05-20-1993 Joint Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego held a joint meeting with CITY OF OTSEGO the Frankfort Town Board this 20 day of May, 1993, at 7:30 PM in the Otsego City Hall. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfeiser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak, Engineer, and Bob Kirmis, Planner, were -present from Otsego. Town Board Members Stanley Barthel, Tom Hagerty, Larry Van Hull and Fred Vetsch were present from Frankfort Township. Also present were Terry Hubbard from MnDOT and Wayne Fingalson, Wright CO. Highway Engineer. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F_ Freske. Engineer Larry Koshak addressed the meeting and explained that Hwy 101 will be upgraded to a 4 lane expressway in 1994 -and 1995 resulting in 62nd St. and 65th St. being cut off from direct access to Hwy 101 resulting in the need of ari access road to connect 62nd & 65th St. to either Co. 36 or Co. 37 to gain access to Hwy 101. Mr. Koshak said we first looked at a North route from 65th St. to 70th St. (Co. 37) but. 2 issues were against this route. MnDOT is not planning on a signalized intersection at Co. 37 - Hwy 101 and also the difficulty in resolving the assessments on the property the access road would pass through. The City share of this route would be about 62„000. We are now looking at a Southern route to connect up to Quam Avenue which Frankfort is building up to 60th Street. This would give access to the Co. 36 -Hwy 101 intersection which will be signalized. MnDOT would also have to approve this route. Option A of this route would be start at 62nd Street and go South along the property line between the Levenson and Grote properties and across the Werner property to connect with Quam Avenue. Option B would be the same except the road would curve more to the West to go across the back of the Werner property. Option C would start at 62nd Street and follow the property line between the Beltrand and Grote properties and across the back of the Werner property to connect with Quam Avenue. Option D would be the same as Option C except it would shift the right-of-way to 60 ft on the Grote property and 20 ft on the Beltrand property which would shift the road farther away from Beltrand's house. Larry Koshak said parts of Quale Avenue that have already been built were not built in proper right-of-way and improvements would require some re -alignment of Quale Avenue. Glen Beltrand said the general agreement seems to favor. option 8 which follows the property line between the Grote CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL JOINT MEETING WITH TOWN OF FRANKFORT OF MAY 20, 1993. PAGE 2 and Levenson properties. His concern was dust on the section of Quale Avenue that would not be black topped and questioned whether MnDOT would provide funds to blacktop this section also. Mr. Hubbard said the MnDOT policy would be to fund roads that would benefit Hwy 101 and this would not be the,--ease in blacktopping the section of Quale Avenue already built. One resident said she was concerned about coming up the hill on 62nd Street and having to stop for Quale Avenue. Larry Koshak said a stop sign could be put on Quale Avenue to favor the people coming up the hill on 62nd Street Mrs. Werner said that she would prefer they built the North route for Quale Avenue from 65th Street to 70th Street instead of the Southern route because the Southern route would take 60 ft off their property and take out the tree line which forms a natural berm for their property. Stanley Barthel asked about the possibility of building the access road in front of the Werner property between Hwy 101 and the Werner buildings but Mr. Koshak said the set backs would not be enough. A recent traffic count showed about 140 cars a day using 65th & 62nd Streets. One resident asked if the North route was a dead issue and Mr. Koshak said that it was possible that both will be built some time in the future and that MnDOT might consider funding both routes. He said all the conduit will be put in the road bed to signalize Co. 37 -- Hwy 101 intersection when Hwy 101 is rebuilt but the signals will not be installed until traffic warrants are met. Paul Levenson said he preferred the Southern route and Option B. Mrs. Werner asked if there were any plans to continue the access road North from Co. 37 to Co. 42. Larry Koshak said there were plans for this as part of the 5 year MSA Construction plans. Glen Beltrand commented that it would be safe to assume we will be driving through commercial development on either the Southern or Northern route. Rod Winter said he was not opposed to the Northern route, just the assessments on his property. He wanted to .know if the residents to the South were aware that they could also be assessed. Larry Koshak replied that an appraiser would have to determine this. Larry Fournier asked which route MnDOT preferred. Mr. Hubbard replied that MnDOT planning indicated the North route would be the most favorable. Norman F. Freske asked Mr. Koshak what the next step was. Mr. Koshak replied that a feasibility study would need to be prepared and Public Hearings held after that. Motion by Doug Lindenfei er to adjourn the meeting. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL JOINT MEETING WITH TOWN OF FRANKFORT OF MAY 20, 1993. Page 3 Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. , MAYOR NORMAN F. FRESKE , DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL , FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL . LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL , RON BLACK, COUNCIL Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/joh