12-30-1991 Special Workshop MinutesSTATE OF MN A Special Workshop Meeting of the COUNTY OF WRIGHT City Council of the City of Otsego CITY OF OTSEGO was held this 30 day of December, 1991, at 7:30 PM. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson, Secretary, David Licht, Planner, and Bill Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. Planner David Licht then addressed the meeting concerning the impact Wild and Scenic River regulations are going to have on the area West of Hwy 101, the area designated for potential Commercial and Industrial development in the City of Otsego. Sandy Focht will have her report on the Wild & Scenic River regulations completed in early 1992 and has already indicated that the regulations will restrict Commercial development along the West side of Hwy 101. Mr. Licht said he had contacted the Communities of Andover, Coon Rapids, Elk River, Haven Township, Lynden Township, Ramsey and St. Cloud, and all have indicated that they have had problems or disagreements with the DNR concerning Wild & Scenic River regulations and are interested in pursuing some changes. He suggested contacting these Communities and have them summarize their problems and the changes they would like to see made. Following receipt of the reports from the Communities, Mr. Licht suggested having a Community Workshop at the Riverwood Conference Center and invite all the interested Communities and the area State Senators and Representatives to discuss the changes they would like to see made. Following this meeting, he suggested having all the Communities join in a petition to the DNR requesting changes of the zoning text and or Wild & Scenic boundaries with a stipulated date for a response and a schedule for action. Upon failure to get a response, Mr. Licht suggested filing a Class Action Lawsuit on the basis that the Wild & Scenic River boundaries were established in an arbitrary and capricious manner with all the communities jointly involved in the lawsuit against the DNR. He suggested having the City Office Staff keep in touch with the other communities until we decide on what course of action to take. Next on the agenda was a report from Larry Fournier and Floyd Roden on future City Hall sites. They talked to Richard Kincannon who has 20 acres on the South side of 85th Street that he would be willing to sell. This site also has an access to Nashua Ave. and has the potential for a future water tower site. They also talked to Myrtle LuConnic who owns 100 acres in Section 20, Range 23, on the East side of Nashua Ave. She is willing to sell but wants to sell all of the 100 acres and does not want to divide it. They also talked to Dennis Havel who owns 29.7 acres in Section 17, Range 23, on the East side of Nashua Ave. that he CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DEC. 30, 1991. PAGE 2 would be willing to sell. About 15 acres of this site is buildable. Dennis Havel also has 75 acres on the West side of Nashua Ave. in Section 20, Range 23, that he would be willing to sell. This site would give the City land for future needs in addition to a City Hall site. This land is presently zoned Agricultural. They also talked to John Anderson who owns approximately 23 acres located on the South side of Co. 39 across from the current City Hall. This land is part of the old Otsego Townsite plat in Section 17, Range 23, and would border the proposed new segment of Nashua Ave. The disadvantage of this lot is that it would be a narrow lot with about 10 acres buildable. The Council suggested that Floyd Roden and Larry Fournier also contact Harland Rask who owns 30+ acres on the South side of CO. 39 in Section 16, Range 23. Walter Steiner who owns about 80 acres in Section 22, Range 23, located on Co. 42; the Baptist Church who owns 5 acres on the SW corner of the junction of CO. 39 and Co. 42; and the Dare property at the SE corner of the junction of Co. 39 and Co. 42. A letter was received from the Mayor of Albertville requesting that a joint meeting be scheduled to discuss the Fire Protection Contract with the City of Albertville. He suggested that Mayor and one Councilman from each Community be present at the meeting. The Council rejected the meeting saying they felt all Council Members should be present if a meeting were held. Ron Black composed a letter to the Albertville City Council informing them that the Otsego City Council has already contracted with the City of Monticello and the City of Elk River to provide Fire Dept. Service for 1992, however the City of Otsego is willing to keep the lines of communication open with the City of Albertville and would be willing to hold a joint meeting with the Albertville City Council in early spring to discuss a Fire Dept. Service Contract. Doug Lindenfelser said he was concerned about rescue service and response time for it. The Council requested Elaine Beatty to get information from Elk River and Monticello as to the rescue services they have available. The Wright CO, Sheriff and the 911 System have been notified of the changes in the Fire Dept. Service areas and notices will be put in the Elk River Star News, the Crow River News and the Monticello Times, along with City Maps identifying the Elk river and Monticello Fire Dept. service areas to inform the Otsego City residents as to which Fire Dept. service area they are in. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DEC. 30, 1991. PAGE 3 On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest. Jerome Perrault, Clerk jeh , NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR , DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL , FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL , LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL