10-01-1990 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MN A Public Hearing was held COUNTY OF WRIGHT on the proposed upgrading TOWN OF OTSEGO and bituminous surfacing of 89th St. and Parell Ave. in Barthel Acres this 1 day of October, 1990, at 7:00 PM. Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk and Larry Koshak, Engineer, were present. The Hearing was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Engineer Larry Koshak then addressed the Hearing and explained the purpose of the Hearing was to present the feasibility study and get comments and opinions of the residents along the streets. The Town Board then makes a decision on whether to proceed with the project. The estimated cost of the total project is $43,810.00 for a 9 Ton design road with a 24' wide bituminous top with a 32' wide subgrade a 6" gravel base, and 3" bituminous top. Present ditches are adequate, a 12 inch culvert under 89th Street would be replaced with a 15 inch culvert. The estimated cost of the project are as follows: Bituminous Surface $17,700. Aggregate base 9,000. Grading 5,000. Drainage (15" culvert) 800. Restoration 1,200. Estimated Construction Cost Engineering & Adminstrative $33,700. $10,110. Total estimated project cost $43,810. There are 11 benefitting lots, which would be assessed on a per lot basis rather then a front footage basis. The fully assessed cost would be $3,982.73 per lot at an annual cost of $620.51 per lot based on 9% interest over a ten year period. The project if approved would be constructed next year. A petition was received from the residents stating they were against doing the project because of too high an assessment. They felt the road funds the Township is to receive after it becomes a City should be used for this project. Larry Koshak explained that this street project would not qualify as a MSA funded street. This current feasibility study is valid for six months. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to table consideration of the 89th St. and Parell Ave. bituminous project at this time. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. STATE OF MN COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWN OF OTSEGO Public Hearing of 89th and Parell Ave. October 1, 1990, 7 PM. - Page 2 - On motion the Hearing was recessed until further notice. 2f, a , Norman Freske, Chairman Floyd Roden, Supervisor ALecDoug Lindenfelser, Supervisor Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JEH