03-23-1992 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego conducted a Public Hearing CITY OF OTSEGO on the proposed construction of Nashua Ave. and 85th St. from Nashua Ave. 750' East on this 23 day of March, 1992 at 6:30PM. Norman Freske, Mayor, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm., Judy Hudson, Secretary, and Larry Koshak, Engineer, were present. The Hearing was called to order by Mayor Norman Freske. Engineer Larry Koshak then addressed the Hearing. He said the Hearing had been called to inform the Public on the progress of the construction plans for Nashua Ave., the City's first MSA project. He explained that Nashua Ave. will be straightened as it approaches Co. 39 to improve sight distances at the intersection. The old section of Nashua Ave. will be cul-de-sac and not enter Co. 39. This old segment will be re-named Napier Ave. The bids on the project came in at a very satisfactory level with Bauerly Bros. the low bidder at $339,775.56. A street light will be put in at the intersection of Co. 39 and Nashua Ave. as part of the project and a right turn will be added on Co. 39. The total cost of the project will be about $425,000. Mr. Koshak said that they did encounter some poorer subgrade at the South end of the project. There are 23 assessable units on the project at $2500. each with possibly two more units added by lot splits. The Cook property will access from Nashua Ave. instead of Co. 39 as it does now. The project will have 6 ft. gravelled shoulders, a 3 1/2" thick bituminous mat and an 80 ft. right- of-way with the additional 14 ft. right-of-way acquired along the West side of Nashua Ave. The 750 ft section of 85th St. will be a curb and gutter section 44 ft. wide from curb to curb. There will be a storm sewer at the intersection of 85th St. and Nashua Ave. with the water discharging into the low land on the West side of Nashua Ave. Mr. Koshak explained that the water will be directed from the McAlpine driveway culvert North along Nashua Ave. and then under Nashua Ave. to the low area on the LaConnic property. There will also be a culvert put under Nashua Ave. in the low land on John Anderson's property and also under Napier Ave. There will also be a new driveway put in for the Peterson property on 85th 5t. because when the hill is cut down, the old driveway will be too steep. Denise McAlpine asked if their driveway culvert would be changed. Mr. Koshak said their driveway culvert would be at the same level it is now, the water would run from their driveway and then thru Mike Roden's driveway culvert and then go under Nashua Ave. The water from 85th St. will go into catch basins and then into the low land on the West side of Nashua Ave. Kevin Cook asked if the right turn lane would affect hic. property .end Mr Koshak replied that it would not. Ivhr- Pay i.':-ir'i'. n 1 1'lCi..! 1.r+','d ,about dr i w£1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON MARCH 23, 1992. PAGE 2 Koshak advised her that each parcel will have an access driveway. Tom Constant asked if he would be assessed (on 85th St.) and was advised that he would not be. Dennis McAlpine asked if the City was going to construct. Napier Ave. up to the cul -de --sac and was advised that it would be constructed as part of the project. He then asked if Napier Ave. residents would be assessed and the answer was yes. Merlin Brisbin asked what the slope on 85th St. would be and was advised it would be 64. Dennis McAlpine asked about inconvenience during construction as his work requires him to be able to get in and out at all times. Mr. Koshak said that the contractor tries to keep the road passable as much as possible. Motion by Floyd Roden to close the Public Hearing on Nashua Ave. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Mack to adjourn the Hearing. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of t h e motion. NORMAN F. FRESKE , MAYOR DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER. COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL Attest Jerome Perrault. Clerk JP/.ib