02-22-1993 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 22 day of February, CITY OF OTSEGO 1993, at 7:30 PM. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, James N. Barthel, Treasurer, Judy Hudson, secretary and Bob Kirmis, Planner, were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Minutes of the January 28, 1993, Council Meeting. Seconded by Larry Fournier all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the February 8, 1993, Council Meeting. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Minutes of the February 16, 1993, Special Council Meeting. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion Bob Kirmis addressed the meeting concerning Tom Juergen's application for a CUP for the Anoka Equine Veterinary Clinic to construct a new clinic building in an AG Zoned area. The Vet Clinic has been operating out of an old farmhouse on the site (at the SE corner of the junction of Hwy 101 and Co. 37) and now plan on building a new building and removing the old house. Mr. Kirmis said the Planning Commission has approved the CUP in accordance with the following conditions: 1. Screening in conformance with Section 20--16-7 of the Zoning Ordinance is provided along the West and South boundaries of the adjacent single family residence. 2. Structure heights of the site's two accessory buildings South of the proposed vet clinic are specified and may not exceed that of the site's principal structure. 3. The converted farm house is removed from the subject site by November 1, 1995. 4. The existing pole building lying West of the converted farm house is removed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for the vet clinic. 5. The site plan is revised to illustrate nine off street parking spaces, one for handicapped. 6. The site plan is modified to identify all horse trailer and service vehicular loading areas to ensure efficient site circulation. 7. As required by Ordinance, a designated loading space is provided for the proposed use. The location and dimensions of the loading space should be identified on the site plan. 8. The site plan is revised to identify exterior trash handling ares. Trash handling equipment must be OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1993. Page 2 screened from eye-level view from neighboring uses and public right-of-way. 9. All medical wastes are disposed of in a manner approved by the MPCA. 10. The Clinic's parking area is surfaced with asphalt, concrete cobblestone or paving bricks. 11. A continuous perimeter curb is provided around he entire clinic parking lot. 12. As recommended by the City Engineer, the Co. 37 access point is provided a 30 ft turning radius. 13. The site plan is revised to illustrate all exterior lighting location and all exterior lighting must be arranged to deflect light away from any adjoining residential use of public street. 14. If signage is to be provided upon the subject site, it should be subject to City approval as to size, type and location. 15. Recommendations of MnDOT and the Wright Co Highway Department are adhered to and should be subject to comment by the City Engineer. 16. The site survey is modifiedto identify all ponding areas. 17. Per the recommendations of the City Engineer, perimeter fencing is provided around the proposed drainfield. 18. The site plan is revised to identify the new underground water line location. 19. The applicant post a security in the amount determined by the zoning administrator or ensure compliance with conditions of removal of the farm house and pole building. 20. The existing farm house is not to be utilized as a living area. Tom Juergens addressed the meeting and said that he has been treating horses in this area for 17 years and is concerned about paving the area where the horses will be loaded and unloaded, also the curbing on the edge of the paved area as he considers this unsafe for the horses. He is willing to pave the area where vehicles will be parked but would rather have gravel surface in the loading and unloading areas. The Planning Commission has approved gravel surface on the East side of the building. Ron Black commented that the driveway should be blacktopped. Mr. Juergens said he would like a gravel surface on the West side of the building and would be willing to put 4 more paved parking places at the front of the building instead of on the West side. Ron Black said we should require curbing on the front parking lot. Ron Black said he was concerned about allowing 2 years to remove the house and thought it should be removed by this fall. OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1993. Page 3 Mr. Juergens said the Planning Commission has given him until 1995 and he is willing to post bond to that effect. This would allow him time to sell the house to a buyer willing to remove the house. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Finding of Facts and approve the CUP for the Anoka Equine Vet Clinic in accordance with the 20 conditions outlined and accept the Planning Commission recommendations to require 9 paved parking spaces with curbing and the house to be removed by November 1, 1995 with Bond to be posted to guarantee removal. Seconded by Larry Fournier. Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black voted in favor of the motion, Norman F. Freske and Doug Lindenfelser were opposed. Bob Kirmis will contact MnDOT to confirm how much of the driveway and curbing will be affected by the reconstruction of Hwy 101. The Albertville City Council was present at the meeting to get acquainted with the Otsego Council. Present from Albertville were Mayor Mike Potter and Council Members John Vetsch, Albert Barthel and Sharon Anderson. The Otsego Council advised the Albertville Council that they would like to set up a Joint Meeting to discuss Public Safety issues. Motion by Larry Fournier to have a Joint Meeting with the Albertville City Council at the Albertville City Hall on March 24, 1993, at 7:30 PM. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Potter said the Albertville Fire Department Rescue Squad will now respond to rescue squad calls in Otsego as mutual aid. Doug Lindenfelser questioned whether we could designate an area in Otsego for Albertville to respond to for rescue calls instead of just as mutual aid. Mr. Helgeson of the Wright Co. Sheriffs Department was present to explain how 911 calls are handled. He said the boundaries are set according to Fire Department service ares. When the 911 call comes in, the Dispatcher sends out the Fire Department Ambulance or Rescue Squad from the City assigned to that particular Fire Department service area. What the Dispatcher needs is for Otsego to designate what particular areas are assigned to Elk River, Monticello and Albertville. Larry Fournier asked if police officers are sent to the scene of emergency calls. Mr. Helgeson said that they were and all officers have first response training, a 40 hour training coarse. Mike Potter said there is no mutual agreement between Fire Department for rescue squad, only Fire Department calls. Kevin Delaney, of Business Records Corp., was present to discuss computer systems. He said they provide service to 200 customers in City and Township Governments. They provide software for Cities and the printers the City of Otsego already has could be incorporated into the new system. The OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1993. Page 4 computer system could be available as a one-time purchase or under a five year lease with the option to purchase for 1 dollar at the end of the 5 year lease period. Under the lease program, the payments would be $907.25 per month. Under the one-time purchase plan the prices would be as follows: Computer Hardware Equipment.. $13,824.00 BRC Appraisal System CAMA 15,000.00 BRC Building Permits/Parcels 3,500.00 Mr. Delaney said BRC has highly trained professionals that offer the best -in support and training to their clients A Hardware price quote comparison between Business Records Corp. (BRC) and Northgate Computer Systems is as follows: 1 File Server 1 Console Workstation 3 Personal Computers Laser Printer System Printer 3 Emulation cards 1 Operating Software BRC NORTHGATE $1,500.00 300.00 3,774.00 2,610.00 3,690.00 1,950.00 included $2,699.00 2,549.00 7,647.00 899.00 Extra 1,224.00 2,399.00 TOTAL $13,824.00 $17,417.00 BRC would provide installation service in the new City Hall. Larry Fournier said he would also like to see a straight lease agreement for comparison purposes. The Council will consider the computer proposals at the next Council Meeting. Bob Kirmis brought up two code enforcement problems. One was the Ramblin Rose which is a non -conforming use and is a situation where there are 2 businesses on the same property and Darkenwalds are using the farm house illegally for a business. Also the Darkenwald Food & Fuel business has numerous sign violations which they are disputing. Ron Black said the Planning Commission wants some direction on certain items such as sidewall height on accessory buildings and suggested that they need to do more study on this. Motion by Floyd Roden to have the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to accessory buildings the same as it is. Seconded by Larry Fournier. All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Gary Lefebvre was present to discuss the quotes on City Hall carpeting and quarry tile. He said there was some misunderstanding on what was to be used and he would like to withdraw his original hid on quarry tile and ceramic tile. Ron Black suggested that we start over and get new quot os . OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1993. Page 5 The Quarry Tile quote was awarded to A11 Floors & More on February 16, 1993. Motion by Floyd Roden to rescind the motion of February 16, 1993, awarding the quarry tile quote to All Floors & More. Seconded by Ron Black, All Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to rescind all quotes awarded to Lefebvre Carpeting on February 16, 1993, namely: Vinyl base installed...»»» $ 887.00 Ceramic Tile 4,970.00 (Kitchen & 2 rest rooms) VCT or VA Tile installed..»».» 2,293.00 (additional for 2 colors).. ». 60.00 $8,210.00 Seconded by Larry Fournier, Norman Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, and Larry Fournier voted in favor of the motion, Ron Black was opposed, the motion passed. Motion by Larry Fournier to award the VCT tile and vinyl base quote to Lefebvre Carpeting for $3,290.00. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, Norman Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden and Larry Fournier voted in favor of the motion, Ron Black was opposed, the motion passed. Motion by Larry Fournier to award the following quotes to A11 Floors and More: Furnish & Install Metro Quarry Tile in the Kitchen, storage & corridor.. $3,669.30 Furnish & Install CT on walls using Monarch 4 1/4 X 4 1/4 5,378.27 Furnish & Install mosaic glaze floor tile in bathrooms using perma tones 1,878.75 Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, Norman F. Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden and Larry Fournier voted in favor of the motion, Ron Black was opposed, the motion passed. Don Meinhardt was present to discuss a bill submitted by Metro Builders, Inc. for extra work on the City Hall. Item 1 was the installation of 3 catch basins at $200.00 for $600.00. This work was approved by change order G2 and should be paid. Item 2 was providing 250 ft of 20 amp temporary electric service for $350.00. This was done by Metro Builders and should have been done by J. Becher Electric. He recommended paying Metro Builders and deducting that amount from J. Becher Electric billings. Item 3 was provided winter tent cover for sidewalks in November for $1,000.00. Mr. Meinhardt said the sidewalks should have been poured in October when the weather was warmer and he recommended not paying this bill. Item 4 was providing a winter insulation sidewalk cover in November for $1,120.00, It was in the specs and also he verbally reminded Metro that the contractor was responsible for this and Mr. Meinhardt advised the Council not to pay this bill. Item 5 was providing a heated rent enclosure for $480.00. Mr. Meinhardt Continued from 2-4-93 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1993. Page 6 said that he did not instruct Metro to build the enclosure and an insulation blanket would have been sufficient. He advised the council not pay this bill. Item 6 was providing temporary heat in the interior of the building using 2 heaters @ $30.00 each per day for 27 days for a total of $1,620.00, The City is responsible for internal heat and he recommended the Council pay this bill. Item 7 was installing steel angle in the pent house for $350.00. Metro built the pent house longer than the plans called for and the joists were not lining up with the studs. They put steel angle on top of the load bearing walls to correct his problem. Metro should be responsible for this and Mr. Meinhardt recommended not paying this bill. OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1993. Page 7 Item 8 was installing plywood for electrical panels. Mr. Meinhardt recommended paying Metro the $100.00 billing for this and deducting that amount from J. Becher Electric billings. Item 9 was providing gas for heaters for a total of $1,687.00. Mr. Meinhardt said the City is responsible for fuel costs and he recommended paying this bill. Item 10 was building a water softener deck for $500.00. This was approved and the City should pay this amount which will be included in a future pay request by a change order. Item 11 was Council Room changes approved by Change Order G1 in the amount of $7,995.00 plus $495.00 to use cherry instead of oak. The specs call for the wood ceiling to be clear pine deck ceiling. He has advised the contractor that he would accept fir deck instead of clear pine but would not accept knotty pine nor should the City pay extra for clear lumber. Judy Hudson presented the Council with some quotes on furniture for the new City Hall. Frederick Sherry Office Supply Co. submitted a quote to provide 3 desks (for Elaine Beatty, Judy Hudson and Jerome Perrault) for $2,668.00 and 4 bookcase for $1,670.00. Also 2 desks (for Jerry Olson and Andrew Merges) for $753.00 and a computer stand for $299.00. Furniture & Things (of Elk River) submitted a quote to furnish 5 disks for $4,885.00, 3 computer stands for $897.00 and 5 book cases for $645.00. They would also furnish an executive flat top desk for $1,099.00 and a Miller wood conference table for $389.00. The total cost of the Furniture & Things quote is $7,915.00 and the Frederick Sherry Office Supply quote is $5,390.00. The Furniture & Things is for one more desk, 2 more computer stands, 1 more bookcase and conference table than the Frederick Sherry quote and the Furniture & Things desks are solid oak and superior in quality. Motion by Larry Fournier to purchase the furniture package from Furniture & Things consisting of 6 desks, 3 computer stands, 5 bookcases, and a table for $7,915.00. Seconded by Ron Black. Norman F. Freske, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black voted in favor of the motion, Doug Lindenfelser was opposed. The motion passed. Motion by Ron Black to approve a $1,000.00 budget for the Parks Commission. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to use the same rates for Clean Up Day as last year with hours to be from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to have a Workshop Meeting on March 31, 1993 at 7:30 PM. Seconded by Norman F. Freske, all OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1993. Page 8 Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Ron Black advised the Council that there will be a meeting at the Lincoln School where the architect will present the plans for the new Otsego School. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Council audited and allowed verified accounts No. 171 to 212 inclusive, On motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL RON BLACK, COUNCIL ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/jeh