02-17-1992 Interview Session MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego conducting an Interview CITY OF OTSEGO Session with prospective members of the Otsego Planning Commission this 17 day of February, 1992 at 7:00 PM. Norman Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The first candidate interviewed was Dennis McAlpine, of 8507 Nashua Ave., who operates his own business as a well man. He is currently serving on the St. Martins School Council and is also a member of the American Legion. Norman Freske asked him if Wednesday night meetings and an occasional day meeting would be a problem for him. Mr. McAlpine replied that it would be no problem as he is an independent business man. Doug Lindenfelser asked him if he felt there would be any conflict of interest between his work and being on the Planning Commission. Mr. McAlpine replied that he did not foresee any. Ron Black asked him what he likes to do in his spare time. Mr. McAlpine replied that he likes to work in his shop. Larry Fournier asked him what he thought he would bring to the Planning Commission. Mr. McAlpine replied that in his business he gets around the Community a lot, has a lot of contacts with people and hears many different points of view. Steve Glatzell, of 16200 62nd St., was the next candidate interviewed. He works in Plymouth, MN, for the Chrysler CO. as a computer operator and maintenance man. He is a past member of the Vision Committee and has applied for a position on the Planning Commission previously. Mr. Glatzell said he is a ham radio operator and has spent 8 years as a co-ordinator for the Amateur Radio Assn. Larry Fournier asked Mr. Glatzell what experience he has had that would be helpful as a member of the Planning Commission. Mr. Glatzell replied that his step father was a member of the Brooklyn Center Planning Commission for many years, he himself would like to be involved, and he also has a video camera which would be useful for site inspections. Larry Fournier asked him if Wednesday night meetings would be a problem. Mr. Glatzell replied no, that he worked days. Norman Freske asked him if he would be able to get time off for an occasional day meetings. Mr. Glatzell replied that it could be arranged. Ron Black asked him how he spends his leisure time. Mr. Glatzell replied that he is a ham radio operator and also he and his wife raise cats. Tom Bailiargeon of 28 NE Cedar St. in Riverbend Park, was the next candidate interviewed. He said he has lived in Otsego for 4 years and lived in Coon Rapids before that. He likes living in Otsego and enjoys the quiet neighborhood. He is an asphalt contractor and does small ..jobs like driveways. PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS ON FEBRUARY 17, 1992 Page 2 Doug Lindenfelser asked him if he had any experience in Planning. Mr. Baillargon replied that he did not but that he did attend a lot of Planning Commission Meetings when he lived in Coon Rapids. Other qualifications are that he sees a lot with people because of his business and he is not afraid to speak up. Floyd Roden asked him if he would have any problems with Wednesday night meetings and an occasional day meeting. Mr. Baillargon replied that he would not. Larry Fournier asked him if he felt his business would cause any conflict of interest. Mr. Baillargon replied that he did not foresee any. Ron Black asked him what he like to do in his leisure time. Mr. Baillargon replied that his hobbies were model airplanes and listening to music. He said he sees Otsego as a growing community especially after Hwy 101 becomes a 4 lane highway. Mr. Baillargon said his business is located on Hwy 10 near Elk River. Paul Johnson, who lives at 10645 97th St., in Island View, was the next candidate interviewed. Mr. Johnson said he moved to Otsego from Corcoran 3 1/2 years ago and likes living here. He has been a volunteer with the Corcoran Police Reserve for the past 5 years and was also very involved with the Lions and Jaycees in community activities. He has been involved in Corcoran, has watched development there and learned from that. Mr. Johnson said he attended North Hennepin Community College and now works as a machinist in Maple Plain„ Ron Black asked him what he likes to do in his leisure time. Mr. Johnson replied that his hobbies are hiking and reading. He is married and has 2 children. Ron Black asked him for his comments on the growth that has occurred in the city of Otsego. Mr. Johnson replied that some he has liked, some not, that Otsego needs identity, needs commercial growth, and sees the lack of sewer and water along Hwy 101 as slowing commercial and industrial growth which the City needs for a tax base. Ron Black asked him how he would deal with a situation where the governing body has tried to keep the public informed and then when some action is taken the people complain. Mr. Johnson said he would try to explain to the people why the action was taken. Mr. Johnson said the City needs lots of planning to avoid conflicts in the future, that certain areas need to be designated for industrial and commercial well in advance. Brad Rosnow, who lives at 9847 Jalger Ave. in Billstroms Addition, was the next candidate interviewed. Mr. Rosnow said he had lived in Otsego for 5 years and in the Monticello area for 25 years. He is an electrician for a Mpls. firm and is currently working on the new school in St. Michael.-. PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEW ON FEBRUARY 17, 1992 Page 3 Albertville. Norman Freske asked his if he thought it was a plus or a minus for Otsego becoming a City. Mr. Rosnow said that overall he considers it a plus, that he and his family enjoy living in Otsego. Larry Fournier asked him what his qualifications were to be on the Planning Commission. Mr. Rosnow replied that he thought his experience in the construction business would be helpful. Floyd Roden asked him if he had any conflicts with Wednesday night meetings and an occasional day meeting. Mr. Rosnow replied that he would not. Ron Black asked him how he liked to spend his leisure time. Mr.'Rosnow replied that his hobbies are golfing, hunting and fishing. Eugene Goenner, of 8511 Nashua Ave., was the next candidate interviewed. Mr. Goenner is a life time resident of Otsego, farms with his father and brother, and attended Waseca Agricultural College. Norman Freske asked him if he thought it was a plus or minus becoming a City. Mr. Goenner said he says it was a plus in that we have better local control instead of being under the Wright County Zoning Ordinance. Larry Fournier asked him why he would like to be on the Planning Commission. Mr. Goenner replied that he is interested in what is going on in Otsego, would like to be involved, has lived here all his life, and also took some Land Use Courses in College. He also said he would be willing to listen and express his opinion. Floyd Roden asked him if he would have any conflicts with Wednesday night meetings and an occasional day meeting. Mr. Goenner replied that he would not. Ron Black asked him what he liked to do in his leisure time. Mr. Goenner said that for relaxation he enjoys listening to classical music, hiking and finding a quiet spot just to relax and think things over. SEE NEW FILE C-21792 DOC CONTINUED FROM 123-92CDOC INTERVIEWS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1992 PAGE 4 Norman Freske asked him what he thought Otsego needed to establish an identity. Mr. Goenner said he thought establishing a commercial base would help it's identity. The Council will evaluate the candidates and make a decision on the new Planning Commission Member and an alternate at the next Council Meeting on February 24, 1992. On motion the Interview Session adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR UGLAS LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL Attest JP/jeh . LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL RON BLACK, COUNCIL. Jerome Perrault, Clerk