06-15-1992 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MN A Public Hearing on the construction COUNTY OF WRIGHT of Quale Avenue between 65th Street CITY OF OTSEGO and 70th Street (Co. Rd 37) as an access road for Hwy 101 was held this 15 day of June, 1992, at 7:30 PM. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak, Engineer, and Bill Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The Hearing was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. Larry Koshak then addressed the Hearing and explained that Quale Avenue between 65th Street and 70th Street was being constructed as an access road for Highway 101 at the request of MnDot. Accesses to Hwy 101 will be CO. 39, CO. 42, and CO. 37. and all others will be cut off. CO. 36 in Frankfort Township will also be an access. A Nearing on Quale Avenue was held March 30, 1992, but some of the land owners had objected to the proposed alignment of Quale Avenue. He said he then met with the land owners and worked out a new alignment. The first alignment (Option A) went South from 70th on the property line between Lavedure and Darkenwald and then curved slightly SW to intersect with the existing segment of Quale Avenue between 65th and 62nd Street, a gravel road. The revised alignment would follow the property line between Lavedure and Darkenwald and then the property line between Rodney Winter and Numeric Tool to 65th Street for a right angle intersection East of the existing Quale Avenue. (Option 8) Mr. Koshak explained that MnDot will pay for the construction cost and 8% of the construction engineering with the balance of the project to be paid by the City. The City will assess it's share to the property owners. The cost figures on the project are as follows: Clear and grub $ 1,000.00 Grading (subgrade) 137,000.00 Aggregate base 27,650.00 Bituminous surface & striping 44,850.00 Restoration (seeding, mulch, fertilizer) Culverts and drainage Pipe line relocation Cul -De -Sac construction at 62nd & 65th TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Overhead costs (25%) ROW acquistion TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST MnDot Share Construction (100%) Construction engineering (8n) TOTAL MnDOT SHARE CITY OF OTSEGO SHARE 5,000.00 9,900.00 10,000.00 12,100.00 $247,500.00 61,875.00 20,000.00 $329,375.00 $247,500.00 19,800.00 $267,300.00 62,075.00 $329,375.00 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 15, 1992. PAGE 2 The City is proposing an assessment of $5,643.18 per unit for eleven units with an annual cost of $918.43 per unit based on a ten year period and 10% interest. Lavedure and Darkenwald will be assessed 4 units each as proposed commercial lots and the others 1 unit each as Ag Land. Norman F. Freske then opened the Hearing for comments from those in attendance. Glen Beltrand said there are eleven residents on 62nd Street who are not being addressed. They will be still on a dirt road and their access to Highway 101 is being cut off. Larry Koshak replied that MnDOT would only approve the project to 65th Street because beyond 65th, a street is already in existence (Quale Avenue between 62nd and 65th). Bill Radzwill commented that the State has to provide an access road between 65th and 70th but beyond 65th there is a street already. All plans have to be approved by MnDOT. Jeff Christian (A resident of Quale Avenue) asked if the new road would be called Quale Avenue and he was told that it would be. He then asked if Quale Avenue would be extended all the way to Frankfort Township. Larry Koshak said there are no plans at present to extend Quale Avenue, however it has been looked at as a possible future road. Paul Evenson asked why Design Plan Option B was being used instead of Option A if you do not plan to go straight through to 60th Street. Larry Koshak replied that the land owners preferred Option B. Bob Brown (a resident of Quale Avenue) asked what would be done about the dust on Quale Avenue when the traffic increases. Norman Freske replied that calcium chloride is available for dust control, however it costs over $3,000 per mile each year. Leslie Davis said he was concerned about the dust that would be generated by the dirt road and would be hazardous to the health of the residents along that road. He said that MnDOT should be approached and explain to then the hazardous condition being created. Larry Koshak replied that MnDOT could be informed of this. Jeff Christian said he wants to go on record as being opposed to a connecting road to Frankfort Township. Paul Evenson said he wishes to go on record as preferring Option A. Steve Glatzell asked if Option A had been approved by the Council. Norman Freske replied that it had not been approved because the land owners wanted to consider a different route. He then asked if there would be a street light at the intersection of Quale Avenue and 65th Street. Larry Koshak said it was being considered. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 15, 1992. PAGE 3 Paul Evenson asked if Option B was less costly than Option A. Mr. Koshak said Option B was about 150 ft shorter but the cost was similar. Rodney Winter said the reason he was opposed to Option A was because it broke up his property and came too close to his house. Mr. Coleman, Attorney for Mario Giordano, said he understands that 62nd and 65th Street will be cut off from Highway 101. He said that MnDot had told him they would not leave a dirt road as an access road to Highway 101 (Quale Avenue between 62nd and 65th). Larry Koshak replied that this was not the way he was told. Bill Radzwill suggested that Mr. Coleman and Mr. Koshak approach MnDOT together and see what their response would be. Norman Freske explained to the residents that zoning along Quale Avenue would not change unless requested by the property owner and then it would have to go thru the Hearing process. The City Council would not make a zoning change unless requested to do so. Reba Winter said another reason she preferred Option B was that it would slow the traffic down. Larry Fournier said the impression he got this evening was that the Council was not looking out for the best interests of the residents and this was certainly not true. Leslie Davis asked if MnDOT would consider an access at 62nd Street. Larry Koshak replied that they would not, that their goal was to reduce the number of stop lights on Highway 101 for safety reasons. Reba Winter asked if Quale Avenue between 62nd and 65th Street could be blacktopped. Norman F. Freske said the residents along it could petition to have it done but it is very costly. One resident asked if the road to the Karst junkyard was a private road and the answer was yes. Motion by Larry Fournier to close the Hearing. Seconded by Floyd Roden. One resident said he thought maintenance would be more difficult and costly with the two 90 corners in Option B. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 15, 1992. Page 4 A11 Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to adjourn. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. , NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR , DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL , LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/jeh