12-09-1991 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 9 day of Dec., CITY OF OTSEGO 1991, at 7:30 PM. Doug Lindenfelser Acting Mayor, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Bill Radzwill, Attorney, Larry Koshak, Engineer, and Planners Dave Licht and Bob Kirmis, were present. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Doug Lindenfelser as Mayor Norman Freske was absent because of illness. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Minutes of the Truth in Taxation Hearing held Nov. 21, 1991. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the Rural and Urban Taxing Districts Hearing held Nov. 25, 1991, at 7.00 PM. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the November 25, 1991, Council Meeting. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. David Licht addressed the meeting and advised the Council that he had expected to have the PUD Contract with Riverwood Conference Center ready to be signed tonight but there were still some unresolved items. The use of the access road to the former residential 11 acre parcel needs to be decided, whether it is to be for everyday use or only emergency use. The recent Fire Marshall's report indicted that Riverwood needs to improve its accesses to its buildings. Another option to using the access road (Option B) would be to improve the road thru the complex to make the 11 acre parcel accessible by fire fighting apparatus. Another option (Option C) would be to build a road around the East side of the restaurant and across the Northwest corner of the Johnson-Dewey property to access the former 11 acre parcel. Joyce Dewey was present and said they were willing to sell enough land to Riverwood to put in the Option C access road. Arlene DeCandia, owner of Riverwood, said that she just recently became aware of the offer of Johnson-Dewey to sell her land for a road, however if she needs the land for a road this does not put her in a very good bargaining position to purchase the land for the road. She said the access road to the former 11 acre parcel has always been a part of Riverwood„ Stewart Turnquist disagreed with her and said the access road was not part of Riverwood and instead an access to the residence on the former 11 acre parcel. Larry Koshak said Option B thru the complex would require a lot of changes. Floyd Roden advised Ms. DeCandia that the Council derided 6 months ago that the access road was not to be used THE CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1991. PAGE TWO by Riverwood and they have not changed their minds. The issue of the use of the road keeps coming up and it is time to drop it and proceed„ Mr. Roden further advised her that it is her responsibility to find suitable accesses to her property without using the access road to the former 11 acre parcel. Larry Koshak reported to the Council that he had done a preliminary study of the septic systems at Riverwood. There are 3 systems in use. System NO. 4 is a new system which serves the restaurant. System No. 3 serves the Bluffhouse in the Eastern part of the complex and is designed as a seepage pit and not a drainfield. This system is under designed and does not have sufficient capacity. System No. 2 serves the rest of the complex and is also under designed and needs upgrading. System No. 1 that formerly served the restaurant has been abandoned. Arlene DeCandia asked Mr. Koshak what his concerns were about No. 4. Mr. Koshak said that because it serves the restaurant, fats can clog the drainfield. He recommended a system to cool down the waste water and reduce the clogging problem. Mr. Koshak said another concern he had was the limited space in he Riverwood complex to locate additional soil absorption systems without acquiring more land. Ms. DeCandia requested Mr. Koshak to do a more complete study of the septic systems and advise her of the changes needed. Motion by Larry Fournier to postpone action on the PUD Contract with Riverwood until more information is obtained on the septic systems. Floyd Roden said we should have more information by the next meeting. Ron Black commented that he did not think we needed to delay signing the contract that this was an engineering matter. The motion was seconded by Doug Lindenfelser. Ron Black said he wants to see a certain date for signing the contract and we should ratify it now. Larry Fournier and Doug Lindenfelser voted in favor of the motion, Ron Black and Floyd Roden voted no, the motion did not pass. David Licht said there would be no policy changes in the contract. Motion by Ron Black to ratify the PUD Contract with Riverwood Conference Center and authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the Contact as soon as the final draft is prepared. Larry Fournier said he would like to see the final draft before it is signed. Ron Black said the questions raised are engineering items and not part of the basic agreement, that the onL THE CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1991. PAGE THREE reason to come back to the Council is for policy changes. Ron Black, Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden voted in favor of the motion, Larry Fournier voted no. The motion passed. Mark Woolston appeared before the Council regarding his proposed Antelope Park Development, a 60 acre tract on the North side of CO. 39. Planner Bob Kirmis said the preliminary plat has been submitted. He recommended the following conditions be met: -Driveways on Ohland Ave. will be required to have a turn around instead of backing directly onto to Ohland Ave. for safety reasons. -Ohland Ave. will have an 80 ft. right-of-way as it will be an MSA designated street. -96th Street should have a fluid curve as it turns South to merge with Ohland Ave. -There should be 300 ft between intersections. Street naming has been a problem because the plat does not follow the grid too well. A suggested solution is naming some of the streets as lanes. Lot 1, Block 1 has to be a 2 acre lot as it falls Wild & Scenic River area. Larry Koshak commented that ponding areas need to be established and an ultimate drainage plan to established for the plat. He also recommended considering placing covenants on the lots so that in the event water and sewer were to come in the future, they must hook up. The triangular shaped Moore property just west of the plat had requested a cul-de-sac but have withdrawn their request. The 20 ft. wide trial route to the County Park has been moved to the Fast edge of the plat. The Otsego Planning Commission has approved the preliminary plat subject to the conditions as outlined by Bob Kirmis. Doug Lindenfelser asked if sidewalks will be placed along 96th St. and Ohland Ave. Larry Koshak said not at this time, not until they are improved as an MSA project. Larry also brought up the subject of street lights in the plat. According to the City Ordinance installation of the street lights is the responsibility of the developer, the electric cost and the upkeep the responsibility of the City. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the preliminary plat for Antelope Park contingent upon meeting the condition as outlined by Bob Kirmis. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Agent Dan Green appeared before the Council regarding the insured valuations of the City buildings. At this time the garage is insured for $72,000, the City Hall for $40,000 and the former Peavey house for $35000. ,000. If the building burns the insurance company pays the face value of the in the CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1991. PAGE FOUR policy. Where the City could get hurt is in partial loss cases, when the building is not insured for at least 90% of it's replacement cost, the insurance company will only pay part of a partial loss. He recommended insuring the garage for $111,000, the City Hall for $85,000, and the former Peavey house for $76,000.00 Doug Lindenfelser asked Mr. Greene how he arrived at the replacement costs. Mr. Greene replied by using the square footage and the type of construction. Floyd Roden suggested getting valuation figures from Assessor Pete Merges and then insuring the buildings for 90 to 100% of that figure. Mr. Greene said the valuation figures could be re -adjusted later if you decide to make a change. Motion by Ron Black to insure the garage for $111,000, the City Hall for $85,000 and the former Peavey House for $35,000.00. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Dave Licht brought up application procedures for building permits and developments. He has prepared a form which consists of a check list (Yes or No) as to whether the applicant has complied with the City Ordinance requirements. Using the checklist is a timesaver when processing the applications. Dave Licht also had prepared a list of professional people and firms who have done good work in the past. Bill Radzwill commented that he did not think the City should put itself in the position of endorsing, any one although there are some firms he would not want to see working in the City. The Council agreed the checklist was a good idea. They also agreed to keep a list of professional people and forms on file who have done good work in the past and would give the names to people if requested to do so but would not put themselves in the position of recommending any one. Larry Koshak reported to the Council that he had submitted the request to MnDOT for 25% of 1992 MSA funds be allocated for maintenance. Regarding the Bajari pit he has talked to both MnDOT and Greg Buelke about this problem. Mr. Buelke has told him that Park Construction will complete restoration of the pit by June 1992, and will pay the City .05 per cu. yd for excess excavation from the it when the volume figures are available. Mr. Buelke also said that Mr. Bajari has been compensated to date according to the agreement he had with Park Construction, Mr, Koshak also recommended that the City bill Park Construction for winter maintenance on 70th Street. A representative of Randys of Delano, MN, a recycling firm, was present at the meeting. He said his firm has a 30 truck operation, however, it is operating at close to capacity already. He also said there are a lot of questions CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1991. PAGE FIVE as to what recyclers will be required to pick up in the future. He did indicate that Randys might be interested in sumbitting a bid to do Otsego's recycling pickups if they can work it into their schedule. Motion by Ron Black to hold the recycling bids open until Dec. 23, 1991. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Elaine Beatty informed the Council that she had prepared a letter to MnDOT indicating that Otsego strongly supports the reconstruction of Hwy 101 to a four lane highway. Regarding the Otsego Newsletter, Ron Black, said he feels $200.00 plus photo expenses per issue is adequate. Jacquie Rognli is asking $325.00 per issue for her work in editing and preparation. Larry Fournier said he thought she was doing a good job and felt that the job Mrs. Rognli was doing was worth $325.00 per issue. According to the information packet that Mrs. Rognli prepared, she indicated that she thought she should be paid at least $313.91 per issue. Motion by Larry Fournier to pay Jacquie Rognli $313.91 per issue with a formal signed contract for 1 year. The motion did not receive a second. Larry Fournier withdrew the motion. It costs almost $300.00 per issue to have the Newsletter printed by ECM Publishers in addition to what is paid Mrs. Rognli. Motion by Ron Black to continue with the current $200.00 per issue plus photo expenses as compensation to Mrs. Rognli until after the 1st of January and review it again at that time. Seconded by Floyd Roden. Ron Black, Floyd Roden and Doug Lindenfelser voted in favor of the motion. Larry Fournier abstained. The motion passed. Motion by Ron Black to approve amending Section 21-8--1 of the Sub --Division Ordinance relating to the placing of monuments by Registered Engineers. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Elaine Beatty reported that she attended a meeting at the Wright County Courthouse on the enhanced 911 System for Wright County. She said the City will be required to furnish the widest range of house numbers possible on all the streets in Otsego. Ron Black said he was concerned about material being presented to the Council just before the Council Meeting as this does not give Council time to study the material and be prepared to act on it. CONTINUED IN NEW FILE 120991 CONTINUED FROM FILE 11591 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1991. PAGE SIX Motion by Ron Black to adopt the following Resolution. Be it resolved that all material to be considered by the Council shall be submitted to the City Hall Office by the Thursday afternoon preceding the Monday night Council Meeting. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a board of audit, the City Council audited and allowed verfied accounts Nos. 1006 to 1055 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. , NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR _.;..DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL LOYD RODEN, COUNCIL , LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/jeh