06-08-1992 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of
COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 8 day of June, 1992,
CITY OF OTSEGO at 7;30 PM. Norman Freske, Mayor,
Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden,
Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome
Perrault, Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty,
Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary,
Bob Kirmis, Planner, Larry Koshak, Engineer, and Andy
McArthur, Attorney, were present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F.
Bob Kirmis addressed the Council concerning the
Osterbauer request to rezone a 25 acre parcel from Ag to R-2.
He said the Planning Commission has rescinded its previous
decision and approved the 2 for 20 split. However, the
Planning Commission was concerned about preserving prime Ag
Motion by Larry Fournier to approve rezoning the
Osterbauer land from Ag to R-2 according to the finding of
facts and with the intent to preserve Ag land to the extend
possible. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser.
Ron Black said he did not think it was the Council's
business to tell the owner how to use his land and where to
locate his house.
Bob Kirmis commented that he feels the Council should
stress preservation of Ag Land.
All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Bob
Kirmis then addressed the Lund request to build an oversized
garage on PID 118-500-164403, Lot 1, Block 1, Pludes
Addition. Mr. Kirmis said his office has prepared a finding
of facts and is recommending approval according to the
following conditions:
1. City Officials determine that there is a demonstrated
need and potential for the continued use of the site's pole
building for the purpose stated (storage of antique cars and
a motor home).
2. City Officials determine that the site's pole
building has an evident re -use related to the principal use.
3. No commercial or home occupation activities are to
occur on the site in association with the site's accessory
4. The proposed structure is painted to match the
site's principal structure.
5. The roof pitch of the proposed accessory building is
the same as the site's principal structure.
6. The placement of the proposed accessory structure is
shifted to allow execution of the approved resubdivision
7. If the applicant pursues further subdivision of the
subject property, either the existing pole building should be
removed or the following condition should be complied with:
a. Extensive screening is provided around the existing
pole building to screen it from view of the public right-of-
way and neighborning residences.
b. The pole building is brought into compliance with
Section 20--16-4.I of the Ordinances which notes that
accessory structures exhibit the same or similar quality
building materials as the principal building.
The Planning Commission has approved the Conditional Use
Permit of Roger Lund for an oversized storage building.
Motion by Ron Black to approve the Planning Commission
recommendations and approve the application of Roger Lund for
a Conditional Use Permit to build an oversized garage.
Seconded by Floyd Roden.
Ron Black suggested that Item 3 in the list of
conditions contingent for approval should be capitalized or
All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. At
this time Mayor Freske declared an Open Forum discussion
Merlin Brisbin commented that he would like to see the
Council Meeting Agenda published in the Star News so the
public would know what is to be considered at the meetings.
Norman Freske explained that this was almost impossible to do
because the agenda would have to be in the paper the week
before the meeting and publication deadline is Thursday of
the week before the paper is published which would mean the
agenda would have to prepared nearly two weeks before the
meeting. Copies of the agenda are available at the City Hall
on the Friday prior to the Monday night Council Meeting and
it is also posted on the City Hall bulletin board.
Gil Darkenwald asked if the City has any plans for the
dust control on Quaday Ave. Norman Freske explained that the
City had checked into the cost of applying dust control and
found that it would cost $3,000 to $4,000 per mile. The City
policy is that it would apply calcium chloride for dust
control if the residents of the street where it was applied
would pay the cost up front. There is also a bagged material
available that can be hand spread and water applied to the
road surface after it is spread. Mr. Darkenwald said he
would be willing to spread the bagged material if the City
would furnish it. It would require about 3 applications to
be effective all summer.
Mr. Darkenwald asked if there were any plans to blacktop
Quaday Avenue. Larry Koshak explained that Quaday Avenue was
in the 5 year MSA Street Construction Plan and could be done
in 1994, possibly 1993. Nashua Avenue is being constructed
this year and the next MSA project will be 85th Street
between Page Avenue and Co. 42. There is a certain amount of
MSA Construction money available each year.
Bob Kirmis advised the Council that he is recommending
final plat approval for Antelope Park in accordance with the
following conditions:
1. Direct driveway access to Ohland Avenue and 96th
Street is minimize to the extent possible.
2. Driveways which directly access Ohland Avenue or
96th Street include a driveway turn -a -round to eliminate
backing onto the collector street. A deed restriction shall
be placed on applicable to insure compliance.
3. Grading and drainage meet the approval of the City
4. The developer meet park and trail dedication
requirements as recommended by the Park and Recreation
Advisory Committee and approved by the City Council.
5. The developer enter into a developers agreement with
the City.
6. Comments from other City Staff.
The Developers Agreement has been prepared for Antelope
Park and Andy McArthur said that it would require 3
signatures, the developer and the 2 owners of the plat. At
the time theDevelopers Agreement is signed, an Escrow
Deposit of $23,500 for estimated future administrative and
legal fees will be required and a Letter of Credit in the
amount of $327,200 to guarantee payment of real estate tax,
special assessments and all public improvements and the cost
of public improvements will be required. Also required will
be proof of insurance coverage.
Andy McArthur said he has also prepared a Resolution
approving the Final Plat for Antelope contingent upon receipt
of the Letter of Credit, Escrow Deposit, and Proof of
Dan Berning, representing Ziegler Co., said that he
thought Item 8 in the Developers Contract should be worded
to allow the home owner 60 days to seed the lawn, and that
the escrow deposit of $600.00 should sufficient to guarantee
that the seeding (or sodding) will be done.
Ron Black commented that he thought the requirement to
have the seeding done before a home occupancy permit is
issued should remain in the Contract.
Larry Fournier said that requirement was put in so the
developer would see to it that it was done.
Neil Gorder asked if Antelope Park extended all the way
to the river and the Council replied that it did not, the
Wright CO. Park system owns the flood plain area near the
Doug Lindenfelser asked about requiring a monitoring
test well in Antelope Park. Larry Koshak replied that one
monitoring well into the first aquifer (15 to 20 ft deep)
would be sufficient for this size development.]
Motion by Ron Black to adopt the following Resolution
with the addition of Item 4 requiring a monitoring well to be
installed according to City specs:
Resolution approving the Plat of Antelope Park:
Whereas, developers Markus Investment Group, Inc., and
Mark Woolston have proposed a plat to be known as
Antelope Park; and Whereas, a preliminary plat and final
plat have been presented for review, have been reviewed
and recommendations for approval have been made by the
City Attorney, the City Engineer and City Planner
subject to certain conditions; and Whereas, the
developers have substantially complied with applicable
City Ordinances regarding sub -divisions and submitted
the required data for review; and Whereas, the
developers and fee owners will execute a Developer's
Agreement which contains provisions relating to most of
those concerns regarding the plat; and Whereas, the City
Council has review the plat, Developers Agreement, and
additional information received. Therefore, Let it be
Resolved that the City of Otsego hereby approves the
Final Plat of Antelope Park contingent upon the
1. Developers Agreement is fully executed by
Developers and fee owners.
2. All fees and escrow amounts required by the
Developer's Agreement, and administrative and legal
fees incurred to date are fully paid.
3. Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount
contained in the Developer's Agreement, and in form
acceptable to the City, is provided to the City.
4. Installation of a monitoring well to City
The motion was seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, All
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Bob Kirmis advised the Council that the State requires
an FAW on developments of over 8O acres and the City must
determine if an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is
required before final plat approval. Andy McArthur said EAW
comments must be considered to determine whether an EIS is
needed. Mr. Caswell has re -calculated the average lot size
in Country Ridge to be 1.22 acres. Both the City Engineer
and Mr. Caswell, Engineer for the developers have determined
that an EIS is not necessary for Country Ridge. Merlin
Brisbin said the MPCA had some concerns about Country Ridge
and were these addressed? Andy McArthur replied that Mr.
Caswell has addressed all these issues.
Larry Koshak commented that Mt. Simon -Hinckley Aquifer
wells will be required and either pressurized septic systems
or drop box septic systems as well as 2 monitoring wells.
Merlin Brisbin asked if a storm water permit is needed
for Country Ridge and Larry Koshak replied that it was not
needed, however, ponding areas are planned for.
Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the EAW Finding of
Facts and the determination that an EIS is not needed or
required for Country Ridge. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser,
all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Ron Black to approve the vacation of River
Road between Page Ave. and Co. 42. Seconded by Floyd Roden,
all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Final Plat for
Country Ridge contingent upon the conditions as outlined
by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. and Hakanson
Anderson Association, Inc., Seconded by Ron Black, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Bill Radzwill was now present and advised the Council
that he had reviewed the bids for the construction of the new
City Hall which were received on June 4 and found them to be
very high in comparison to the cost of the new office
building he had recently built. He said the City could hire
a project manager and have that person negotiate new bids.
State Statutes allow the City to do this and all contracts
would be let in the City's name. The main building bid was
high and the plumbing and heating bid was very high.
The Council approved of Mr. Radzwill and Architect Don
Meinhardt coming up with a plan to proceed with in getting
the new City Hall constructed.
Larry Koshak advised the Council that he is submitting
Pay Estimate NO. 2 for the Nashua Avenue which would be for
the grade work in preparation for the blacktop. The blacktop
is nearly complete now and there are 2 or 3 spots that need
correction. Motion by Ron Black to approve the payment of
Pay Estimate No. 2 to Bauerly Bros. Construction in the
amount of $120,121.77. Seconded by Norman Freske, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Larry Koshak told the Council he is recommending the
ordering of the Plans & Specs to be prepared for the
construction of 85th Street between Page Avenue and Co. 42
and the ordering of that project. The Council advised him
they will do this at the next Council Meeting.
Larry Koshak also advised the Council that he has
prepared a street right-of-way location plan for buried gas
lines, cable TV, electric and telephone lines. The plan
designates a location for each of the Utilities so that the
City would have a standardized plan. He submitted the plan
to the Council for their review and suggested that a copy be
given to the Utilities for their review and comments.
Larry Koshak also advised the Council that the 70th
Street project in connection with the MnDot Test Facility has
been completed and the Bajari Pit will be filled. 80th
Street and 85th Street will be also be checked for damage
from heavy equipment running over them during the Test
Facility construction process.
Larry Koshak also discussed Septic and Drain Field
systems. He said Baun Interec did refer to Drop Box systems
in their test boring report. Country Ridge has a high
percolation rate and either the drop box or pressurized
system will work. The drop box system requires a separate
drain field and some slope between boxes. Doug Lindenfelser
asked if the drain field could be lined to slow down the
percolation rate. Mr. Koshak replied this would be required
in a drop box system, a regular drain field can be used with
a normal percolation rate. This gives the option of using
whatever system will work best in each situation.
Motion by Larry Fournier to rescind the Resolution
requiring pressurized septic systems in the Urban Service
Area. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members
voted in favor of the motion.
Larry Koshak said he attended the County Meeting on the
Wright Co. 5 year Highway Plan. There are no overlays
planned. There is a future plan to upgrade Co. 37 from
Highway 101 to Odean Avenue. Signal light at the junction of
CO. 37 and Hwy 101 and a permanent signal at the junction of
Co. 39 and Hwy 101 are in the 1994 plans.
The Council then discussed Organized Garbage Hauling,
recycling and mandatory garbage pickup. Ron Black said he
thought the City should not be involved in recycling nd
garbage pickups. It will cost the City in excess of $20,000
to pay for recycling this year. Elk River has an organized
garbage collection system with districts assigned to each
hauler and mandatory garbage pickup. Doug Lindenfelser and
Norman Freske will meet with the local haulers to discuss the
organized garbage collection system and recycling.
The Council discussed the formation of an Economic
Development Commission and the qualifications needed to be
appointed to it. Larry Fournier said the Commission members
should be people with a genuine interest in the City. Ron
Black said he thought one qualification should be the owner
of business with 7 to 24 employees and knows what it is to
run a business and take risks as some people have never had
that experience. Many of the Economic Development Commission
in the other Cities were appointed when Grant Money was
available and this is no longer true. Ron Black suggested
that it might be premature for Otsego to appoint a Commission
as they might not have much to do.
Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to table consideration of
the Economic Development Commission until the first Council
Meeting in July. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council
Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Ron Black to approve the application of
Minnegasco for a permit to install gas lines in Antelope Park
subject to review by the City Engineer as to placement.
Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in
favor of the motion.
Motion by Norman Freske to table consideration of the
application of Minnegasco for a permit to install gas lines
in Country Ridge. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members
voted in favor of the motion.
Membership in the League of Cities will be on the Agenda
for the next Council Meeting.
Dave Chase has received two quotes for blacktop patching
in selective areas.
Metro Paving - $6,450.00
Munn, Inc. - 6,390.00
The Council will review the budget before making a
decision on the blacktop patching.
Norman Freske asked for the Council opinion on
participation in an Overall Economic Development Plan with
Wright Co. The consensus of the Council Members was that
they did not wish to participate.
Ron Black said he had talked to Bill Connett about the
pipe field for the Geo -Therm heating and cooling system. He
suggested consulting with a design engineer for advice in
layout of the field. Doug Lindenfelser and Larry Fournier
both said their concerns with the Geo -Therm systems are it's
slow recovery, maintenance and repair costs.
The Council authorized Dave Chase to rent a pup trailer
for gravel hauling from Dennis Fehn for $7.00 a load.
Larry Fournier suggested an Employee Benefit Plan be set
up to be used as a guideline when negotiating employee
Larry Fournier also suggested that Park and Trail
Dedication Fees be used toward the purchase of the West part
of the City Hall property. These funds could then be used in
the construction of the City Hall.
The Council requested Elaine Beatty to advertise for
applications for an alternate member on the Planning
Commission with interviews to be held in July.
Proceeding as a board of audit, the City Council audited
and allowed verified accounts No. 518 to 587 inclusive.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
ATTEST Jerome Perrault, Clerk