03-08-1993 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of
COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 8 day of March,
CITY OF OTSEGO 1993, at 7:30 PM. Norman F. Freske,
Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd
Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome
Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning
Administrator, James Barthel, Treasurer, Judy Hudson,
Secretary, Bob Kirmis, Planner, and Larry Koshak, Engineer,
were present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F.
Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the
January 7, 1993, Special Council Meeting. Seconded by Doug
Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to approve the Minutes of
the February 8, 1993, Lefebvre Watershed Hearing. Seconded
by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to approve the Minutes of
the February 11, 1993, Special Council Meeting. Seconded by
Larry Fournier.
Ron Black said he would like to see more clarification
of the concerns of the residents regarding rescue squad and
fire department service and also how the 911 system works.
Doug Lindenfelser withdrew his motion and Larry Fournier
withdrew his second.
Wally Boris, of Jones Intercable, was present to present
the Council with a check for $4,730.40 as payment for 1992
Cable Franchise Fees. Norman F. Freske asked him how close
the cable TV line was to the City Hall and he replied about
3/4 of a mile away.
Dave Chase was present and asked if the Council intends
to proceed with repair projects on Ogren and O'Dell Avenues.
Larry Koshak said that he had prepared some preliminary
estimates of the work that needs to be done to repair these
roads. On Ogren Avenue, the brush and wood buried under it
needs to be dug out and refilled with good material the hill
cut down, and the re-worked area gravelled and blacktopped.
Estimated excavation time is: Backhoe & trucks 12 hours,
bulldozer 8 hours and compactor 4 hours.
O'Dell Avenue has spots which are subject to heaving.
These spots need to be dug out and replaced with good
material. The estimated excavation time on this project is:
Backhoe and trucks 8 hours, bulldozer 4 hours and compactor 2
hours. The estimated cost for gravel and paving on the two
projects if $11,700.00.
Dave Chase also advised the Council that 8 miles of City
streets need gravel and 3 to 3 1/2 miles need seal coating.
He said the estimated cost for either project is $5,400 a
mile. The Council said they would take the projects under
consideration and advise him on procedure at the next Council
John Katz, of the Environmental Quality Board appeared
before the Council to discuss environmental issues and what
impact growth has had in the high growth areas like Otsego.
He is doing a study right now and is talking to Planning and
Council Officials and would like input from the Otsego
Doug Lindenfelser commented that we have seen
significant growth in this area in the last 10 to 20 years.
Floyd Roden said that we did have to put in a storm
drain in Halls Addition to prevent flooding in that area.
Ron Black suggested that he refer back to the Hearing on
Incorporation for more information on Otsego. He adds that
the need to have local control spurred the desire to
Norman F. Freske said the Wright County Planning
Commission was more focused on dealing with rural areas and
was not prepared to handle the growth in Otsego.
Ron Black said local control is better as the closer you
are to the problems the better you can handle them.
Larry Fournier said people on the Wright County Planning
Commission who had never been in Otsego were making decisions
for Otsego.
Ron Black said local control will be more effective if
we don't have interference from other agencies.
Floyd Roden commented that he could see things leveling
off now.
Bob Kirmis commented that there are a lot of things in
the Otsego Comprehensive Plan that look ahead to having sewer
and water.
Elaine Beatty said that when we set our Planning &
Zoning fees we are also figuring in engineering and planner
Mr. Katz asked if Otsego had septic system regulations.
Elaine Beatty replied that we have adopted the 1988 State
Code, all new systems are inspected and pumping is required
every 2 years. She also added we have a good relationship
with Wright County and the surrounding communities.
Mr. Katz asked the Council how they felt cooperation was
with the State.
Ron Black said the State mandates a lot of things but
never sends the money to put them in place. Among these
things is the pay equity mandate, the recycling mandate, and
requiring the Cities to pay sales tax and at the same time
cutting Local Government Aid.
Mr. Katz asked if some of these mandates are sent out
without knowledge of how it effects local people.
Norman F. Freske said the State is trying to enforce too
many things.
Ron Black said the attitude of the State is a problem.
Larry Fournier said he'could see a problem with
overlapping agencies and also better communication with local
governments before regulations are put in effect would be
Mr. Katz commented that from his perspective, Otsego is
much better prepared to handle environmental issues than most
Bob Kirmis addressed the application of Steven & Lisa
Valerius for a CUP to move in a house with a 2 stall attached
garage and also a CUP to have an attached garage and an
accessory building exceeding 1500 sq ft.
The Valerius's live at Lot 17, Block 3, Walesch Estates
2nd Addition which is zoned R-3 and the moved in home will
replace a mobile home. Mr. Kirmis said the CUPs have been
approved according to the following conditions:
1. Conditional use permit to allow the combination of a
detached accessory structure and attached garage to
exceed 1500 sq ft subject to the following conditions:
a. The detached accessory structure and attached
garage are not to be utilized for commercial or home
occupation activities.
