the most expensive and least desirable option. Alternate C would be to reconstruct the 18" tile line in Frankfort and clean out and maintain the existing ditches in Otsego to just North of 83RD Street at an estimated cost of $25,500.00. This is the least expensive and most desirable option. The Board agreed to listen to discussions of the solution of the drainage problem but made no committment at this time. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to petition the DNR to realign the Wild and Scenic River boundaries in Otsego Township. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Norman Freske to install a gas heating system in the Town Garage using infra -red heaters. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Quotes will be obtained from installers and considered at the October 1, 1990 Town Board Meeting. Motion by Floyd Roden to rescind the motion of September 5, 1990, which indicated that the Township would be conducting a further review of the Preliminary Census Figures and instead accept the Preliminary Census Figures. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 638 to 670 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO TOWN BOARD MEETING OF THE TOWN OF OTSEGO - SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 - PAGE 4 - NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIR DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUP. FLOYD RODEN, SUP. ATTEST:`',JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK eb CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645,021) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of WRIGHT TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the TOWN OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws; 19 .!3:2_, Chapter /5./6 414/ / 7 requiring approval by a 'majority vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit S �'2` before it becomes effective, the TOWN OF OTSEGO (designate governing body) 17tkday of SPptpmhPr, 19 90 , by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 8 9 , Chapter sill, Art 17, S22,29 at a meeting duly held on the (if other than resolution, specify) by a majority vote of all of the members thereof (Ayes 3 ; Noes 0 : Absent or not voting 0 ) and the following additional steps, if any, required by statute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution Is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. SEAL Signed: NOR N F. FRESKE,CHAIRMAN OTSEGO TOWN BOARD "4._ CHAIRMAN (Official designation of officer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.021) 'If extraordinary majority Is required by the special law, Insert fraction or percentage here,