03-05-1992 Workshop Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF OTSEGO The City Council of the City of Otsego held a Workshop Meeting this 5th day of March, 1992 at 7 30PM at the Law Office of Council Member Ron Black. Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier an Ron Black, Council Members, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm., Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Larry Koshak, Engineer Dave Licht, Planner and Bill Radzwill, Attorney were present. The meeting was called to order by acting Mayor Doug Lindenfelser. . The First item of discussion was the construction of a new segment of Qaule Avenue from 65TH Street to County #37 which will serve as an access road for Highway #101 as 65TH Street will be cul-de-saced when Highway #101 is rebuilt and will not have direct access to Highway #101. The Land owners along this segment of Quale Avenue are Ralph Lavendure (Parcel No. 118-500--352200) and Rodney Winter (Parcel No. 118-500w-•353202) on the West side and Gil Darkenwald (Parcel No. 118-500-352201) and Taurus Numeric Tool, Inc. (Parcel No. 118•-500--352300) on the East side. The land is zoned Ag. however Darkenwalds property is being considered for B-2 Zoning because of its proximity to the County #37 Highway #101 Intersection. Dave Licht commented that this area is in the long range commercial or industrial plan but he would discourage rezoning it at this time with exception of Darkenwald's because it is right by the intersection of Co. #37 and Highway #101 and that portion of Lavendure's that would be across Quale Ave. from Darkenwald's. Mr Licht said the focus on Commercial Development at this time should be the area on the West side of Highway #101 between Co. #39 and Co. #42. Larry Koshak presented the cost table for the construction of Quale Ave: Estimated construction cost Additional Construction request by Mn/DOT Cul--de--sac of 62ND (gravel surface) Cul-de-sac of 65TH (gravel surface) 6 Ft paved shoulders on Quale Ave Total revised construction cost Overhead .(25%) ROW acquisition estimated project cost Mn/DOT share .............................. Construction 8% Construction Serv. Total Mn/DOT share Remaining cost ROW acquisition Cost to be assessed ,,nci-ri�:�N r r1•n r $241,520.00 19,322.00 ...................................................... $260,842.00 $210,800.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 18.720.00 $241,520.00 $ 60,380.00 $ 33,000.00 Total $334,900.00 $260,842.00 $ 74,058.00 . 33,000.00 $ 41,058.00 i'liirzl:.. !u,,� .'h.r,�i1:1 inrr•aaacr.� f•!�n i:_,lii CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING OF 3/5/92 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - of the property along it to the extent that the property owners would forego the charge for right-of-way acquisition. Larry Koshak recommended that the assessment policy be on a per unit basis rather than a front footage basis because of Ag Zoning on most of the land, however B-2 Zoning would be considered on Darkenwald's and the portion of Lavenduer's across Quale Ave from Darkenwald's. The Council and Mr Koshak agreed to assess Darkenwald's for four (4) potential B-2 Units, Lavendure's for four (4) potential B-2 units and one (1) residential unit, Winter's for one (1) residential unit and Taurus Numeric Tool, Inc for one (1) residential unit for a total of eleven (11) assessable units. Without a right--of-way acquisition cost estimated at $33,000.00 the estimated per unit assessment would be $6,700.00. Larry Koshak reported that he had attended a Wetlands Conference recently and an interim 1-1/2 year wetlands preservation program is being started. The basic policy is a no net loss of wetlands, if some wetland is removed, a like amount must revert back. The land that is reverted back should be of hydric soils. Mr Koshak recommended that the City assume the task of wetland management within the City. He recommended that the Council notify Bowser by letter that the City will be the legal authority regulating wetlands within the City. Larry Koshak also presented the Council with site maps of the property the City Council has acquired for a City Hall site. A copy will be forwarded to Architect Don Meinhardt so that the process of locating the City Hall on the site can proceed. Bill Radzwill informed the Council that because the Nashua Ave. Construction Project was not officially ordered within six months of the Public Hearing on the project, the Public Hearing will need to be rescheduled to comply with State Law. The project was approved and plans and specs were ordered to be prepared. MSA has approved the project and advertisement for and the opening of bids has occurred. Mayor Norman F Freske, who was now present, said he was very disturbed that this oversight was allowed to happen. The council tentatively set March 23, 1992 at 6:30PM as the date of the Public.Hearing and will formalize this at the Council Meeting on Monday, March 9, 19924 On motion the Workshop Meet '"g adj«urned. N�I�A �' ; �YOR DOUG, L!INDENFELSEf , COUNCIL FLOYD Rf'4DEN, COUNCIL R13N BLACK. COUNCIL ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT,CLERK