05-11-1992 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 11 day of May, CITY OF OTSEGO 1992, at 7:30 PM. Norman Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, , Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administration, Judy Hudson, Secretary, and Larry Koshak, Engineer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman Freske. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the minutes of the April 27, 1992 City Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the minutes of the Board of Review meeting held April 28, 1992 at 7:00 PM. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Don Huss of 14280 - 87TH Street appeared before the Council regarding the bituminous surfacing of 87th Street and asked what the status of that project was? He had brought in a petition last year signed by all but two of the residents on 87th Street requesting that the street be bituminous surfaced. The Council reminded him that when the residents were informed that each lot would be assessed $2,500.00 to do the project, the residents had voted the project down. Mr Huss disagreed with the Council that the residents had voted it down. Ron Black suggested having Larry Koshak prepare an updated feasibility study on the bituminous surfacing of 87TH Street and O'Brian Avenue from 87TH Street to 85TH Street. Motion by Floyd Roden to request Larry Koshak to prepare an updated feasibility study on the bituminous surface of 87th Street and O'Brian Avenue between 87th Street and 85th Street. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to review the feasibility study on June 22, 1992 at 6:30 PM. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Ray Carron of 12860 83rd Street appeared before the Council regarding dust control on City graveled streets. The Council advised him that it cost from $3,000 to $4,000 per mile to apply calcium chloride for dust control and that the City does not have funds available for this expense. Mr. Carron said he could get by with 700 ft. for himself and his 2 neighbors. Jerome Bauer commented that the calcium chloride used for dust control is corrosive to cars. Ron Black suggested finding out what 700 ft of applied calcium chloride would cost and advise Mr. Carron of this. Motion by Ron Black to find out the cost of a 700 ft. application for dust control. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Fournier suggesting informing all the residents of Otsego of the availability of dust control at their own CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 11, 1992. PAGE TWO expense. Architect Don Meinhardt presented the plans and specs for the new City Hall to the Council for their review. He informed them that he had made the floor plan changes they requested and added another skylight. He is now ready to advertise for bids on the construction of the City Hall. Larry Koshak suggested a ponding area just to the NE of the City Hall for parking lot drain off. He also suggested the City Hall site preparation dirt on the Nashua Ave construction project in exchange for gravel material from Nashua Ave. for the City Hall base. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to approve the plans and specs for the City Hall as prepared by Architect Don Meinhardt. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to advertise for bids on the construction of the new City Hall with the bids to be received on or before 2:00 PM, June 4, 1992, with the bids to be opened at that time. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The Council will require a letter of credit for the full amount of the bid for bids under $10,0000.00 and a bidder's bond for 10% of the bid for bids over $10,000.00 Michele Laverenz, of the Riverwood Conference Center, appeared before the Council to say that she did not think curbing on the edge of the Riverwood parking lots was necessary and was an added expense. They are in the process of expanding their parking lots at the present time. Larry Koshak said his office had recommended the curbing as a delineation between the parking lot and the grass area. Motion by Ron Black to put the item of the Riverwood parking lot curbing on the agenda of the next Council Meeting. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak informed the Council that he had met with the property owners along the new segment of Quale Avenue between 65th and 70th St. and have come up with a new alignment for the proposed Quale Ave. The new route will follow the property line between Mr. Winter's property and that of Taurus Numeric Tool and T into 65th St. It will go around the Northern most wetland and build thru the smaller wetland at the Southern end. Motion by Floyd Roden to hold a Publish Hearing on the proposed construction of Quale Ave. between 65th St., and 70th St., on June 15, 1992, at 7:30 PM. Seconded by Larry Fournier. Ron Black said he had some concerns about the new alignment of Quale Ave, one concern was crossing a wetland, another was future use of the road as it pertains to future THE CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 11, 1992. PAGE THREE development in the area, and another was ponding requirements in the area when developed in the future. All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak advised the Council he is recommending making Pay Estimate No. 1 in the amount of $20,923.75 to Bauerly Bros for the construction of Nashua Ave. Motion by Floyd Roden to make Pay Estimate No. 1 in the amount of $20,923.75. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Koshak advised the Council that 3 agencies have responded to the EAW on Country Ridge Development, the PCA, EPA, and the DNR. All are mainly concerned about potential groundwater pollutions. The developer's engineer and surveyors are putting information together to answer their concerns on this project. Regarding Mr. Luedke's flooding problems, Mr. Koshak advised the Council that Mr. Luedke's lot is the low point in the area. He recommended a ponding area on Mr. Luedke's lot until the time comes when a storm drain could be installed along 85th St. to drain the area. Mr. Koshak further advised the Council that the Wright Co. Highway Dept. is considering putting in flasher signals and a 4 -Way stop at the junction of Co. 42 and Co. 39 at a cost of $5500 with a 50% cost share to be charged to the City. They have recently put 45 MPH speed limits on Co. 39 in that area and will wait to see what effect this will have on the that intersection before making a final decision on the installation of the flasher signals. The Wright CO. Highway Dept. will be having a meeting on June 8 to discuss their 5 year Highway Plan. Motion by Larry Fournier to request the Wright CO. Highway Dept. to consider the re -alignment of O'Dean Ave. and CO. 37 to a T intersection in their 5 year plan, also signal lights at the Co. 42 - Co. 39 intersection, and also upgrading CO. 37 on the West side of Hwy 101. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Koshak said the Elk River Municipal Utilities have requested a City Map of Otsego on a computer disc. Frank Bullantee, of Minnegasco, was present to say his Company had done an analysis of the heating needs for the new City Hall. They have heating and condensing units that are more efficient than the ones UPA used in their study. The gas cost would be .042 per CCF as compared to .055 per KWH. Del overhouse, representing the Econair Co., said that it was possible to use ceiling units and eliminate the pent house. Motion by Floyd Roden to charge a one-time fee of $15.00 for an In -Home Occupation Permit. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to have a 7.00 PM Workshop Meeting prior to the 7:30 PM First Council Meeting of the CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF CITY OF OTSEGO OF MAY 11, 1992. PAGE FOUR month. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Thoreson was given until May 1 to level the dirt on his lot that was put there at his request while the City was doing ditch work on 87th St. last year and has not done so. Motion by Ron Black to remove the City dirt on Mr. Thoreson's lot hen conditions are dry enough. Seconded by Floyd Roden. Larry Fournier suggested that it would cost the City a lot more to haul the dirt away than to level it off. He also said there was a misunderstanding when the dirt was placed there as part of a City Ditching project. Ron Black, Floyd Roden, and Doug Lindenfelser voted in the favor of the motion, Norman Freske and Larry Fournier were opposed, the motion passed. Motion by Ron Black to adopt the attached Resolution as prepared by Northwest Associates Consultants pertaining to the duties and obligations of Planning Commission Members. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to table the request of US West Communications for a permit to place a buried cable by or under Packard Ave. because of a lack of information. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Norman Freske said he was concerned about the amount of material that Mr. Bastyr had accumulated by the building across Nashua Ave. from the City Hall that he was occupying. He was also concerned that Mr. Bastyr had failed to make the $1,500.00 cash deposit he had agreed to when the City Council granted him permission to occupy the building until August 15, 1992. Motion by Larry Fournier to request Bill Radzwill to compare his letter to Mr. Bastyr with the intent of the City Council as per it's City Council Minutes of April 27, 1992, to assess the intent and obligations of Mr. Bastyr in regard to his occupancy of the building at 9609 Nashua Ave. The motion was seconded by Doug Lindenfelser; Larry Fournier, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden and Norman Freske voted in favor of the motion, Ron Black Was opposed. The Motion passed. Motion by Floyd Roden to Meet with the Maintenance men (Dave Chase and Duane Fielder)on Thursday, May 14, 1992, at 4.00 PM Seconded by by Larry Fournier, All council members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a board of audit, the City Council audited and allowed vertified Account Nos. 401 to 467 inclusive. THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OTSEGO OF MAY 11, 1992 Page Five On motion the meeting adjourned. , NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR OUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL .,OYD RODEN, COUNCIL , LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/jeh