08-15-1991 Special Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A Special City Council Meeting COUNTY OF WRIGHT was held this 15TH day of August, CITY OF OTSEGO 1991 at 1:OOPM to discuss the Wild and Scenic River District in the City of Otsego. Norman F Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Judy Hudson, Secretary, Bill Radzwill, Attorney, and Dave Licht, Planner were present representing the City of Otsego. Sandy Fecht and Pete Otterson were present representing the D.N.R. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F Freske. Sandy Fecht addressed the meeting and said the D.N.R. is committed to amending the rules which govern the Mississippi River Wild and Scenic River District within the City of Otsego. Each river in the State has a different set of management rules. The Mississippi Wild and Scenic River District in this area was established in 1976 and the D.N.R. is now in the process of amending the Mississippi River rules. Ms. Fecht said that Elaine has indicated to her that Otsego intends to require 2-1/2 acre lots in the undeveloped areas of the Western part of the Wild and Scenic River District in the City of Otsego which would be more restrictive than the current D.N.R. regulations. She said the current D.N.R. plans are to amend the rules without a Public Hearing. A statement of Needs and Reasonableness has to be drafted and the rule amendment drafted. After the rules are approved it has to be published. After publication, a thirty day (30) comment period is open for any one who wishes to do so and if they receive twenty-five (25) or more requests to have a Public Hearing they must do so. A published notice of the Public Hearing must be given and the Hearing is then held before a Law Judge. After the Public Hearing, the D.N.R. Commissioner makes a decision on the Rules amendment. Ms Fecht said that you can expect at least a two month (2) time period to accomplish all this. The Attorney General rules on the D.N.R. Commissioner's decision within fourteen (14) days and the Secretary of State then publishes the Rules Amendment which goes into effect five (5) days after publication. Bill Radzwill commented that it is obvious that we are cramped for space and need a new City Hall. Sandy Fecht said there are no variances which would allow the city hall to be built in the Wild and Scenic River District now. The rules would have to be amended first, then the Comprehensive Plan would have to indicate a new city hall on this site. The only other route would be to apply for an expansion of a non- conforming use.- She said the D.N.R. has turned down the City's request to remove the site from the Wild and Scenic River District, that the D.N.R. is more interested in increasing the size of the District, than decreasing it. Dave Licht asked if the Council could pProve Commercii rr •- - STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, CITY OF OTSEGO - Special City Council Meeting with the D.N.R. on August 15, 1991 at 1:0OPM - Page 2 - could if it is in the Comprehensive Plan and Shoreland Ordinance. Dave Licht also questioned the area West of Highway 101 being in the Wild and Scenic District, that it is not in sight of the river and this area needs to be considered when developing new rules. Ms Fecht said it is unlikely the D.N.R. would remove the area from the Wild and Scenic District, that sight is only one criteria, that the D.N.R. now considers the whole watershed and drainage area. Current regulations allow 30% of the lot to be impervious surface. Ms Fecht said that she will need to know the City's planned lot sizes for Commercial, Industrial and Residential in the Wild and Scenic River District. Rules amendments are the D.N.R.'s problem, that the amendments are the D.N.R.'s problem, that the City should complete it's Comprehensive Plan and Shoreland Ordinance and establish it's Zoning Districts. Bill Radzwill commented that the City would like to get started on building a new City Hall and a majority of the residents want it built right here. Sandy Fecht said that it might confuse the issue by requesting a non -conforming use variance now instead of waiting for the Rules Amendments which should be done by the end of the year. Dave Licht commented that the whole Highway 101 corridor needs to be reviewed. Ron Black advised Ms Fecht that the City Council is getting mixed signals from her as to what the D.N.R. will allow and won't allow in the Wild and Scenic District along Highway 101. Ms Fecht said that she will need to know what Commercial and Industrial lot sizes the City is planning along Highway 101 as well as Residential lots and would need a copy of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Shoreland Ordinance. Dave Licht said this would all be provided to her, and that he has prepared many Comprehensive Plans and Shoreland Ordinances in the past. On motion the meeting adjourned. N. n F Freske Mayor Ron `ld GBlack, Council Aj a fb . — ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk