08-26-1991 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 26TH day of August CITY OF OTSEGO 1991 at 7:3OPM. Norman F Freske, Mayor, Douglas Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James N Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak Engineer, Dave Licht, Planner, and Bill Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F Freske. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the minutes of the August 12, 1991, City Council Meeting. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the minutes of the August 15, 1991, Special Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Don Meinhardt, Architect, was present and presented the Council with construction plans for the new City Hall. Some of the features of the plan are sound proofed walls in the offices and rest rooms, a steel pent house on the roof for utilities with an interior stairway to the penthouse, collapsible voting booths in the large meeting room, and an 8 inch slope on the roof. Norman Freske explained to the residents in attendance that preparation of the plans had been authorized by the Town Board over a year ago but that the site of the new City Hall is still on hold. Motion by Floyd Roden to make a payment of $12,000.00 to Meinhardt and Associates for City Hall plan preparation. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to re -activate the Building Committee to review the plans. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Arlyn Bajari appeared before the Council in regard to the restoration work on his excavation site. The excavation was done by Park Construction to get gravel for the MN/DOT test facility and needs to be restored. He said he would like clean fill in the hole and Park Construction is reluctant to do this. Larry Koshak advised him that one of the conditions of the extension of the Mining Permit was that Park Construction come in with a new restoration plan as more material was excavated than originally planned and the hole is much larger, Mr Bajari asked if a permit could be obtained to fill the hole with demolition material. Bill Radzwill advised him that a PCA permit would be needed and also it would be in violation of the new City Solid Waste Ordinance. Larry Koshak advised him it was Park Construction's responsibility for site restoration. Mr Bajari said he was concerned that Park Construction will pull out without completing the restoration as they will be done by mid-October with their contract work on the MN/DOT Test CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/26/91 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - Facility. Larry Koshak said that we need to get a Restoration Plan from Park Construction. Motion by Floyd Roden to request Larry Koshak to meet with Park Construction and request a site restoration plan from them. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Keith Franklin, of the Franklin Outdoor Advertising Co, presented the Council with a new blue and white "Otsego City Hall" sign to be placed above the entrance door. He said that he wished to donate the sign to the City. The Council thanked him for the donation. Mrs LaVerne Constant presented the Council with a petition containing 19 signatures of residents of Nashua Avenue 85TH Street and 83RD Street stated they were opposed to the Nashua Avenue - 85TH ST and 83RD ST stated they were opposed to the Nashua Avenue - 85TH ST project, that they did not feel this major road construction was worthy of their needs. Those signing the petition were as follows: M. MC GILLIVRAY WENDY BYERS RUSS MC GILLIVRAY KEVIN BYERS M C LU CONIC LAVERNE CONSTANT RAY CARRON JEANETTE CARRON CATHERINE COOK KEVIN COOK JOHN JAKUBIEC CONSTANCE JAKUBIC Mrs LuConic asked if all City streets are going to be built to 9 ton standards. The Council said, yes, lower standards will not hold up. She also asked if John Anderson was going to be assessed for one unit or two as he would have land on both sides of Nashua Avenue. Larry Koshak advised her that Mr Anderson would be assessed for one unit as his land on the West side is low and unbuildable. Mrs LuConic said she was also concerned about the impact the road will have on wetlands. Mr Koshak explained to her that the DNR has to okay anything we do in wetland areas. She also asked what would happen to the part of the road vacated and Mr Koshak advised her it would revert back to the adjacent property owner. Norman Freske advised the residents that most of them signing the petition were the same ones who signed a petition in 1989 requesting the road be bituminous surfaced. The residents replied that their request at that time was for a less expensive road. The Council explained that their assessment would be the same ($2,500.00) whether Nashua Avenue was built to MSA standards or lower standards. Jim Gerads asked what was going to be done on 85TH ST as he lives on 85TH ST near O'Dean Ave. He was told that just f ha I,i s1 7c:)0 trat-?t noyt i'n Nachiis A n nils t,cii 1rJ 1- MIKE RODEN CAROL RODEN FLOYD GOENNER JOHN RAHKOLA JULIE ANN RAHKOLA BETH RAMSEY KEITH RAMSEY CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/26/91 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - constructed at this time and not in his area. Floyd Goenner asked how long he could defer the assessment on his farm land under the Green Acres Program? He was advised that it could be deferred as long as it remained farm land. Tom Constant asked when the rest of 85TH ST would be re- built. Larry Koshak said not at this time, however 85TH ST is in the MSA Street Plan all the way from Nashua Avenue to Co 42 and will be an MSA project in the future. Kim Peterson said she had heard of possible industrial sites in the area and asked how they would be assessed. Dave Licht advised her that three potential industrial sites have been considered and this was not one of them. Floyd Goenner asked why the cul-de-sac residents were not being assessed as they also use Nashua Avenue and because of this he thought they should be assessed as well. Mr Koshak said the present plans are not to bituminous surface the cul-de-sac. Gene Goenner asked why the cul--de-sac was not included as part of the MSA project. Larry Koshak replied that it was not part of the MSA Street Plan submitted to MN/DOT, however we could include it in the project and submit it to MN/DOT for their approval or rejection. Norman F Freske asked when the City would receive the MSA funds for the project, Larry Koshak explained that it would be necessary to have the construction contract for the project awarded and signed before the City would receive up to 95% of the funds and he hoped to have this accomplished by this December. Motion make by Ron Black to adopt the following RESOLUTION Be it resolved, that the City Council of the City of Otsego hereby requests Hakanson Anderson and Associates to prepare plans and specifications for the re --construction and bituminous surfacing to MSA standards of Nashua Avenue from Co 39 to 83RD Street and 85TH ST from Nashua Avenue East 750 ft, including the Cul--de-sac, and to delete the storm sewer along 85TH ST from the project at this time. The motion was seconded by Doug Lindenfelser. Ron Black, Floyd Roden, Doug Lindenfelser, and Norman F Freske voted in favor of the motion, Larry Fournier voted no, the motion carried. Edward Bach, an Attorney representing the Darkenwalds, addressed the Council concerning the area at the intersection of Co 42 and Hwy 101. He requested the Council to consider the area at the intersection of Co 42 and Hwy 101. He requested the Council to consider possible future MN/DOT plans to restrict the intersection at Co 42 and Highway 101 and to make MN/DOT awar that- thAv cmc-ncnd 1-n .ani.. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/26/91 AT 7:3OPM — PAGE 4 — restrictions of the intersection. MR Bach said he was also concerned about how the area was being addressed in the Comprehensive Plan as the secondary and not the primary commercial area. He said this intersection already has sewer available. Dave Licht replied that he could appreciate the Darkenkwald"s concern about the intersection, being the principal property owners, and while MN/DOT has no definite plans to upgrade Hwy 101 to a freeway status and restrict the intersection that does not mean it is not in their future long range plans, as they have indicated and in the Comprehensive Plan it is best to plan for these possibilities and while development will occur at the Co 42 and Hwy 101 intersection, that is not to say that it will be the main development area. Bill Radzwill commented that the City wants to promote business at all the intersections, and that the City is not trying to favor one property owner over another. Norman F Freske said that if we did indicate the Co 42 Hwy 101 intersection as the primary commercial area, the Darkenwald"s should be made aware in writing of the possibility of intersection being closed off. Gil Darkenwald said it did not seem logical that the City should give up an intersection because it is too close to the Co 37 Hwy 101 intersection when other areas have main intersecitons just as close. Ron Black commented that the City Council would be remise if we did not pursue keeping Co 42 Hwy 101 a main intersection and that we should remove any speculation about it closing from the comprehensive plan. Doug Lindenfelser said'that if we go ahead and remove it from Comprehensive Plan and there 20 years from now the intersection is closed, we would look like fools. Larry Fournier commented that he had been working on the comprehensive Plan from the very beginning and has no problem with the Co 42 Hwy 101 intersection as being the No 2 priority intersection, however he believes there should be a reference in the Comprehensive Plan of the possibility of it closing. He added that keeping the intersection open would be a positive thing for the Community. Motion by Ron Black to delete any reference to the closing of the Co 42 - Hwy 101 intersection in the Comprehensive Plan and to stress that all Hwy 101 intersections are vital to the City of Otsego. Motion seconded by Floyd Roden. Doug Lindenfelser said that he would like to get a commitment from MN/DOT as to what their future plans are for that intersection. Dave Licht said that MN/DOT would never make a definite commitment that far in advance. I arry Fe ttrni Qr F 1 a 7 nr r,ai-i-v what. c7,1-1,a��- CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/26/91 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 5 - the Hwy 101 meetings. Elaine replied that it was basically the same thing that Dave Licht had said, that Hwy 101 could be upgraded to a freeway status in the future and there could be a grade change at the Co 42 - Hwy 101 intersection. Larry Fournier said there seems to be factual evidence of the possibility of this intersection closing and it should be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. Ron Black voted in favor of the motion, Floyd Roden abstained; Larry Fournier, Norman F Freske and Doug Lindenfelser voted no. The motion did not pass. Norman F Freske and Doug Lindenfesier said they both voted no because they wanted more time to study the matter. Motion made by Floyd Roden to consider the Comprehensive Plan Options along Hwy 101 at the second Council Meeting in September.. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Discussion of the Comprehensive Plan continued at this time. Dave Licht said he is recommending a Planned Unit Development Zoning for Riverwood Conference Center so as to have better control over it. The Council asked if we would be opening ourselves to permitting others to do the same thing? Dave Licht replied "no", that Riverwood was in existence prior to the Comprehensive Plan. Kathy Lewis said there was no reference to a third industrial site in the Comprehensive Plan and does the Council want a third industrial site identified at this time? The Council replied, no that could be addressed later. Dave Licht said that Floyd Roden had raised a question concerning the moratorium on accessory buildings in R-1 Residential areas and could this be changed to a one year moratorium on accessory buildings in the Urban Service Area, with the exception of farm buildings? Dave Licht said this could be done. Motion by Ron Black to adopt the Ordinance recommended by Dave Licht for a one year extension of the moratorium on accessory buildings in the Urban Service Area with the exception of farm buildings. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to extend the Ordinance establishing a moratorium on Home Extended Businesses for six months beyond September 11, 1991. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to extend the Ordinance establishing a moratorium on outdoor advertising signs for six months beyond September 11, 1991. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Elaine Beatty asked for comments on adding a "Letter to the Editor" section to the Newsletter. The consensus of the ('tail1nl"'i l LIAR Y1nt At 'hhav i .1, 1i1,- ,,-,,,;,-,... ;4- .-.--. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/26/91 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 6 - at the beginning of next year. Bill Radzwill advised that preparation work for the Packard Avenue Bonding is about completed. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the following Resolution: RESOLUTION Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego hereby awards the sale of General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $200,000 to the Bank of Elk River at an interest rate of 6.25% per annum for a period of ten years. Motion was seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak advised the Council that the contractor has found some poor soils conditions in one area of Packard Ave that will have to be excavated. He expected it to be not more than 1500 cu yds and cost not more than $5,000.00. He would need a change -order to authorize the excavation. This additional expense could increase the total project cost to over $200,000.00. Motion by Floyd Roden to increase the Bond Issue to $210,000.00 contingent upon approval of Attorney Bill Radzwill and the Bank of Elk River. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve a change order authorizing the removal of additional material on the Packard Ave Project not to exceed 1500 cu yds @$3.42 cu yds. $5,230.00. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak said that he has met with the administrators of Buffalo and Monticello to discuss the cost sharing policies of the Wright Co Hwy Dept. One of their concerns is the policy of the Wright Co Hwy Dept to request the Cities to cost share projects that they receive State funding for. They will be meeting again on the subject. Larry Koshak also advised the Council that he had attended the pre -construction meeting for the second phase of the MN/DOT Test Facility. He advised them that the City of Otsego did not approve using the City graveled road to haul in material and equipment to the site. Doug Lindenfelser asked if Jalger Ave was discussed at the meeting and Larry said no. Motion by Floyd Roden to purchase an Optic IIIP Voting Machine for $4,900.00 with a backup for $350.00 and all the necessary accessories from Business Records Corp. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to approve Wright --Hennepin Co-op Elec Assn placing an underground cable under Needham Avenue to replace the overhead wires when providing service to the Rodney Zernechel residence. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all r flIlYlf`7 7 HlamhA.arr tIn1'.ord in cnt,,,r .yi^ Fi^tc, CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 26, 1991 AT 7:3OPM — PAGE 7 — Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to approve Bridegwater Telephone Company placing buried cable from Julger Ave to 70TH ST to provide telephone service to the MN/DOT Test Facility. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to have a Special Budget Meeting at the Law Office of Ron Black on September 5, 1991 at 7:30PM, Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Pam Novotony did not appear as scheduled before the City Council to discuss the Dog Warden position. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser not to provide Dog Warden Service in the City of Otsego. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to discontinue the agreement with Riverview Kennels to provide kennel Service to the City of Otsego. Seconded by Larry Fournier, All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Fournier said he thought the Council should consider establishing an Economic Development Commission to promote commercial and industrial development in the City of Otsego. The other Council Members agreed with Larry that it was a good idea and .-.hat they should pursue it after the Comprehensive Plan is in place. Motion by Larry Fournier to hire an appraiser to evaluate the Vigeant property just East of the City Hall. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the City Council audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 700 to 723 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. DEN, COUNCIL ATTEST RO QLD G BLACK, COUNCIL JEROME PERRAULT,CLERK JP/eb