09-28-1992 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of
COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 28 day of
CITY OF OTSEGO September, 1992, at 7:00 PM.
Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug
Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black,
Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty,
Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary,
Larry Koshak, Engineer, Bob Kirmis, Planner, and Jerry Olson,
Building Inspector, were present.
The meeting was called to order by Norman F. Freske,
Jerry Olson appeared before the Council to discuss some
of the concerns he had regarding developments. Mr. Olson
said the first concern he had was lot seeding in Country
Ridge but is seems that the developer is now taking care of
this. Back slopes (lot side) should be sodded by the builder
if more than a 10% slope and the inslopes should be seeded by
the developer.
Clarification of whether to allow heavy truck traffic on
the new streets in the developments was another concern of
Mr. Olson. Tony Emmerich did say he planned to keep heavy
trucks off the streets in Country Ridge until the streets
were competed and at full strength. Mr. Olson did say he
would notify the builders to get the driveways in first
before starting to build the houses.
• Mr. Olson asked the Council if it was necessary to have
a lot survey to get a permit for a small garage or a deck.
Ron Black said he could not see any reason to require a lot
survey for a deck or an attached garage permit unless you
(Jerry Olson) can see a problem with setbacks. The Council
decided to leave it up to the discretion of the building
inspector whether to require a lot survey.
Mr. Olson asked if building permits are now being issued
in Antelope Park. The Council said no (only the two
approved), not until all drainage issues are resolved.
The regular'Council Meeting was now called to order by
Mayor Norman F. Freske. Treasurer James Barthel was also
Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the
September 14, 1992, Council Meeting. Seconded by Floyd
Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to approve the Minutes of
the September 21, 1992, Publc; Hearing on the Parks &
Recreation Commission Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Ron
Black. all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Ron Black to approve the Minutes of the
September 22, 1992, Assessment Hearing on the Nashua Avenue
8Sth Street MSA Construction Project. Seconded by Floyd
Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the
August. 31, 1992, Council Meting. Seconded by Ron Black, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Minutes of the
September 10, 1992, Special Council Meeting with the Elk
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River School Board. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Minutes of the
September 10, 1992, Special Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron
Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Bob Kirmis addressed the Mike Weidenbach request for a
variance request to have a 1 per 40 lot split larger than 2
1/2 acre'. The Zoning Ordinance allows for a lot split larger
than 2 1/2 acres if the land in question is marginal Ag Land.
According to RSCS statistics, this area would qualify for a
larger than 2 1/2 acre split. Bob Kirmis said he is
approving the variance request according to the following
1. A site survey prepared by a registered land surveyor
is submitted as necessary for building permit issuance..
2 The applicant demonstrates that soil conditions on
the property will support a residential dwelling. This
item should be subject to comment by the City Building
3. The Building Inspector and/or City Engineer
determine that the subject site will sustain a private
well and sewage treatment system.
4. As recommended by the Wright Co. Highway Dept. 33
ft. of right-of-way is formally dedicated for Co. 19.
5. If not already held, an access permit is obtained
from the Wright Co. Highway Dept. for the subject
property to receive access from Co. 19.
SEE NEW FILE 9-28-92
6. A deed restriction is placed on the subject
property to prohibit further subdivision.
7. The applicant satisfy park dedication fees of
$175.00 and trail dedication fees of $25.00.
8. The City Engineer provide comment as to the
acceptability of the proposed private access easement.
9. Drainage and utility easements, as requested by
the City Subdivision Ordinance are provided prior to the
issuance of any building permits. This item should be
subject to further comment by the City Engineer.
In accordance with the Finding of Facts and the
conditions outlined by the Planner, the Otsego Planning
Commission has approved the variance request of Mike
Larry Fournier asked Engineer Larry Koshak if he had
reviewed Mike Weidenbach's proposed septic system and Mr.
Koshak replied that he had.
Motion by Ron Black to approve the request of Mike
Weidenbach for a variance for a larger than 2 1/2 acre lot in
a 1 per forty split in accordance with Planning Commission
recommendations. Seconded by Larry Fournier. Norman Freske,
Doug Lindenfelser, Larry Fournier and Ron Black voted in
favor of the motion, Floyd Roden abstained. The motion
Jane Thomson, representing the Elk River Area Council,
appeared before the Council Area Arts, appeared before the
Council and requested a $5,000.00 donation to their Arts
Council. She presented the Council with a listing of their
income and expenses for the first 8 months of 1992. Norman
F. Freske, asked'how many members the Arts Council had. Mrs.
Thomson replied from 150 to 200 and it was formed in 1989.
Doug Lindenfelser asked if the Arts Council was associated
with the Elk River School District. Mrs. Thomson replied
that the Arts Council uses the Senior High Auditorium for
performances and also uses the school practice rooms.
Tanya Darkenwald was present and said she lived in
Otsego for 20 years and is the only Otsego resident ori the
Arts Council Board. Elaine Beatty and Jacquie Rognli are
members of the Arts Council as well as other Otsego
residents. Individual memberships to the Arts Council are
$15.00. The Council advised Mrs. Thomson they would give
consideration to her request and asked if they could be
provided with a list of Otsego residents who are members
of the Arts Council.
Motion by Floyd Roden to table consideration of a
donation to the Arts Council until the next Council Meeting.
Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in
favor of the motion.
Dan Greene appeared before the Council regarding renew:,.1
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of the Multi -Pack Insurance Policy with the League of Cities
Insurance Trust. The policy covers City property, General
Liability & Property Damage, Errors & Omissions, Automobile
Liability & Damage, Crime & Bonds. Because the renewal
premium was over $3,300.00 more than the past year's premium
($11,739.00 as compared to $8,410.00) and the premium was
based on the City's expenditures, the Council requested that
Mr. Greene recheck the calculations.
Motion by Ron Black to renew the Multi -Pack Insurance
Policy with the League of Cities Insurance Trust. Seconded
by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Mayor Norman F. Freske then declared the Open Forum part
of the agenda to be in session.
Metro Builders was present and asked if there were any
questions regarding City Hall construction. He said
construction is being held up because the steel has not been
delivered. Also Construction Manager Don Meinhardt should be
on the job every day and he has not been. The Council
advised him they would request Don Meinhardt to meet with
• Motion by Ron Black to have a Special Council Meeting
with Don Meinhardt on September 30, 1992, at 3:30 PM.
Seconded by Larry Fournier „all Council Members voted in
favor of the motion.
Dennis Havel asked if he could use a shared driveway for
3 parcels on Nashua Avenue. The Council advised him this
matter would have to be brought before the Planning
Commission, however, generally speaking they would be opposed
to the idea. Elaine Beatty said the driveway issue would be
on the agenda for the October 8, 1992, Staff Meeting.
Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the Resolution adopting
the Assessment Roll for the Nashua Avenue - 85th Street
Construction Project with an interest rate of 7.75%.
Seconded by Ron Black.
Larry Fournier commented that he thought the interest
rate was too high.
Norman F. Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden and Ron
Black voted in favor of the motion. Larry Fournier was
opposed, the motion passed.
Motion by Ron Black to appoint the following additional
election judges for the November 3, 1992, General Election:
Sandy Lindenfelser Aline Greeninger
Rose Cassady Judy Ruch
JoAnne Martin Karen Pouliot
Freda Lobeck Nancy Duerr
Seconded by Larry Fournier , all Council Members voted in
favor of the motion.
.The City Hall driveway dig out was discussed by the
council. Dennis Fe:hn has submitted a bill for $1,125.00 to
diq out the unstable soil in the ditch in order to put 1 n the
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driveway. Larry Koshak said he had discussed this issue with
Gammon Bros. and they would be willing to pay $425.00 for the
dig out as they felt they could have done the job for that
amount. Ron Black said he felt $425.00 was enough.
Motion by Larry Fournier to pay Dennis Fehn $1,125.00
for the driveway dig out. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser.
Larry Fournier, Norman Freske, Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd
Roden voted in favor of the motion, Ron Black was opposed,
the motion carried.
Motion by Ron Black to accept $425.00 from Gammon Bros.
for the driveway dig out. Seconded by Norman F. Freske. Ron
Black and Norman F. Freske voted in favor of the motion,
Larry Fournier, Floyd Roden and Doug Lindenfelser were
opposed. The motion did not pass.
Motion by Larry Fournier to send Gammon Bros. a bill for
$1,125.00. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser.
Ron Black commented that he thought it would be a
mistake to send Gammon Bros. a bill for more than they agreed
to pay.
Larry Fournier and Doug Lindenfelser voted in favor of
the motion, Norman Freske, Floyd Roden and Ron Black were
opposed, the motion did not pass.
Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to-send Gammon Bros. a bill
for $425.00. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members
voted in favor of the motion.
Floyd Roden said Larry Koshak should send a letter to
Gammon Bros. explaining the Council's dissatisfaction with
the amount of the payment and explaining that the Council
gave them the Nashua Avenue Construction Project in good
John Anderson appeared before the Council regarding his
dissatisfaction with the easement payment he received for
Nashua Avenue and the Napier Avenue Cul--De-Sac because of the
ditch mining (borrow) and the cul-de-sac being all ori his
property. He is asking an additional $1,000.00 more than the
$7,800.00 he has already been paid.
Appraiser Malcolm Watson has sent a letter in which he
indicated that borrow was acnormal construction procedure and
was considered when the easement payments were calculated.
Ron Black said we have to consider MR. Watson's opinion.
Larry Koshak said he did not think the land owners
understood that borrow was going to be pursued and this
should have been explained before hand.
Larry Koshak also said that the dig out of the ditches
to put in culverts and driveways was being overstated, that
it was not necessary to dig out all the fill dirt and a 3
inch layer of gravel over the fill dirt would be sufficient..
Larry Koshak also said that the Attorney's opinion was
to acquire easements along Nashua Avenue rather than out
right purchase of the property.
Doug Lindenfelser- commented that if the driveways are
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not an issue then he feels John Anderson has been paid
Motion by Larry Fournier to pay John Anderson an
additional $800.00 for the easements. Norman F. Freske
agreed to second the motion for discussion purpose.
Ron Black commented that he thought the John Anderson
claim should be handled according to our Attorney's advise on
proper procedure.
Larry Fournier voted in favor of the motion, Norman F.
Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, and Ron Black were
opposed, the motion did not pass.
Mb -tion by Floyd Roden to abide by our Attorney's advise
in considering John Anderson's claim. Seconded by
all Co4ncil Members"voted in favor,of the
mot -1 -On . N
Ron Black advised John Anderson to consult an Attorney
to protect his own rights.
The maintenance agreement with Business Records Corp. on
the voting machine was discussed. The maintenance agreement
costs $520.00 per year and this includes programming the
voting machine before each election. It also includes
the providing of a backup voting machine in case of problems.
Motion by Larry Fournier to purchase the Maintenance
Agreement on the voting maphine from Business Records Corp.
for one year at a cost of '$520.00. Seconded by Floyd Roden,
a all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
The Shared library between the City and the School
District that is being considered for the new Otsego school
was discussed. Elaine Beatty advised the Council that Ken
Berenger, of the Great River Regional Library System in St.
Cloud said that no new Regional Librarys would be funded
within 10 miles of another Regional Library and there are
Regional Librarys in St. Michael and Elk River now. Funding
is not as readily available as it used to be. Ron Black
suggested that we could investigate other library sources.
The Council told Elaine Beatty to advise the Elk River School
Board that the City of ;Otsego is interested in a shared
library and in the development of a park in the NW corner of
the Otsego school property. The Council agreed that they are
not interested in sharing the cost of maintaining the
athletic fields on the school property.
Motion by Larry Fournier to support a State
Constitutional Amendment to dedicate 2 cents of the State
Sales Tax to a Property Taxpayers Trust Fund. Seconded by
Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Norman F. Freske not to accept Jacquie
Rogini's resignation from the Parks & Recreation Commission
and to urge her to reconsider. Seconded by Larry Fournier,
Norman F. Freske, Floyd Roden and Larry Fournier voted in
favor of the motion, Doug Lindenfelser and Ron Black were
opposed. The motion carried.
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Motion by Ron Black to remove Item 6 from the agenda
(discussion of Jeff Negorski's $3,000.00 assessment on he
Halls Addition Lot) because Mr. Negorski did not appear.
Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor
of the motion.
Motion by Ron Black to set a permit fee of $25.00 for
Realtor Display Banners. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Ron Black to reset the Public Hearing on the
Construction of 85th Street. from Page Avenue to Co. 42 from
September 28, 1992, to October 12, 1992, with October 26,
1992, as an alternate date. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Proceeding as a board of audit, the City Council audited
and allowed verified accounts Nos. 934 to 969 inclusive.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk