04-08-1991 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of
COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 8 day of April,
CITY OF OTSEGO 1991, at 7:00 PM. Norman Freske,
Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd
Roden, Larry Fournier, and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome
Perrault, Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty,
Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary,
Dave Licht, Planner, Bill Radzwill, Attorney, and Larry
Koshak, Engineer, were present.
A Special Meeting was held at 7:00 PM prior to the
convening of the Regular Council Meeting at the request of
Planner Dave Licht and Attorney Bill Radzwill to discuss a
Code Enforcement Policy for the City fo Otsego and this
Special Meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman Freske.
Dave Licht opened the discussion by saying the Staff
needs direction from the Council as to how they wish the
Staff to pursue Code Violations. It does not do much good to
have an Ordinance in place if it is not enforced. There is an
illegal billboard along Hwy 101 in which case the owner has
been notified and the bill board is still there. The Council
agreed he sould be sent another notice and MnDot should be
notified as well as this is a State Highway. The Council
agreed the notices should be sent first to Code violators.
If no response is received, a citation should then be issued
by the City Attorney and this followed by Court action as a
last resort. Dave Licht advised the Council that you must
pursue Code violations or else people will tend to ignore the
Motion by Larry Fournier to have the Staff prepare a
Code Violation Policy. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser.
Norman Freske asked to what extent are we going to pursue the
violations? Dave Licht advised that usually 2 notices get a
response, if this fails then the City Attorney would issue a
The regular Council Meeting was then called to order by
Mayor Norman Freske.
Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the
March 25, 1991, Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
As Attorney Bill Radzwill was still present Elaine
Beatty asked the Council if they planned on Bonding for any
road projects this year. The Council advised her that they
planned on Bonding. Bill Radzwill advised the Council that
selling Bonds by negotiation with local Banks has worked well
for us in the past and is less expensive than advertising for
bids. Sale by negotiation is legal up to $500,000.
Regarding the Packard Ave. Construction Project, Larry
Koshak said the contractor would like to start work in May.
No more progress has been made on procuring easements with
the 2 most critical still to be gotten are the Holland and
McShane easements.
Regarding the Waste Treatment Agreement with the City of
Elk River, Larry Koshak said that he has not as yet met with
Pat Klaiers to set up a meeting with the Elk River Council
MEETING OF APRIL 8, 1991. Page 2
and a tour of their Disposal Plant. According to the
information he has received, Larry Koshak said the Elk River
Plant is a very well operated facility. He will try to set
up a Joint Council Meeting for Saturday April 20, at 9:00 AM.
John Anderson was present at the meeting to discuss the
re-alignment of Nashua Ave. as it approaches Co. 39 from the
South as all the property that needs to be acquired for the
re-alignment belongs to him. As this is an MSA street, 80 ft
of right-of-way will be needed as well as an additional 14
ft. of right-of-way all along Nashua Ave. Larry Koshak
presented a chart showing the proposed re-alignment and John
Anderson said he was in agreement with the way it was laid
out. Doug Lindenfelser asked what would be done with the old
approach to Co. 39. Larry Koshak said it would need to be
Cul-De-Sac'd because of the houses along it or else an East-
West segment built accross John Anderson's land to connect to
the new Nashua Ave. John Anderson said he was not in favor
of building that East-West segment. Some of the streets in
the old townsite plat would need to be vacated that are in
the construction area. Larry Koshak advised the Council they
could either acquire the right-of way first and then order
the project or else order the project and proceed.
Motion by Floyd Roden to proceed with the Nashua Ave.
re-construction project contingent upon securing he needed
right-of-way. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members
voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Ron Black to request Hakanson Andrson
Associates Inc. to prepare a feasibility study on the
proposed reconstruction and bituminous surfacing of Nashua
Ave. from Co. 39 to 77th St. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to purchase a Surveyors
Level and Stand from Hakanson Anderson Associates Inc.
Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in
favor of the motion.
Regarding controlling trafffic on 96th St., Larry Koshak
advised the Council that about all that can be done is to put
stop signs at all the intersections and put a speed limit on
Larry Koshak presented copies of the new contract
between his firm Hakanson Anderson Associates Inc., and the
City of Otsego to the Council for their reviewal.
The Albertville City Council has expressed an interest
in meeting with the Otsego City Council to discuss future
developments along 1-94, the 1-94 interchange by Co. 19 and
any other matters of mutual interest to the two Communities.
The Council suggested April 29 at 7:30 PM as the tentative
meeting date.
Complaints of speeding on 80th St between Co. 19 and
Kadler Ave. have been received.
Motion by Floyd Roden to request a speed limit study on
MEETING OF APRIL 8, 1991. Page Three
80th St. between Co. 19 and Kadler Ave. Seconded by Ron
Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Developers will be requested to meet with the City
Council at 6:30 PM on April 22 prior to the regular Council
Meeting to discuss what steps they should take when planning
their Developments in the light of the possibility of future
Water and Sewer in the City of Otsego.
Jalger Ave. was discussed at this time. MnDOT will be
building a new road through their test Facility which would
connect 70th St. to Jalger Ave. When completed this new road
will be turned over to the City of Otsego. This project
would leave a section of Jalger Ave. just South of 85th St as
a gravel road. Douglas Lindenfelser suggested that the
Council should try to tie in the upgrading and bituminous
surfacing of the rest of that portion of Jalger Ave. with the
State project while the Contractor is working on the State
project. Bill Radzwill advised the Council that because the
bids were already let by the State, it was probably too late
to make this a joint project. The project would have to be
handled in the usual way with a feasibility study and let out
on bids. Bob Kozel is one of the Engineers on the State
Project. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to request Engineer
Larry Koshak to meet with Bob Kozel to discuss the State
Project and the Jalger Ave. Project. Seconded by Larry
Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
A letter was received from John Domke, Vice President of
SKB, Inc., indicating that his Company was interested in
locating a demolition waste disposal facility within the
City of Otsego. Bill Radzwill advised the Council that while
your initial reaction might be that you do not want such a
facility, it might be better to consider their proposal than
be forced to accept a hazardous waste site in the future. He
advised the Council to consider meeting with the SKB Co. to
discuss their proposal and also take a tour of their present
facility in Inver Grove Heights. The Company has an
excellent reputation on how they conduct their business.
Dan Greene, of the First National Ins. Agency in Elk
River, appeared before the Council to present his proposal to
provide Insurance coverage for the City of Otsego. He
obtains bids from 3 companies including the League of MN
Cities Insurance Trust. The League is a non-profit
orginaization and has been consistent in their pricing. Mr.
Greene said that he has examined the existing City Insurance
Policies and the Policies under the League of Cities will be
at least as broad a coverage and for less premiums. Using
projected 1991 wage figures, the workmens Comp. Ins. would be
$3,428.00 less per year under the League of Cities Policy
than the current policy. Broadening the coverage to include
Council and Planning Commission Members would result in a
premium $6,949.00 less under the League of Cities than under
the present policy. Comparing the complete insurance package
MEETING, APRIL 8, 1991. Page Four
for Liability & Property Drainage, Buildings and their
contents, City road equipment Errors and Omissions Insurance,
the cost of the League of Cities Policy would be $8,401.00 as
compared to $9,123.00 under the present policies. The
Liability limites are $2,000,000 under the present policy and
$600,000 under the League of Cities but the League Policy has
broader coverage. The League of Cities also has a
refundable dividend policy. The League of Cities also has an
excess Liability Policy available if the City wants it.
Motion by Larry Fournier to table action on the
Insurance Coverage until the next Council Meeting to give the
Council Members more time to study the Proposal. Seconded by
Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Ron Black said that in his opinion the League of Cities
program in reference to Liability Coverage has a broader base
of coverage and he suggested the list of questions formulated
by Mr. Greene be sent to our current Insurance Co. Mutual
Service Insurance, to help determine the extend of their
Liability coverage.
The City of Monticello has expressed an interest in
providing Fire Dept. coverage for the N.W. part of the City
of Otsego. The City Council said they would be willing to
listen to their proposal but for the present will remain
with the City of Albertville FIre Dept. Protection Contract
Judy Hudson reported that Chouinard Office Supplies has
proposed selling the City a new typewriter for $454.00 with
trade-in and the Just Right Co. a new typewriter for $585.00
with trade-in. She said the Just Right typewriter is alittle
larger model but both work very well.
Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to purchase the new
typewriter from Chouinard Office Supplies. Seconded by Floyd
Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Ron Black suggested appointing a Committee to research
the possiblity of hiring a Building Inspector for the City of
Otsego. He volunteered to serve on the Committee and Norman
Freske volunteered to serve with him.
Norman Freske reported that he had received some price
quotes on the striping of City Streets. Painting a center
stripe costs $37.00 per mile and a complete striping job with
center lines, side lines and passing zones cost $406.00
permile. Ron Black suggested that because of current budget
problems, they postpone stripong for the present.
Ron Black suggested that all Council Members be given a
copy of the Notices of Public Hearings on Planning and Zoning
matters prior ot the date of the hearing.
Proceeding as a board of audit the City Council audited
and allowed verified accounts Nos. 267 to 328 inclusive. On
Motion the meeting adjourned.
MEETING OF APRIL 8, 1991. Page Five
Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk