03-23-1992 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 23 day of March, CITY OF OTSEGO 1992, at 7:30 PM. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm., Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak, Engineer, and Dave Licht, Planner, were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Freske. Upon review of the Minutes of the March 9, 1992, Council Meeting, Council Member Floyd Roden indicated 2 amendments should be made. The rental rate for the available Ag Land on the City Hall Site should be $15.00 per acre instead of $25.00 per acre. In the section pertaining to the Conditional Use Permit to construct the new City Hall Item 3 of the Planner's recommendations should be omitted which calls for a lot split of the City Hall Site into Eastern and Western halves along the Urban Service boundary line. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the March 9, 1992, Council Meeting as amended. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the Motion. Pam Black, representing the Vision Committee appeared before the Council to request City funding for 2 people to attend a Festival Seminar in Willmar. Stewart Turnquist, who will be Chairman of this year's Otsego Festival, and she herself would like to attend the Seminar. The cost of attending the Seminar would be about $200.00. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve City funding of $200.00 for two Vision Committee members to attend the Festivals Seminar in Willmar, a 2 day event. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Pam Black also said the Vision Committee has come up with the idea of having Promotional Folders made up that can be handed out to promote the City of Otsego. The folders would be printed with the City Logo on the outside and information about the City inside. The informational material could be printed up on the city computer. Mrs. Black said she had 2 quotes on printing the folders, Elk River Printing and Arnold's Printing of Princeton. Elk River Printing will make 9" x 12" two pocket folders with the City Logo on the face for: 250 folders W $372.50 500 folders - $540.00 1000 folders - $865.00 Arnold's Printing will make the same folders for: 250 folders - $376.00 500 folders - $443.00 1000 folders - $584.00 Neil Gorder asked why the taxpayers should have to pay for the folders. CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1992. PAGE 2. Judy Hudson commented that we do get a lot of request from new residents for information about the City and it would be convenient if we had packets made up that we could hand out. Floyd Roden questioned whether the Jaycees would be interested in sponsoring the folders and he volunteered to contact them. Motion by Floyd Roden to table a decision on the promotional folders until the next Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Warren Ronson and Bill Nord, representing Minnegasco, appeared before the Council to inform them that Minnegasco will install a gas line to the new City Hall Site at no cost to the city. This will require about 2500 ft. of main line and will come in from the South. Their future plan is to extend this main line to Co. 39. Mr. Ronson also asked the City Council to provide a return card service for Minnegasco. They are requesting the City Staff to send a card to them each time a building permit is issued as this information will help them determine where gas service is needed and plan for line expansion. They agreed to re-imburse the City $1.00 per card with a minimum of $50.00 per year. Ron Black asked Mr. Ronson what information he needed on the cards and Mr. Ronson replied that mainly they needed the address, the builder and the home owner. Mr. Black said he looked at this as also being a service to the home owner and the information requested would not require any additional research by the City Staff. Motion by Larry Fournier to participate with Minnegasco in the return card program. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Dave Licht addressed the Council concerning Riverwood Conference Center's application to construct a 1440 sq. ft. addition to the River Bluff meeting room. He said he did not see the addition as creating a need for additional parking space or infringing on the bluff set back regulations and recommended approval upon meeting the following conditions: 1. If the use of the existing well is discontinued, it should be capped in accordance with State Law. 2. The material used in the exterior construction of the addition should be compatible with the principal structure. 3. The City Engineer provide comment in regard to the proposed overlaying of an existing thermo pipe. 4. The proposed height of the building addition is as stipulated. 5. The site plan is modified to illustrate the proposed building addition. Michelle Laverne was present and said the plans for the addition are being prepared now and should be ready in a CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1992. PAGE 3. week. Ron Black commented that he had read Dave Licht's report and could see no reason not to approve Riverwood's request to build the room addition. Motion by Floyd Roden to modify the PUD of Riverwood Conference Center to permit the room addition contingent upon meeting the 5 conditions outlined in the Northwest Associated Consultant's report. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak addressed the City Council concerning the Wetlands Resolution herein by its adoption the City Council would assume the responsibility for the preservation of wetlands within the City. Dave Licht urged the City Council to adopt the Wetlands Resolution as it would help ease into the new regulations on wetlands. Ron Black asked if that meant if some one wanted to do some filling on his property, he would have to get a permit from the City. Mr. Koshak said that was case for any thing under 2 acres. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego hereby adopts the Wetlands Resolution wherein the City Council assumes the responsibility for the preservation of wetlands within the City of Otsego. The motion was seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The full text of the Resolution is attached to these Minutes. Motion by Ron Black to adopt the following Resolution: Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of the following: Nashua Ave. N.E. from Wright Co. 39 (N.E. 95th St.) to 83rd St. N.E. and approximately one quarter mile of 85th St. East of the intersection of Nashua Ave. N.E. and 85th St. N.E Bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bauerly Bros., St. Cloud, MN $339,775.56 Hardrives, Inc., Plymouth, MN 425,011.75 Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., Buffalo, MN - 426,261.07 R.L. Larson Exc., St. Cloud,MN 428,416.60 Veit & Co. Inc., - 440,482.20 Alber Const. Inc., Rogers, MN - 449,026.45 Valley Paving, Inc., -- 465,009.70 and Whereas, it appears that Bauerly Bros. of St. Cloud, Mn. is the lowest responsible bidder. Now, therefor, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Otsego: CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1992. PAGE 4. 1. The Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Bauerly Bros. of St. Cloud, Mn. in the name of the City of Otsego for the improvement of Nashua Ave. from Wright Co. 39 (N.E. 95th St.) to 83rd St. N.E. and approximately one quarter mile of 85th St. East of the intersection of Nashua Ave. N.E. and 85th St. N.E. according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and file in the office of the Deputy Clerk. 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. The motion was seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the following Resolution: Whereas a resolution of the City Council adopted on the 9th day of March, 1992, fixed the date for a Hearing on the proposed improvement: Nashua Ave. from Wright Co. 39 (N.E. 95th St.) to 83rd St., and approximately one quarter mile of 85th St. East of the intersection of Nashua Ave. and 85th St. and, Whereas, 10 days published notice of the Hearing thru two weekly publications and mailed notices required by law were given, and posted notice was given of the Hearing which was held on March 23, 1992, at 6:30 PM, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard: and Now, therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright Co., Minnesota, 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in that City Council Resolution adopted March 9, 1992. 2. Hakanson Anderson Assoc. Inc., is hereby designated the Engineer for the project. The motion was seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. One resident asked who the sub -contractor was on the project as he did not want to see the same mistakes on this project as on Packard Ave. Mr. Koshak said he was not certain but it would probably be Gammon Bros. Ron Black asked why there was such a wide difference between Bauerly Bros. and the next lowest bidder. Mr. Koshak said that Bauerly Bros. had re -checked their bid and were satisfied with it. He said he had confidence in Bauerly Bros. and has had a good relationship with them in the past. Dan Ramer, of Bauerly Bros., was present and said he was confident they could do the job. CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1992. PAGE 5. Dennis McAlpine asked about the guarantee of the road and will the low areas settle in a few years? Larry Koshak said all the low areas will be dug out and refilled with good material. Concerning the easements on Nashua Ave., Mr. Koshak said most residents have already signed. Dennis Havel, Mike Roden, Mrs. Speaker and Mrs. Barsody, have agreed to sign and the only one who has not agreed to sign is Kevin Ramsey for a temporary easement. As to the turn lane agreement with Wright Co. Ron Black said he would like to see it spelled out exactly what the County is agreeing to do. The Council decided to table action on this agreement until the next Council Meeting. U.P.A. will need to raise their power lines over Nashua Ave. at a cost of $11,900.00. The contractor is responsible for this as part of the project, however, U.P.A. is requesting the City to co-sign the agreement between the contractor and U.P.A. Ron Black said he thought the agreement should be between U.P.A. and the contractor. Larry Koshak said that he and Larry Fournier had met with Blanche Barsody and agreed to pay her $1200.00 for Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block 50 of the Otsego Townsite and a 50 ft. easement on each side of the creek that runs thru her property. Motion by Ron Black to purchase Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block 50 of the Otsego Townsite and a 50 ft. easement on each side of the creed from Mrs. Blanche Barsody for $1200.00. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak said he had talked to the Wright Co., Sheriff about Gammon Bros. running on Packard Ave. with an overweight machine. The Sheriff has issued them a citation and there is also a letter on file with the Co. Attorney in case damage was done to Packard Ave. Dave Licht said the time limit had expired on Mary Dare's permit for a golf course and she will need to re- apply. He said the permit she had obtained from the County was not complete and Larry Fournier agreed to contact her and explain this to her. Motion by Floyd Roden to table the Mary Dare application at this time. Seconded by Norman Freske, all council Members voted in favor of the motion. Dave Licht also commented on the appointment of an Economic Development Commission for the City. He urged the Council to appoint a Commission and then let them formulate policy matters including a tax increment financing policy and what the City will do in this area. He said the City needs to establish a policy so that all will be treated alike and that we also need to consider the businesses already here. The Star City program helps in the organization of policy matters. He also said the City needs a balance of real estate people, business people and residents on the CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1992. PAGE 6. Commission. Ron Black suggested that by the second Council Meeting in April, the Council Members should come back with ideas on how many members the Economic Development Commission should have and what qualification they should have. Floyd Roden said he felt it should be a 7 member Commission. Motion by Ron Black to table the establishment of an Economic Development Commission until the 2nd Council Meeting in April. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Dave Licht then addresses a street lighting policy for the City. He said developers should reach an agreement with the Utility Co. that serves the area in which they are building. The Council should adopt a policy on installation requirements and the type of fixture options available. Mr. Licht suggested referring the street lighting to the Planning Commission, have them contact the Utilities and have the Utilities appear before the Planning Commission as to their installation policies and fixtures available. Motion by Floyd Roden to refer the street lighting policy to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Ron Black. Ron Black commented that he was also concerned about a street lighting policy for the older developments. All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak then addressed the construction of 85th St. between Page Ave. and Co.42 as the Country Ridge Development is being started this year. He said we would need our Attorney's advice on what procedures to follow. Ron Black suggested that because this is now an MSA project, we should start from the beginning. Floyd suggested having Larry Koshak make up a schedule for 85th St. as to Hearings, bid advertising and opening, construction starting time and completion. Motion by Floyd Roden to request Larry Koshak to prepare a project schedule for the construction of 85th St. between Page Ave. and Co. 42. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. (Continued from C-2-1792.DOC) CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1992. PAGE 7. Motion by Ron Black to order a Vacation Hearing be held on April 13, 1992, at 6.30 PM on the vacation of that protion of River Road between Page Ave. and Co. 42. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Randy Ernesti , of Evergreen Recycling, appeared before the Council to say they would be interested in doing the recycling and have submitted a bid to provide this service as follows: $1.06 per household - $1749.00 per month basic 1.16 per household - 1914.00 per month with plastic 1.26 per household - 2079.00 per month with plastic and magazines He said they would take car batteries but not household batteries. The Council will turn their offer over to the Organized Waste Collection Task Force for consideration. Judy Hudson asked for direction from the Council in regard to billing those who are not in agreement with City rates for Hearings, permits, etc. The Council advised her to have those with a disagreement be requested to appear before the Council to state their case. The Council agree to pay the septic pumping bill for the Peavey house. Bruce Thielen, County Parks Administrator, called and wants the Antelope Park developer to grade and gravel the access road to the Otsego Park from Antelope Park. The Council agreed that Mr. Thielen should negotiate directly with Mr. Woolston, the developer of Antelope Park. Attorney Andy McArthur has done a title opinion on the City Hall Site and there are still a few things that need to be done. Ray Slavick would need to sign a consent form for Mr. Havel to sell the property as he purchased the property from Mr.•Slavek on a Contract for Deed. Also the Abstract needs to be re -certified. Motion by Norman Freske to request Duane Kopensky to appear at the next City Council Meeting to discuss the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency City Participation Program. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Council audited and allowed verification accounts Nos. 241 to 274 inclusive. CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1992. PAGE 8. On motion the meeting was adjourned. , NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR , DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL , FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL , LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RONALD G. BLACK, COUNCIL ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/jb