02-20-1991 Workshop Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MN A Workship Meeting by the City COUNTY OF WRIGHT Council of the City of Otsego was CITY OF OTSEGO held this 20th day of February 1991 at 4:00 PM. Norman Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier, and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Dave Licht, Planner, Bill Radzwill, Attorney, and Ing Roskaft, of the Otsego Planning Commission were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman Freske. Planner Dave Licht addressed the meeting and advised the Council that the Su.b Division Ordinance has been prepared and will be presented to the Council at the February 25, 1991, Council Meeting. The Otsego Planning Commission will review the Sub -Division Ordinance at it's meeting tonight. Mr. Licht also suggested that the Council establish a Parks and Recreation Committe, a 5 to 7 member body separate from the Planning Commisiion. They should also consider a $350.00 per lot fee for Parks and a $50.00 trail fee. Another item to consider is requiring Developers to provide Security Deposits as most Communities require Security Deposits in case of default. Bill Radzwill advised the Council against accepting Performance Bonds as a form of Security. Regarding minor Sub -Divisions such as lot splits, Mr. Licht advised the Council that the Zoning Administrator could approve these without Council action if it complies with the Ordinance. He suggested to the Council that they appoint Elaine Beatty as zoning Administrator as she is a full time office person and has had. some experience already in that area. Mr. Licht also said his office has been getting calls from Developers regarding the status of the Comprehensive Plan and the Sub -Division Ordinance. He would rather that these calls go to the City office first. Elaine could report to the Council each month of contacts from potential Developers including PID numbers of potential developement areas. Regarding budgeting, Mr. Licht said the City will need to develop a plan for what its needs are and what your finances will permit each year. You will also need to develop a 5 year Capital Improvement Program for both the Street and Administrative Depts. so that you can budget accordingly. Regarding the Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Licht advised the Council they need to set the direction they want to take. Whatever is put in the Ordinance should be followed as once the rules are established they should be followed. If you grant a variance that does not meet the criteria of the Ordinance, you have not followed the Ordinance which can create problems and also set a precedent for future requests. Regarding the Brisbin matter and similar situations, Otsego is a City in transition with some areas being developed, others will remain Agricultural for years to come STATE OF MN, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, CITY OF OTSEGO WORKSHOP MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 1991, 4:00 PM. - Page Two - accessory buildings on small lots, this can cause a crowded situation when these buildings start expanding. The Council will need to regulate the size of accessory buidings so that they will be compatible to the area for year to come and in no case, should exceed the size of the dwelling on the lot. A Commerical and Industrial Area will need to be designated for businesses to locate as we need the businesses and we do not want to discourage them from locating in Otsego. Many Communities do not allow Home Extended Businesses that have outside employees, only Home Occupation Types of business that are confined to the residence and not in an accesory building. Another possiblity is licensing small Home Extended Businesses on a yearly basis. For those businesses that have grown too much, the Council will need to allow them a reasonable amount of time to relocate in an Industrial or Commerical designated area. Ron Black asked Mr.Licht how soon we could have a discussion of accessory buildings. Mr. Licht replied he was ready and the discussion meeting could be held whenever the Council wished. On motion the meeting adjourned. Norman F. Freske, Mayor 144, rP":" ir Air" imr; „or, 71 A, Douglas Lindenfelser, Council Floyd Roden, Council Larry Fournier, Council , Ron Black, Council Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/jh