12-12-1991 Joint Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of Otsego and COUNTY OF WRIGHT Albertville held a joint meeting CITY OF OTSEGO this 12 day of December, 1991, at 7:30 PM at the Albertville City Hall. Mayor Norman Freske, Council Members Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Clerk Jerome Perrault, and Deputy Clerk Elaine Beatty were present from Otsego. Mayor Jim Walsh Council Members Duane Berning and Mike Potter, Clerk Linda Houghton, and Attorney Mike Couri were present from Albertville. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jim Walsh. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Fire Dept. Protection Contract between the City of Otsego and the City of Albertville whereby the Albertville Fire Dept. provides protection to part of the City of Otsego. Jim Walsh explained that they took a hard look at what it is actually costing them to run the Fire Dept., something they haven't done in the past. That is why the 1991 budget shows a total of $32,589 and the 1992 budget a total of $92,415. The 1992 budget also allows for some funds to be set aside for future capital needs, $25,000 for a new Fire Hall and $25,000 for a new Fire Truck and other equipment. Jim Walsh also explained that the fire dept. members are also required to take many hours of medical training as well. Attorney Mike Couri used tax capacity rates to figure the cost sharing for operating the Fire Dept. Otsego's share for 1992 will be $27,588.37 using this system. This figure will require a per unit assessment of $60.50 for Otsego residents in the Albertville Fire Dept. protection area as compared to $37.00 per unit for Otsego residents in the Elk River Fire Dept. protection area. The $27,588.37 represents a sizeable increase over the 1988 figure $9,797.16, 1989 of $9,913.39, 1990 of $13,590.00 and 1991 of $22,000.00 Floyd Roden asked Mr. Walsh what their building plans were. Mr. Walsh replied that their present building is too small for their future needs and while they do not have a definite time frame for when they will build a new fire hall, they want to start setting funds aside for that purpose. Doug Lindenfelser asked for an explanation of some of the budget items wherein the 1991 budget there are zeros and in the 1992 budget figures ranging from $1,000.00 to $3,200.00. Mike Potter explained that in 1991 budget capital expenses for equipment was lumped together in one figure of $9,000.00 whereas in the 1992 budget the equipment items were broken down such as $1,000.00 for hose, $2,500.00 for turn out gear and $1,000.00 for tools. The total for the items is about the same in both budgets. Ron Black said that by reading thru the budget figures he has no idea of what was actually spent in 1991 and whether the 1992 budget figures are realistic. Norman Freske commented that we all agree the Albertville Fire Dept. is doing an excellent job but he questioned why Otsego should he paying for capital CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WITH ALBERTVILE DECEMBER 12, 1991. PAGE TWO improvement when we are just buying service. Floyd Roden also questioned why Otsego should be contributing toward setting funds aside for Albertville's future needs when Otsego might need it's own Fire Dept. in the future. Ron Black said that we have to justify a 352% increase to our Otsego taxpayers, that he can justify the operating expense but not the capital improvements. Mike Couri commented that if the two Cities can not reach an agreement this year, they will be faced with the same problem again next year. Larry Fournier asked Mr. Walsh what items in the budget are negiotable. Mr. Walsh replied he would have to discuss that with the Council and the Fire Dept. before answering that question. On motion the meeting adjourned. , NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR -"DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL , FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL , LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/jeh