10-26-1992 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The City Council of the City of
COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 26th day of
CITY OF OTSEGO October, 1992, following the closing
of the Hearing on the construction
of 85TH Street from Page Ave. to Co #42. Norman F Freske,
Mayor, Doug Lindenfelaer , Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and
Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James
Barthel, Treas., Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm, Judy
Hudson Secretary, Larry Koshak, Engineer , Andy MacArthur,
Attorney, and Bob Kirmis, Planner, were present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F
Motion by Ron Black to approve the Minutes of the
October 12, 1992, Council Meeting. Seconded by Doug
Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the
October 15, 1992, Special Council Meeting. Seconded by Floyd
Roden, all Council Members votO in favor of the motion.
Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Minutes of the
October 21, 1992, Special Council Meeting. Seconded by Doug
Lindenfelser , all Council Members voted in favor of the
Tom Constant appeared before the Council to request
permission to have a snowmobile trail across the West edge of
the City Hall property. The Council informed him they would
have no objection to it. Mr Constant informed them that the
Wright Co Snowmobile Assn. carries a $1,000,000.00 liability
insurance policy that would cover the City property as well.
Ron Black requested a copy of the policy be given to Dan
Green, the City's Insuran5e Agent.
Andy MacArthur asked how wide the trail easements were
and Mr Constant replied that they were 12 feet.
Floyd Goenner asked who was liable the snowmobilers get
off the trail. Mr Constant replied that he would check with
the Insurance Co. and the Wright Co Snowmobile Association
regarding that.
Bob Kirmis appeared be -Fore the Council regarding the
application of Cal Johnson for a CUP to construct an
oversized accessory building.
Mr Johnson ha a 2.79 acre lot located on Co #37 in Sec,
34, Range 24. Mr Kirmis said the Otsego Planning Commission
has approved the'`ICUP for Mr Johnson in accordance with the
following conditionsf
1 The proposed accessory structure is not constructed
prior to the site's principal building
2. A sealed, dimensioned site plan survey prepared by a
registered land surveyor is submitted by f:he applicant. The
plan should be in a form necessary for the issuance of
building permits and shall be submitted following request
The proposed accessory building is not utilized or
home occupat, ion or i;omirlor(7 Li1 r 1. a I:H i(-17. i. i
- PAGE 2 -
4. The accessory building is the same type and design
as that illustrated on Exhibit E of the Northwest Association
Consultants report dated September 16, 1992.
5. The proposed accessory building's exterior color
matches that of the site's principal structure.
6. The proposed accessory building's height does riot
exceed that of the site's principal structure.
7. The proposed tree plantings which are to lie North
of the accessory structure are of a coniferous variety so as
to produce an effective year round screen.
8. If not already existing, drainage and utility
easements are provided along all property lines prior to the
issuance of any building permits. This item should be
subject to comment by the City Engineer.
9. An access permit from Co #37 is acquired from the
Wright Co. Highway Department.
Motion by Ron Black to accept the Planning Commission
recommendations and approve a CUP for Cal Johnson to
construct an oversized accessory building. Seconded by Doug
Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Bob Kirmis addressed amending the City Ordinances to
allow the City to set fees. Andy McArthur explained that
this amendment would allow the City to set fees, charges and
expenses related to sub -divisions and give the City the right
to assess to collect the fees.
BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Otsego hereby adopts an Ordinance amending the Otsego City
Code, Subdivision Ordinance, allowing the City Council to set
fees, charges and expenses required to be paid for various
sub -division related requests requiring action by the City
Council, Zoning Administration and/or Planning Commission.
Motion By Larry Fournier, seconded by Doug Lindenfelser,
all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
The full text of the Ordinance Amendment is attached to
these Minutes.
Motion by Ron Black to table Agenda Item 5.3 ( Consider
re -zoning from A-1 to INS for the Steiner Property purchased
by Elk River School District #728). Until the first Council
Meeting in January, 1993. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Norman F Freske asked Andy MacArthur about Insurance
Coverage for someone doing community service work for the
City of Otsego as he understood there has been such a
request. Andy MacArthur advised the Council he would check
on it.
Andy MacArthur said he had checked with the Bond Counsel
and was advised that title to the City Hall would remain wiuh
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MN/DOT Project Engineer, would like to meet with the City
Council to discuss the haul roads (85TH ST, Kadler AVE &
80TH ST) and Julger Ave issues. The council suggested Dec.
2 or Dec 3 about 3:O0PM at the City Hall.
Norman F Freske asked Larry Koshak about the possibility
of putting up a street light at the intersection of Co 39 and
Page Ave as he had received a request for a street light.
Motion by Ron Black to have Larry Koshak contact Elk
River Municipal Utilities about the installation of a street
light at the intersection of Co #39 and Page Ave. Seconded
by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Larry Fournier asked Larry Koshak about recent issues in
Antelope Park. Mr Koshak said one resident is concerned
about the loss of trees on his property, but Mr Koshak said
he thought they were in the street -of -way, but would not know
for sure until it was staked. Another resident was concerned
because he thought he would be living on a cul-de-sac and now
the street was being built on thru the cul-de-sac.
Motion by Ron Black to purchase exhaust hoods for the
new City Hall Kitchen from St Cloud Restaurant Supply, one
for $3,480.00 and one for $500.00. Seconded by Doug
Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Motion by Ron Black to establish a City Policy of having
any Commissioner replacement appointee serve on only one
Commission. )Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council
Member voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Larry Fournier to leave Rural and Urban
Districts at the same rate for another year. Seconded by Ron
Doug Lindenfelser asked when the Council would consider
a change as he sees differences now such as street lighting
and more police protection in the Urban areas.
Ron Black said one way to keep track would be for the
maiftenance men to keep a log of the time they spend on
individual streets and for the Sheriffs Department to keep a
log of what areas they spend most of their patrol time in.
Ron Black, Larry Fournier and Norman F Freske vgted in
favor of the motion, Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden were
opposed, the motion carried.
Ron Black suggested that the taxing districts issue be
considered again after the 1st of the year and perhaps
'appoint a sub -committee to study it.
Motion by Larry Fournier to have a Public Hearing on
Special Assessment pertaining to unpaid invoices on November
9, 1992, during the Council Meeting scheduled for that date.
In I I rM V M
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Motion by Larry Fournier to appoint Ron Black as a sub-
committee to continue discussions with the Elk River School
Board pertaining to a possible joint library in the new
Otsego School. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council
Members voted in favor of the motion.
Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the City Council audited
and allowed verified accounts Nos. 1044 to 1079 inclusive.
Motion by Ron Black to adjourn the Council Meeting,
Seconded by Larry Fournier, All Council Members voted in
fa 4 r/) of the motion.