2. Conditional Use Permit to allow the requested
building relocation subject to the following
a. The relocated residence comply with the
applicable requirements of the State Building Code.
This item should be subject to comment by the City
Building Inspector.
b. The City Engineer provide comment in regard to
drainage and utility easement establishment.
c. The subject property is landscaped using
ornamental grass, shrubs, trees or other acceptable
vegetation by July 1, 1993.
d. The City Engineer provide comment and/or
recommendations in regard to sewage treatment.
e. The existing manufactured home is removed
from the subject within 30 days of the issuance of an
occupancy permit for the relocated structure.
g. The applicants provide proof to the City that the
house moved is performed by a licensed mover in
accordance with applicable State requirements.
h. The site drain South toward 78th Street.
i. The floor of the attached garage lie at least
one foot above street level.
Steve Valerius said that he did have some problems with
painting the accessory building to match the house.
Ron Black commented that perhaps the painting issue
should be referred back to the Planning Commission.
Bob Kirmis said the colors need to be compatible but not
necessarily the same color.
Motion by Ron Black to accept the Planning Commission
recommendations and approve the CUP for Steven and Lisa
Valerius to move in a home and the CUP to have an attached
garage and detached accessory building exceeding 1500 sq ft.
Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in
favor of the motion.
Suzanne Ackerman said that she had just recently moved
into Otsego and was concerned about dogs running loose in the
area. She raises dogs herself and plans on building a kennel
for her dogs this summer. She also said she would consider
being a dog catcher for the City.
Larry Fournier said that we do need some sort of dog
Ron Black suggested to Mrs. Ackerman that she get a copy
of the dog catcher job description and study it over.
Kevin Delaney, of Business Records Corp, was present to
discuss computers. He said he had talked to Vern Heidner and
he suggested adding 3 Mega Bits of Main Memory to the
proposed system. Mr. Delaney also advised the Council that a
5 year straight lease plan is available from BRC.
Vern Heidner commented that the hardware options being
offered by BRC seemed to be the right ones and the price is
in the right range.
Judy Hudson commented that the building permit software
is acceptable to herself, Elaine and Jerry Olson.
Kevin Delaney said the software package for the Assessor
is.very good. Norman F. Freske commented that we would need
input from Assessor Pete Merges on this.
Ron Black asked how long the price quotes were good and
Mr. Delaney replied that they were good for 60 days.
Consensus of the Council was that they needed more time
to analyze the City's software needs.
Larry Koshak addressed the Albertville EAW to expand
it's Sewage Treatment Plant which he had to respond to by
March 2. He said the EAW did not address many important
things such as the effect on Mud Lake and downstream thru
Otsego. They plan on doubling the size of their plant and
will be letting bids on this March 25. Mr. Koshak said he
had talked to MCPA many times and they are aware of the
issues he has raised.
Elaine Beatty said the City of Otsego should have been
notified of the Hearings and we were not nor were the Otsego
land owners along the creek through Otsego from Mud Lake.
Motion by Ron Black to direct the City Attorney (with
input from the City Planner and City Engineer) to notify the
City of Albertville that the City of Otsego and Otsego
landowners were not property notified of the Hearings on the
EAW to expand the Albertville Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, all Council Members voted in
favor of the motion.
Ron Black said another question is whether any of the
added sewage plant capacity would be available to be
purchased by the City of Otsego should the need occur in the
areas of Otsego adjacent to Albertville.
Larry Koshak advised the Council that the City Maps need
to be updated to reflect the changes that have occurred. The
two large developments, Country Ridge and Antelope park, need
to be added as well as 11 lot splits and other corrections,
including adding addresses and PIN numbers to the half
section maps. He estimated that the labor cost for this
should not exceed $1,700.00
Motion by Larry Fournier to hire Hakanson Anderson
Assoc., Inc. to update the City Maps at a cost not to exceed
$1,700.00. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted
in favor of the motion.
Concerning the Quale Avenue project, Mr. Koshak said he
sent copies of the Wetland mitigation to the Corp of
Engineers, BWSR, Wright CO. Soil and Waster District and DNR.
He also said that he had met with Jeff Bergquest and Steve
Glatzel and they would like to have him recommend to MnDOT
that 62nd Street be kept open until construction on the West
lane of Hwy 101 actually starts. He said he would need
Council support to make the request to MnDOT. The Council
agreed to support him on this.
Mr. Koshak also said he had met with Darkenwalds,
Lavedure & Winter (landowners along Quale Avenue) and they
would want to know a firm assessment amount before signing
any easements and they also asked for a possible deferment of
assessments. Mr. Koshak said the City share of the Quale
Avenue project will be an estimated $62,000 and the
assessment would need to be about $5,000 per unit to reach
this figure. He also said that we would need to let the bids
and have a signed contract by June in order to get the
project done this year or we would have to start all over.
Ron Black commented that if an agreement can not be
reached with the land owners, we might have to consider
condemnation proceedings. He also said the Council needs to
consider the assessment spread and Mr. Koshak's
recommendations on this.
Motion by Floyd Roden to have a Special Council Meeting
on March 22, 1993 at 6:30 PM with Larry Koshak to discuss the
Quale Avenue Project. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Larry Koshak then discussed the 85th Street construction
project between Page Avenue and Co. 42. He said that we have
made John Lefebvre an offer for the easements for 85th Street
but was informed that Mr. Lefebvre had hired an Attorney so
he turned the matter over to the City Attorney. Mr. Koshak
said the City has turned back over 3 acres of land to John
Lefebvre by vacating River Road.
Norman F. Freske said the original offer was made 3
years ago and land values have naturally gone up.
Kevin Lefebvre was present and said he was not aware of
any written agreements exchanging land.
He was informed that the City Attorney has sent
information regarding these written agreements to John
Lefebvre's Attorney.
Ron Black asked Mr. Koshak what the time line was on the
85th Street Project. Mr. Koshak replied that we have to let
the bids soon in order to complete the project this year.
Motion by Ron Black to resolve this matter with
John Lefebvre within one week and if not have our Attorney
take whatever action is necessary to resolve the issue.
Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser. Larry Fournier suggested 2
weeks and the rest of the Council agreed.
All Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Larry Koshak then addressed the Water Management Plan.
Wright County was mandated by the State to put together a
Water Management Plan and have done so. He and John Harwood
have been reviewing the plan and will be making comments on
Mr. Koshak then addressed the street repair projects of
Ogren and O'dell Avenue. Ogren Avenue is badly in need of
repair and should be done, O'Dell Avenue is not as serious
but is close by and the 2 projects could be co-ordinated and
done at the same time.
He estimated the rental cost for equipment to do the
excavation work at 3 to $4,000.00 and an estimated $11,700
for base gravel and blacktop.
Ron Black said he would like to see some more complete
cost estimates on these projects by the next Council Meeting.
Larry Koshak and Dave Chase agreed to work on this.
Doug Lindenfelser asked about right-of-way for these
projects. Mr. Koshak said that we would need some
construction easements.
Mr. Koshak advised the Council that John Harwood has met
with MnDOT regarding culvert sizes under Hwy 101 and they
have agreed to upgrading the sizing. MnDOT has also agreed
to do some traffic counts.
Larry Koshak suggested that the City do some traffic
counts on their MSA designated streets. Counters can be
obtained at no cost. The Council suggested that Duane
Fiedler or Dave Chase take the 2 hour training course on the
operation of the counters.
Concerning Grants, there is a Seminar on this coming up
next Wednesday.
Mike Tardy is putting on a Seminar on MSA on Wednesday,
March 17, in St. Cloud and Mr. Koshak said he would like to
Motion by Ron Black to approve Larry Koshak attending
the MSA Meeting on March 17. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all
Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Motion by Ron Black to approve the street lighting
contract with Wright-Hennepin Electric. Seconded by Doug
Ron Black said that Wright-Hennepin needs to understand
that the Developer is responsible for the electric usage
billing for street lights until the development is 90%
All Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Elaine Beatty advised the Council it is time to re-apply
for City participation in the MN Housing Finance Agency
housing loan program.
Motion by Floyd Roden to renew membership to the Gateway
Chamber of Commerce. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council
Members voted in favor of the motion.
Larry Fournier suggested establishing a Code of Conduct
for the EDA Advisory Board and said that Dave Licht has
agreed to assist with this. The Council agreed this should
be done.
Motion by Ron Black to sheet rock and spray the area
above the Council Chambers in the new City Hall. Seconded by
Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the
Floyd Total Security has proposed 3 options for
installing Medeco Locks on the new City Hall doors.
Option 1
Installation of High Security Medeco Hardware
on Locking doors at a cost of $1,746.91
Option 2
Install Medeco on all exterior doors, record room
108, Office 104, Storage room 109, Office 125 and
penthouse at a cost of $884.61.
Option 3
Install Medeco on exterior doors only for $804.90.
The keys for High Security Medeco Hardware can not be
duplicated. Keys cost an additional $3.20 each.
Motion by Larry Fournier to approve Floyd Total Security
Option No. 1 at a cost of $1,746.91. Seconded by Ron Black,
all Council Members voted in favor of the motion.
Proceeding as a board of audit, the City Council audited
and allowed verified accounts Nos. 212 to 296 inclusive.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Attest= Jerome Perrault, Clerk