05-26-1992 Workshop Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The City Council of the City of
COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego held a Workshop Meeting
CITY OF OTSEGO this 26TH day of May, 1992 at 6:30PM
to discuss the formation of an
Economic Development Commission. Norman F Freske, Mayor Doug
Lindenfelser, Larry Fournier, and Ron Black, Council Members,
Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning
Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary, and Dave Licht,
Planner, were present.
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F
Dave Licht addressed the Council and advised them that
Otsego needs an Economic Development Commission to promote
Commercial Business in Otsego for both a tax base and
employment opportunities. The Commission could also address
the Home Extended Businesses already in Otsego.
The Commission should be made up of a diverse group such
as a real estate person, a banker, and someone with a Home
Extended Business background. The membership of the
Commission does not necessarily have to be limited to
residents of Otsego as a banker from a neighboring community
could have a real interest in the development in Otsego. Mr
Licht advised that you want enough members on the Commission
to have a varied input and yet not be too large and
cumbersome. Seven members is a good size. For advise on the
formation of the Commission, Mr Licht advised the Council to
consult with Mert Auger, Buffalo City Administrator, who is a
very competent person in this field.
Mr. Licht further advised the Council to set their
building standards high for commercial buildings, especially
in the Highway #101 area, as this will set a precedent for
the type of business you will attract in the future.
The consensus of the Council was that it should be a
seven member commission, and that they should be ready to
advertise in the paper by July for applications to be members
of the commission and have a list of qualifications that
members should adhere to. Ron Black suggested that every
Council Member have a list of qualifications in mind by the
June 8TH Council Meeting.
Motion by Ron Black to adjourn the Workshop Meeting.
Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in
favor of the motion.