01-27-1992 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A Public Hearing on the establish- COUNTY OF WRIGHT ment of an Organized Garbage CITY OF OTSEGO Collection System in the City of Otsego was held this 27TH day of January, 1992 at 6:30PM. Norman F Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm, Judy Hudson, Secretary, and Stan Ellison Attorney were present. Haulers present were G. D. LaPlant Sanitation, Corrow Sanitation, Greg Knoll (East Tonka Sanitation), Peterson Bros. and Aagard West. The Hearing was called to order by Mayor Norman F Freske. He explained to those in attendance that the City of Otsego was interested in establishing an organized garbage collection in the City whereby the haulers would be assigned individual districts within the City, instead of all the haulers running on the same streets in the City. Attorney Stan Ellison explained that this Public Hearing is the first step in establishing an organized garbage collection system. This would be followed by the Council adopting a Resolution of Intent to establish an organized garbage collection system. During the ninety day period following the adoption of the Resolution of Intent,..,the Council would work in cooperation with the haulers to implement the organized system because of anti-trust laws, the City Council would be required to organize and control the system. An Ordinance would be needed to adopt the organized collection system. The Council asked the haulers how many customers each of them had in Otsego. LaPlant said he had 314, Peterson said he had 279, Corrow over 700, Greg Knoll over 200 and Aagard West 10 customers. Mr Corrow said one problem with organized collection is that people might not like to be told who to have for a hauler and also he has worked hard for several years to build up his customer count to over 700 and then have to turn it over to the City to administer, Aagard West said it does limit the free enterprise system wherein customer service is an important part of your business. Gregg Knoll commented that it is importantfor the haulers to know if the City will do the billing or the haulers. Peterson said he prefers the organized collection system and also recycling participation increases under this system. Aagard West said he prefers the free enterprise system instead of organized collection. Stan Ellison commented that a new State law makes it mandatory for a City of over 5000 population to provide garbage service. The City of Otsego is already in compliance with this law by having 5 haulers licensed to operate within the City. Stan Ellison said the City could assign districts to each hauler and the hauler would do his own billing and manage his own distract. Garbage collection could also be CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF 1-27-92 AT 6:3OPM - PAGE 2 - made mandatory, but does not have to be. Ron Black commented that he would like to have seen better attendance and more participation by the residents at the Public Hearing. Motion by Ron Black to continue the Public Hearing on Organized Garbage Collection on February 24, 1992 at 6:3OPM. The motion was seconded by Larry Fournier. Norman F Freske asked the haulers to think about whether they would continue to recycle if an organized collection system was not established and be ready to reply when the Hearing convened again. Aagard West asked if the organized system was for residential or also commercial customers? The Council replied just for residential. Corrow said he was concerned about loosing customers just before the organized system was put in place. The Council replied that this would not be the case, that the customer count would be based on the last 12 months. All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The Hear g was recessed (continued) until February 24,-.1992 at 6M3 tbRMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR OUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL LOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL RONALD G BLACK, COUNCIL ATTEST: JP/eb JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK