02-25-1991 Special Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A discussion on the proposed COUNTY OF WRIGHT Subdivision Ordinance for the CITY OF OTSEGO City of Otsego was held this 25TH day of February, 1991 at 6:30PM. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Douglas Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ronald G. Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Dave Licht, Planner, Bill Radzwill, Attorney and Larry Koshak, Engineer were present. The discussion was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. The purpose of the Subdivision Ordinance is to provide for and guide the orderly development of land, Urban services and facilities in the City of Otsego and encourage well planned Subdivisions. The first item brought up for discussion by Dave Licht was the time of application by the applicant after the City Council has approved a Preliminary Plat. In the Ordinance he proposed giving the applicant one hundred days (100) to submit the Final Plat or else the plat would be voided. Larry Koshak suggested that this might be too short a time and suggested six months (6 Mos.) instead. Dave Licht said the City could go with the longer time if they desired, however there was a provision in the Ordinance for the applicant to apply for an extension if done thirty (30) days before the expiration date. Bill Radzwill suggested having the City file the Plat with the County Recorder instead of the developer, that way you would be sure it was taken care of. The next item discussed was adequate waste disposal systems. In a Subdivision where sewer lines are proposed, if it is deemed that the proposed sewer lines are not adequate to support the Subdivision, it can be considered as grounds not to approve the Subdivision. If that part of Subdivision improvements that are to be provided at public expense and the City does not have the funds to provide for the improvements within the next two years (2), it would be grounds not to grant approval of the Plat. Regarding one -hundred (100) year flood levels, Federal Regulations require these areas to be identified. The section on concrete curbs and gutters design should refer to standard detail plates. In rural street design, Larry Koshak suggested increasing the width from twenty-four feet (24') to thirty- two feet (32'), which would include four foot (4') shoulders. He also suggested increasing the radis of street intersections in residential streets from twenty feet (20') to thirty feet (30'). In the matter of on-site septic systems, they can be permitted on lots of twenty thousand square feet (20,000 sq.ft.) or more. Regarding improvements within a Subdivision, they are to be installed at the sole expense of the Developer. However, in cases where the benefits from the improvements extend STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, CITY OF OTSEGO, DISCUSSION ON SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF FEB. 25, 1991 AT 6:3OPM - PAGE 2 - beyond the limits of the Subdivision, provisions can be made to allocate a share of the cost to others according to City policies. Metes and Bounds should not be considered as an acceptable means of conveyance for lots under ten acres in size or less than three hundred and fifty feet (350') wide at the building setback line. A survey should be required for those lots. For Park Dedication Fees, Dave Licht recommended three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) per lot, and a fifty dollar ($50.00) trail fee in Urban areas, and one-half (1/2) that amount in Rural areas. The City should not allow private construciton of sewer and water lines. Regarding the provision for not allowing a plat to extend beyond political boundaries, Ron Black questioned whether School District boundaries should also be considered. Dave Licht suggested that provision be made that no single lot within a Subdivision be in more than one School District. Dave Licht advised the Council that a Public Hearing is not required to adopt the Subdivision Ordinance, however any changes in the future would require a Public Hearing. Motion by Larry Fournier to adopt the following RESOLUTION: Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego adopts the Subdivision Ordinance as presented and amended. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The Ordinance will be in effect upon publication. On motion the discussion meeting adjourned. • • F. NOR F. FRESKE, MAYOR FLOYD if2 ROD G. BLACK, COUNCIL DEN, COUNCIL ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/eb II • DOUGU'S LINDENFELSER,COUNCIL LARRY 04N R, dr •••• ....•-•••1• • • 0