12-14-1992 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 14 day of December, CITY OF OTSEGO 1992, following the adjournment of the Public Hearing on the Lefebvre Watershed Drainage. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Slack, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Bill Radzwill and Andy McArthur, Attorneys, David Licht, and Bob Kirmis, Planners, and Larry Koshak, Engineer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. Mayor Freske announced that Item 4 on the Agenda (Wild & Scenic issues and Wild & Scenic Ordinance) would be considered first as Paul Swenson of the DNR, was present at this time. David Licht said there are 2 separate Wild & Scenic Areas to consider the area East of Hwy 101 where we do not request any changes in the DNR regulations and the area West of Hwy 101 where we would like a change in the DNR regulations. The DNR regulations require not more than 50% impervious coverage (buildings & parking lots) on lots on the West side of Hwy 101 and as this is highly desirable area for prospective Commercial Development, the City of Otsego would like to have 90% impervious lot coverage in that area. Paul Swenson said that he is the Supervisor for all water permits, that we have a National River to protect and deal with pollution. Regulations are hard to deal with but the ultimate goal is protection of the river. He said that he agreed that the area West of Hwy 101 is highly desirable for Commerical Development and that we want to be able to take care of the drainage from each lot. 50% lot coverage would do this, 90% lot coverage would not. It is important to keep communication between the DNR and the City of Otsego open on this matter. David Licht commented that what is realistic for tax base purposes is what is of concern. The City of Otsego has exceeded the DNR regulations in most areas of the City, the area West of Hwy 101 is the issue at present. HE said most cities with land in the Wild & Scenic Area are allowed higher than 50% impervious lot coverage. Norman F. Freske commented that the City is concerned about its tax base and the land West of Hwy 101 is prime commercial development area to improve the tax base. Paul Swenson said that lots of areas now use an individual lot impervious coverage percentage rather than a flat area percentage. Bill Radzwill commented that this Community needs that Hwy 101 tax base. Larry Koshak said that most other Communities have 90% or higher impervious lot coverage regulations. Paul Swenson Said that he thought 90% lot coverage would be hard to defend in a Hearing on this issue. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 1992. Page 2 Ron Black said he thought it should be up to the individual lot or land owners to comply with all the regulations to comply with lot drainage and runoff and water quality. David Licht commented that the real issue is water quality in the area West of Hwy 101 and we have regulations already built in to the City Ordinance to control this. Larry Koshak said that the area West of Hwy 101 is vital to the City, water management is the key and this can be done. Bill Radzwill commented that he feels Otsego has the Council and the Staff to see that development and water management is handled in the right way. Ron Black said he feels we should proceed with our request for 90% impervious lot coverage in the area West of Hwy 101. Motion by Larry Fournier to recommend 90% impervious lot coverage in the area West of Hwy 101. Seconded by Ron Black. Floyd Roden commented that the Halls Drainage System is an example of what Otsego has done in the past. All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve the Minutes of the November 23, 1992, City Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to approve the Minutes of the November 23, 1992, Public Hearing on the Parks & Recreation Commission Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to approve the Minutes of the November 24, 1992, Special Council Meeting on MSA Funding and MSA Projects. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to approve the Minutes of the November 30, 1992, Truth in Taxation Hearing. Larry Fournier said the Minutes should read a 6 1/2% Tax Capacity Rate increase instead of a 6 1/2% tax increase. Larry Fournier seconded the motion to approve the Minutes of the Truth in Taxation Hearing as amended. All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Norman F. Freske then declared the Open Forum to be in session. Linda Synder said she was concerned because she had heard there would not be signal lights at the Co. 37 - Hwy 101 intersection when Hwy 101 is rebuilt to a 4 lane road. The Council advised her they want signal lights at that intersection and both the Co Engineer and the MnDOT Project Engineer should be contacted and made aware that the City wants signal lights at the intersection. Motion by Larry Fournier that the City should send letters to the MnDOT project Engineer, the Wright Co. Engineer and Commissioner Pat Sawatzke regarding the City's desire to have signal lights at the Co. 37 - Hwy 101 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 1992. Page 3 intersection. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Norman F. Freske then called a recess in the Council Meeting in order to have an EDA Meeting the City Council Meeting reconvene following adjournment of the EDA Meeting. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt Resolution No. 92-49 approving the Final Road Plat for the Nashua Avenue - 85th Street Construction Project and to have it filed with the Co. Recorder. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The full text of the Resolution is attached to these Minutes. Larry Koshak advised the Council that the City has established enough points to have the Kadler Avenue Bridge replaced under the MnDOT Bridge Replacement Program. The State program will pay for replacement of the bridge but not the engineering costs or the road approach work that part could be funded by MSA Maintenance Funds of Road & Bridge Funds. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the following Resolution= Be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Otsego hereby orders the Improvement Project of replacing the Kadler Avenue Bridge and orders Plans and Specifications be prepared by Hakanson Anderson Association, Inc. to replace said bridge. The Motion was seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak advised the Council that MnDOT has approved the Plans and Specs for the 85th Street from Page Avenue to Co. 42 MSA Construction Project. The MSA share of the storm drainage on the project was reduced to 60.6%. Mr. Koshak said he has met with John Lefebvre and Fabian Sadowski regarding easements for the 85th Street Project and recommended holding off advertising for bids on the project until the easements are clarified. Mr. Koshak said he had met with Mr. Kincannon regarding the fish pond on his land on Nashua Avenue and it appears he has not violated any rules. The Council requested Elaine Beatty to send Floyd Goenner a letter advising him of this. Larry Koshak suggested that the Council send MnDOT a letter informing them that the City will bill them for the maintenance of 70th Street West of Co.. 19 until it is accepted by the City. Regarding the right turn lane on Wright Co. 39 to turn onto Nashua Avenue, Wright County will pay 100% of the turn - lane construction costs upon receiving verification from the City Engineer as to quantities used and the dollar amount to construct the turn lane. Motion by Ron Black that the necessary signatures be approved and affixed to the funding agreement with Wright County for the construction of the Wright CO. 39 turn lane CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 1992. Page 4 for Nashua Avenue. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Doug Lindenfelser suggested that Cook's evergreens should be trimmed for better visibility when approaching CO. 39 on Nashua Avenue. Mr. Koshak said he would talk to Mr. Cook about this. Mr. Koshak said that the City has not as yet signed a street lighting contract with Wright -Hennepin Electric Co-op Association. Ron Black said that he and Mr. Koshak had met with Neil McMillin of Wright -Hennepin to discuss the contract and some changes will be made such as moving poles for street construction and the placement of the street lights. They agreed to install street lights as requested by the City. Wright -Hennepin was concerned if they would have to run a line over 1/4 of a mile to service a street light but this is unlikely to occur. They also modified the paragraph to require the City to secure easements to put a street light on private property. Regarding vandalism, Wright -Hennepin will discuss the problem with the City before disconnecting the light. Mr. McMillin will be coming back with a revised contract and meet with them again. Motion by Floyd Roden to reduce the Letter of Credit for Country Ridge Development by the following amounts: SEE LETTER FROM ENGINEER DATED 12-8-92 (Attached) Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. The Council requested Larry Koshak to investigate the status of 96th Street West of O'Brian Avenue in Hylo Acres. Motion by Ron Black to table consideration of the Abdo, Abdo and Eich Contract at this time. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to conduct EDA Advisory Board Members interviews January 18, 1993, at 730 PM with 20 minutes intervals for each interview. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to reappoint Darlene Solberg and Tom Baillargeon to 4 year terms on the Parks & Recreation Commission. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to purchase a refrigerator for the new City Hall from Bruce Lubke for $1,700.00. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to hire Nathan Meinhardt to install the penthouse on the new City Hall. Seconded by Larry Fournier. Ron Black said he disagreed with this approach because Metro Builders have already put up plywood for the pent house CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 1992. Page 5 and we could end up paying double. We should request Don Meinhardt to submit another proposal reflecting the current status of the penthouse. Doug Lindenfelser, Larry Fournier and Floyd Roden voted in favor of the motion, Ron Black and Norman F. Freske were opposed, the motion passed. Motion by Ron Black to approve the final levy for 1993 General Fund $280,000.00 Road & Bridge 160,000.00 Bond & Interest Fund105,000.00 of: TOTAL $545,000.00 Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as board of audit, the Council audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 1218 to 1303 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. , NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR , DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL , FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL • LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL Attest: .Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/jeh