08-24-1992 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 24 day of August, CITY OF OTSEGO 1992 at 7:30 PM. Norman Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James N. Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak, Engineer, and David Licht, Planner, were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Minutes of the August 4, 1992, Special Council Meeting. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the August 10, 1992, Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to approve the Minutes of the August 17, 1992, Special Council. Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Mark Wallace, a member of the Otsego Parks and Recreation Board, appeared before the Council to request Council approval to join the National Parks Association and also the Minnesota Parks Association. He said this would help keep the Parks and Recreation Board informed on whats new in Parks. The Minnesota Parks Association has monthly and quarterly publications that would keep them informed on what Grants are available and other information. Mr. Wallace said the National Association membership would be about $55.00 per year and the State Association membership about $27.50 to $180.00 per year. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to request the Otsego Parks and Recreation Board to. join both the National Parks Association and the Minnesota Parks Association. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. John Darkenwald appeared before the Council regarding getting a permit to put in a Golf Driving Range where the used car lot formerly was at the NW, corner of the junction of CO. 42 and Hwy 101. He said they would be using the existing building on the lot and repairing that. The driving range would have it's back to Hwy 101 and would have a 70 ft. setback from Co. 42. This permit request has not been heard by. the Planning Commission as yet. Mr. Licht commented that the permit request would require a Public Hearing by the Planning Commission. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to request John Darkenwald to appear before the Otsego Planning Commission with his request for a permit for a Golf Driving Range. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Mike Ziegler, a building contractor who is building homes in Antelope Park, appeared before the Council concerning the requirement that all wells in Antelope Park CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1992. Page 2 (and also Country Ridge) be drilled down to the Mt. Sirnon-- Hinckley acquifer. He said he had dug a well down to the Mt. Simon -Hinckley acquifer, 170 ft. deep, and the water quality was poor with a lot of iron in it. He said they found good quality water at 105 ft and had gone thru 3 hard pans and into the 3rd vein when they reached the 105 ft depth. Larry Koshak said he did not think they had reached the Mt. Simon -- Hinckley acquifer at 170 ft. Mr. Koshak also explained that during the Country Ridge Plat approval process an EAW was required. The MPCA recommended that all wells in the new developments in the Urban Service Area be drilled down to the Mt. Simon -Hinckley acquifer. The MN Dept of Health does not require this but the Health Dept checks the quality of the water at present and the MPCA is concerned about future pollution. Mr. Ziegler said he thought development in Otsego is being geared toward City water and when this happens there would be a lot of very expensive wells to abandon. Mr. Koshak suggested having a meeting with both the MCPA and MN Dept of Health present to straighten out what the requirements should be as to well depth. Motion by Ron Black to refer the matter of well depth to the City Engineer with the request that a meeting be set up with MCPA and the Dept. of Health to clarify this issue. Seconded by Floyd Roden. Doug Lindenfelser asked what the time table would be on this. Larry Koshak said he would set the meeting up as soon as possible and that he would like to have the well drillers attend this meeting as well. All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. David Flannery, Elk River School Superintendent was present and said plans for the new school in Otsego are progressing and the School Board is about ready to close on the land purchase. He said they would like to do all their planning between now and February, 1993, with construction to start in the spring of 1993 with completion in 1994. Mr. Flannery also said the School Board would like to meet with the Council to discuss plans, including a possible joint library and a joint park with the City. Floyd Roden said the Otsego Parks Committee will be having a Hearing on their Comprehensive Plan on September 21, 1992, and invited Mr. Flannery to attend. The Council will put the Elk River School Board on the agenda for the Sept. 14, 1992, Council Meeting. David Licht addressed the Council concerning the application of Nancy Duerr for an interim use permit amendment to allow expansion of their home extended business (Duerr's Water Care Service) within an A--1 Agricultural Rural Service Zoning District. The Planning Commission has recommended approval based on the following finding of facts 1. The applicant is requesting an interim use permit. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1992. Page 3 amendment to allow the expansion of a lawfully approved home extended business within an A-1 Zoning District. 2. The applicant's home extended business had been lawfully approved prior to the effective date of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. 3. Lawfully approved home extended businesses located within agricultural zoning districts are classified as existing interim uses. 4. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Districts. 5. The legal description of the property is: The East 1/2 of the SW 1/4 and the East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of Section 25, Township 121, Range 24. 6. The proposed interim is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with adjacent properties in the area, compatible with present and future land use in the area, and will not generate excessive traffic on the streets serving the property. Motion by Ron Black to accept the Planning Commission recommendation and approve the Duerr Interim Use Permit request. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego hereby adopts an Ordinance amending Section 21-8-1 of the City Subdivision Ordinance relating to time restrictions imposed upon the placement of monuments. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The full text of the Ordinance is attached to these Minutes. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego hereby adopts an Ordinance addressing Development Density requirements and the transfer of development density requirements within A-1 and A-2 Zoning Districts. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The full text of the Ordinance is attached to these Minutes. David Licht then addressed the Council concerning the establishment of an EDA in Otsego, and introduced Dan Wilson from his office who has worked with many communities in establishing EDAs. He presented the Council with a revised time table to proceed with in the establishment of an EDA. Motion by Ron Black to set the Public Hearing on the establishment of an EDA for September 14, 1992, at 7:30 PM or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard . Seconded by CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1992. PAGE 4 Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry to rescind the motion of July 27, 1992, requesting Tom Truszinski to assist the City of Otsego in establishing an EDA. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to adopt the Enabling Resolution to establish an Economic Development Authority and proceed with the necessary public notices. Seconded by Floe Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The full text of the Enabling Resolution is attached to the Minutes. David Licht suggested having a Special Council Meeting to discuss the membership of the EDA and other matters pertaining to the EDA. Motion by Floyd Roden to have a Special Council Meeting on August 31, 1992, at 7:30 PM to discuss the EDA. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak addressed the Meeting and presented the Council with the feasibility report he had prepared on the construction of 85th Street from Page Avenue to County 42. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego hereby accepts the feasibility report on the construction of 85th Street from Page Avenue to Co. 42 as prepared by Hakanson Anderson Assoc. Inc. and will conduct .a Public Hearing on said construction of 85th Street from Page Avenue to Co. 42 on September 28, 1992, at 7:00 PM. The motion was seconded by Ron Black, all Council - Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak presented his cost estimate to the Council for the repair of 85th Street from the Monticello Township Line to Kadler Avenue, Kadler Avenue from 85th to 80th Street and 80th Street from Kadler to County 19 (a distance of 2 1/2 miles) which were damaged by machinery from the MnDot Test facility being hauled over them. His cost estimate was $354,200 for the repair of these streets and an additional $44,100 to put a 4 inch layer of gravel on Kadler Avenue between 70th Street and 80th Street and on Jalger Avenue South of 85th Street which were also used as haul roads by MnDot. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the plans and • specifications for the repair of 85th Street, Kadler Avenue and 80th Street and the graveling of Jalger and Kadler Avenue and request Larry Koshak to forward the plans and specifications to MnDOT. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Membera voted In CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1992 Page 5 favor of the motion. Neil McMillin, of Wright Hennepin Electric Co-op, was present at the meeting to discuss a street lighting policy. He suggested a 5 year contract between Wright -Hennepin Electric and the City of Otsego to provide street lighting as requested. The Planning Commission has been working on a street lighting policy. Motion by Larry Fournier to refer the street lighting policy to the Otsego Planning Commission. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak recommended to the Council that they conduct an Assessment Hearing on the Nashua Avenue 85th Street Project soon. Motion by Ron Black to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego will conduct an Assessment Hearing on the Nashua Avenue - 85th Street Construction Project on September 22, 1992, at 7:00 PM with a proposed assessment of $2,500.00 per unit. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Fournier said he was concerned about all the bumps on Nashua Avenue. Ron Black agreed with Larry Fournier and said there was a bad spot by LuConics that had not been repaired. Norman F. Freske said he was also concerned about all the bumps in a brand new road. Larry Koshak said that he had expected the transition by the patches that.Bauerly Construction had put in would be a lot smoother. A Bauerly Construction representative commented that they did what they were asked to do. Ron Black said he was concerned about paying nearly a half million dollars for a new road and it is bumpy. Norman F. Freske commented that he thought it was up to the Contractor and the Engineer to improve Nashua Avenue and that the Council would not accept it the way it is now. All the other Council Members agreed with Mr. Freske. Floyd Roden said he also noticed some spots in the back slope along Nashua Avenue that were not seeded. Regarding Antelope Park, Larry Koshak said he was not satisfied with the drainage and grading in Blocks 3, 6, 7, and 8 and would not approve issuing building permits in those areas. The Council said it was their intent that no building permits be issued in any part of Antelope Park until all • areas are corrected. Neil Gorder asked who was responsible for keeping the creek open that runs thru his property as runoff water from Antelope Parkwill also drain through there. The Council replied they would check into thi: matter. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1992. PAGE 6 Larry Koshak advised the Council that Country Ridge is requesting a $55,000 reduction in their Letter of Credit as US West Communications furnishes their own Letter of Credit and also the street grading is nearly complete. Motion by Ron Black to reduce Country Ridge's Letter ofi Credit by $55,000 as per Utilities and Street Grading. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in 'favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to grant Minnegasco a permit to extend gas lines along 85th Street and Nashua Avenue. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak said he had checked the Bajari pit and it is now filled but still needs to be seeded. Ron Black commented that in the case of repeat feasibility studies on a street improvement project, the residents should be requested to pay up front at least a part of the cost of the study. Larry Fournier advised Mr. Koshak that there were some spots around culvert ends on the Packard Avenue project that were not smooth enough to satisfy some property owners. Mr. Koshak said the project was done according to specs and it was not the intent to have the area around the culvert ends perfectly smooth. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to table any action on recycling until the next Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego wishes to discontinue Workmens Compensation Insurance Coverage for Otsego Planning Commission Members effective September 1, 1992 and to continue until further notice. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to table consideration of the maintenance agreement on the voting machine at this time. Seconded by Floyd Roden. Ron Black commented that we should investigate the conditions of the warranty on the voting machine before making a decision on the maintenance agreement. Don Meinhardt, Architect, appeared before the Council in regard to quotes on the City Hall. He said he had two quotes to furnish steel for the new City Hall (Sections 510, 520, 530 and 550) Berghs Fabricating Inc $24,889.00 Ben's Tool & Iron 27 ,500 .00 Motion by Floyd Roden to accept the quote of Berghe Fabricating Inc. at $24,889.00. Seconded by Ron Black, al]. Council Members voted in favor of the motion. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1992. Page 7 Plumbing & Heating quotes were received from Buffalo Plumbing & Heating and from Custom Sheetmetal of Monticello. On Item 1 (Plumbing Material) Buffalo Plumbing & Heating submitted a quote of $15,012.00, Custom Sheetmetal submitted a quote of $17,575.00. Motion by Ron Black to accept the quote of Buffalo Plumbing & Heating on Item 1 at $15,012.00. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On Item 2 (Plumbing Labor) Buffalo Plumbing & Heating submitted a quote of $16,599.00, Custom Sheetmetal submitted a quote of $5,300.00. Motion by Larry Fournier to accept the quote of Buffalo Plumbing & Heating at $16,599.00 on Item 2. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On Item 3 (Heating Material) Buffalo Plumbing & Heating submitted a quote of $5,875.00, Custom Sheetmetal submitted a quote of $22,225.00. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to accept the quote of Buffalo Plumbing & Heating on Item 3 at $5,875.00. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted i.. favor of the motion. SEE NEW FILE CC82492.DOC SEE OLD FILE CC8492.DOC CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1992 PAGE 8 On Item 4 (Heating Equipment) Buffalo Plumbing & Heating submitted a quote of $16,565.00 Custom Sheetmetal submitted a quote of $17,600.00. Motion by Floyd Roden to award the quote on Item 4 to Buffalo Plumbing & Heating at $16,565.00. Seconded by Ron Black, Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On Item 5 (Cooling Equipment) Buffalo Plumbing & Heating submitted a quote of $11,735.00, Custom Sheetmetal submitted a quote of $11,500.00. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to accept the quote of Buffalo Plumbing & Heating at $11,735.00 on Item 5. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On Item 6 (Heating & Cooling Labor) Buffalo Plumbing & Heating submitted a quote of $13,851.00, Custom Sheetmetal submitted a quote of $7,350.00. Motion by Larry Fournier to accept the quote of Buffalo Plumbing & Heating on Item 6 at $13,851.00. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Steel erection quotes were received from Brad Praught and K & L Steel Co. Because there were differences in the ,way the quotes were submitted, the Council referred them back to Don Meinhardt for clarification. Roofing quotes were received from High -Tech Roofing & from McPhillps Bros. One Section 760 (Sheetmetal Work -Labor & Materials) High -Tech Roofing submitted a quote of $4,300.00, McPhillips Bros a quote of $14,688.50. Motion by Ron Black to award the Section 760 Roofing quote to High -Tech Roofing at $4,300.00. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On Section 750 (Membrane Roofing -Materials Only) High - Tech Roofing submitted a quote of $18,295.00, McPhillips Bros. a quote of $23,916.50. Motion by Ron Black to award the Section 750 Materials Only roofing quote to High -Tech Roofing at $18,295.00. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On Section 750 (Roofing Labor Only) High -Tech Roofing submitted a quote of $6,500.,00, McPhillps Bros. submitted a quote of $15,255.00. Motion by Ron Black to award the Section 750 Labor Only roofing quote to High' -Tech Roofing at $6.500.00. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all. Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to award the 0790 Caulking quote to Droels Caulking CO. at $1,571.00. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to accept Deeds from Wright Co. from the following Tax Forfeit Parcels: CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1992 PAGE 9 Outlot D, Otsego Acres 1st Addition, PID 118-026-000020 L1, 82, Otsego Acres 2nd Addition PID 115-027.002010 Outlot A, Halls 3rd Addition PID 118-042-000010 PID 118-800-251101, located in the N1/2 of S25,R24, subject to 33 ft. road easement for 50th St. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. • Motion by Ron Black to submit applications to Wright Co. for the conveyance of deeds to the above described Tax Forfeit Parcels. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to set the deadline for submitting invoices for payment on the Thursday preceding the Monday night Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to adjourn all Council Meetings no later than 11:00 PM. Seconded by Ron Black. Ron Black said the main items should be placed on the agenda. first. Ron Black, Doug Lindenfelser, and Floyd Roden voted in favor of the motion. Norman F Freske and Larry Fournier were opposed, the motion passed. Motion by Ron Black to approve the request of Wright - Hennepin Co-op Electric Assn for a permit to provide underground cable electric service to the Rex Osterbauer residence. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The City of Albertville maintenance man has requested an annual billing for grading done on Albertville streets by the Otsego maintenance crew. The Council advised the City Staff to continue with monthly billings. Proceeding as a board of audit, the City Council audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 814 to 856 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN" FRESKE MAYOR FLOYD RODEN COUNCIL COUNCIL ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK 411