09-22-1992 Asessment Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MN An Assessment Hearing on the Nashua COUNTY OF WRIGHT Avenue - 85th Street MSA CITY OF OTSEGO Construction Project was held this 22 day of September, 1992, at 7:00 PM. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak, Engineer, and Andy McArthur, Attorney, were present. The Hearing was called to order by Norman F. Freske, Mayor. Engineer Larry Koshak then addressed the Hearing and explained that it was the Assessment Hearing for the construction project of Nashua Avenue from Co. 39 to 83rd Street and 85th Street from Nashua Avenue 750 feet East. We will be listening to your comments tonight and the assessment roll will be adopted at the September 28, 1992, Council Meeting. The total estimated cost of the project is $465,000 with MSA paying a large portion of the cost and the balance by the assessments. The project is 98% complete with a street light at the Co. 39 - Nashua Avenue intersection still to be put up, a field driveway for Mrs. LuConnic, and a few small hand jobs to do. The proposed assessment is $2,500.00 per unit at 8% interest on 24 assessable units. Using a uniform payment method, the payments will be $377.00 per year for 10 years and start in 1993. Full payment with no interest charges can be made within 30 days after the assessment roll is adopted or until October 28, 1992. Floyd Goenner asked how many years the interest would accumulated if a person used the deferred payment plan under the Green Acres program. Larry Koshak advised him it would be for 10 years. Dennis Havel asked if the City would be paying an assessment on it's property. The answer was yes. Mrs. LuConnic commented that she thought the interest rate of 8% was too high. One resident asked if he split his property later on, would he be assessed again? The answer was no. Gene Goenner asked when the insurance claims would be paid. Larry Koshak said this was a matter between the insurance company and the claimant. Floyd Goenner said. he thought the City should be involved and also the contractor did not keep the road passable like promised. LaVerne Constant said she has trouble with her culvert and ditch as the water doe not move and gets stagnant. Larry Koshak advised her this would be corrected. Floyd Goenner asked who was going to pay for digging out the muck in the ditches if someone wants to put in a driveway culvert later on. John Anderson said he thought there was too little cover over his driveway culverts. Larry Koshak said that it shouldn't be a problem unless you get too close to the end. John Anderson said the driveway approaches were too low, lower than the road and they should be level with the road. CITY OF OTSEGO NASHUA - 85TH STREET ASSESSMENT HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1992. Page 2 Larry Koshak advised him he would check the driveways. Bill Olson asked how much of the project was being paid by MSA. Larry Koshak said 100% of construction costs, most but not all engineering and easement costs and only a portion of legal expenses. Bill Olson asked if assessments could create a surplus. Larry Koshak replied if this happened that money would go into a fund for future street improvements. Floyd Goenner commented that he thought the mailboxes were set too close and also it was double striped all the way for no passing. Larry Koshak said the road had a 40 MPH speed limit. Myrtle LuConnic said she was protesting the assessment on her 20 acre parcel because it was too low and unbuildable. The Council advised her they would check the parcel. Andy McArthur advised the residents the assessments are appealable through District Court but a written appeal must be filed by today. Dennis Havel asked if one resident could appeal in behalf of all. The answerwas no. Gene Goenner asked if the contractor was going to remove all the material they left laying around. Larry Koshak said they will, that it just takes time. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of .the motion. On Motion the meeting adjourned. , NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL , FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL , LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/jeh