09-30-1991 Special Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A Special meeting of the City COUNTY OF WRIGHT Council of the City of Otsego CITY OF OTSEGO was held this 30TH day of Sept, 1991 at 7:30PM. Norman F Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Judy Hudson, Secretary were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F Freske. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a second interview with candidates for the Building Inspector position. Loren Kohnen was the first candidate on the agenda to be interviewed. Mr Kohnen said his fee would be 50% of permit fees across the board, assuming the Council would be using the 1988 fee schedule. He said he would not do a plan review for residences unless the Council requested it, but would do a Plan Review for all commercial buildings. Larry Fournier said he was concerned about changing inspectors. Mr Kohnen said each of his inspectors is assigned a certain area and this would not happen except in the case of illness or a vacation day. Norman F Freske asked him if there would be any charge for attending Planning Commission meetings and Mr Kohnen replied that there would be no charge for that. Norman F Freske also asked what he would charge for inspecting mobile homes? Mr Kohnen said normally about $40.00 unless they are on a foundation, then the charge would be the same as for a house. Mr Freske asked if he would consider working for a flat fee instead of a percentage? Mr Kohnen said he much prefers the percentage method as usually the more expensive the home, the more inspections it requires. Larry Fournier asked what his charge would be for Plan Review if the Council were to request it? Mr Kohnen said probably 50% of the plan review fee, however this was negotiable. Elaine Beatty asked him if he did a site review before the permit is issued such as drainage and Mr Kohnen said he always does that. Larry Fournier asked him if he required his inspectors to take classes to keep up with changes? Mr Kohnen said every year, including himself, and that sewer inspectors have to take courses on a regular basis to keep up their certification. Jerry Olson was the next candidate to be interviewed. The Council asked what his fee would be. Mr Olson said 50% of the building permit fee and $50.00 for a plan review on residences, more on commercial buildings, depending on their size. On mobile homes at least $100.00 to check the septic systems, anchoring etc. Mr Olson said he has construction information material that he hands out especially to do it yourself people. He has an agreement with the Monticello inspector to take his place if necessary. He also said he will be taking a sewer inspection test on October 10, 1991 and if he passes, would be a certified sewer inspector. If hired, he anticipates he would be spending two mornings per week in Otsego and available on call if needed. Norman F CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF 9/30/91 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - Freske said he would like to eliminate the $150.00 per month guaranteed fee that he currently receives from Big Lake and Mr Olson said that could be done. Ron Black asked him how he keeps track if construction is going as planned and Mr Olson said he always carries a set of plans with him. Larry Fournier asked how long he had been a building inspector? Mr Olson replied that he has been an inspector for 7 years, but has done carpenter work for many years and still is, now doing mostly finish work. Norman F Freske asked him how he handles irate builders? Mr Olson said he can usually reason with them, but if he has to, he will red tag the project and make them stop construction. Ron Black asked him how much commercial inspecting he had done? Mr Olson said he did the inspection work on the new feed mill recently built in Big Lake, the shopping center and several apartment buildings. Kevin Mealhouse was the next candidate to be interviewed. He said his fee would be 50% across the board, mobile home inspection fee would be according to valuation. He also said that mobile homes in Darkenwald's Riverbend Mobile Home Park should also be inspected, which the County has not done in the past. Larry Fournier asked him if he had construction information available for people who requested it. Mr Mealhouse said he had handouts that covered almost any kind of construction. The Council asked him if he would be available at any time. He said he would be available 10 hours a day and has a cellular phone so he can be reached at any time. He said he has been doing inspection work for 5 years and did carpenter work before that. When he worked for the City of Plymouth, he did mostly inspection of commercial buildings. He said he had an agreement with Wright Co Inspector Craig Schultz to take his place if needed. He is a certified sewer inspector and takes courses regularly to keep up to date. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to hire Jerry Olson as Building Inspector effective October 15, 1991 and until December 31, 1992. Contingent upon him passing the sewer inspection test. Seconded by Ron Black. Norman F Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Larry Fournier and Ron Black voted in favor of the motion, Floyd Roden voted no, the motion carried. Motion by Ron Black to adopt the 1988 UBC Fee Schedule. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On motion, the meeting adjourn;d ..... NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG L` NDENFELSER, COUNCIL CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF 9-30-91 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - FLOYD 440DEN, COUNCIL RONALD G BLACK, COUNCIL ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/eb 4 iC:4444' LRRY A ,„ URNIER, COUNCIL (0/