02-08-1993 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego continued the Public Hearing CITY OF OTSEGO on the Lefebrve Watershed this 8 day of February at 6:30 PM. Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary, John Harwood and Larry Koshak, Engineers, were present. The Hearing was called to order by Vice-Mayor Doug Lindenfelser. Engineer John Harwood addressed the Hearing. He said the culvert under County 42 by 85th Street is adequate in size to handle the anticipated flow of water from the 85th Street area West of County 42. He recommended getting drainage easements from the Co. 42 culvert at 85th in a South Easterly direction to Hwy 101. Ditch improvements in this area would cost about $16,000 and the culvert under Hwy 101 would need to be lowered about 3 ft. To drain the Kolles farm low area South of the buildings, he recommended a ditch and pipe system on the East side of Co. 42 to the culvert under Co. 42 at 85th Street. This would cost an estimated $25,000. John Darkenwald asked if he included data on all the land to the South and Southwest of Co. 42 that drains thru this area and will probably be developed in the very near future. Mr. Harwood said that he did and the 30 inch culvert under Co. 42 should be adequate in size. Ponding is now required in all developments, both residential and commercial, to control the rate of runoff. One resident asked if there was a limit on the amount of water that could be dumped on a piece of property. Larry Koshak replied that there was. Larry Fournier asked how many culverts MnDOT is putting under Hwy 101 in this area. John Harwood replied that there would be four, one near Co. 42, one near Co. 39, and two more in between Co. 42 and Co. 39. The culvert under Hwy 101 near Co. 39 is about a foot higher than the culvert under Co. 39 as it approaches Hwy 101 causing some ponding in that area. The culvert under Hwy 101 at this point will need to be lowered another foot. Ron Black said his concern is the unknown about the area South and Southwest of Co. 42 and the possible flow from that area. His concern was the sizing of the culverts under Hwy 101 so that they would be large enough and not have to be dug out and replaced in a few years. Vernon Kolles asked if he would be assessed for the full cost of drainage improvements. Larry Koshak replied that an assessment hearing would be held to determine who would benefit from the drainage and what percentage of benefit. Motion by Larry Fournier to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Fournier suggested getting more information from PUBLIC HEARING ON THE LEFEBRVE WATERSHED, FEBRUARY 8, 1993. Page 2 MnDOT before any further action is taken. He also suggested having an Informational Meeting if any new informatoin is received. On motion the Hearing adjourned. , NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR , DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL , LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/jeh