06-15-1993 Special Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A special Council Meeting was held COUNTY OF WRIGHT on this 15TH day of June, 1993 at CITY OF OTSEGO 7:30PM to discuss police protection with the Wright County Sheriff's Department. The meeting was called to order by Norman F Freske, Mayor. Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier, and Ronald Black, Council Members were present. Also present was Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Judy Hudson, Secretary. Don Hozempa, Sheriff, Gary Miller and Don Lindell from the Sheriff's Department were also present. Mayor Norman F Freske started the meeting by introductions. Sheriff Hozempa explained what positions the three of them had in the Sheriffs Department. They are the top three in command. He also explained that they have 120 full time employees, 62 licensed police, 30 part time police and 30 volunteer officers. They have 11 mounted patrol. There was discussion of the mounted patrol and the volunteers for same and how the patrol came about. Stewart Wirth and Jack Bodine have spearheaded this mounted patrol. Thirty-seven people work in the jail (civilians). There are twelve dispatchers (nine of them civilians) and seven secretaries and cooks for the jail. They have a five to six million dollar budget yearly and contract with six or seven Cities for police protection. They have been meeting with St Michael (8-hr a day coverage), Frankfort (4-hour a day) possible, Monticello and Buffalo have twenty-four a day coverage. Wright County is the 9th largest County in Minnesota with 72,000 population. We grow about 1,000 a year. One (1) quarter section of the County has about 3,200 people in it. One problem with this population is that they figure 1.3 law enforcement officers for every 1,000 people (national average). They are short of officers. The population is a problem and the Townships need 24-hour a day coverage. They would like to see Otsego increase coverage from 40 hours a week to eight hours a day, 7-days a week. They would be adding 16 hours. Hozempa read some figures which showed a dramatic increase in population. Last year they had 30,000 calls for service in Wright County. In 1982 they had.5,000 calls for service in Otsego. 6AM to 2PM they had 187 calls, 2PM to 6AM they had 130 calls, 6PM to 3AM they had 208 calls and 3AM to 6AM 12 Calls. Hozempa discussed alarms and said they are a big problem as the deputy run to the alarms a lot and it takes a lot of the deputy's time. When asked what percentage of time they spend in the Urban area of Otsego - vs - the Rural area the answer was 70 to 80n Urban and 20 to 30n rural. They had 59 dog calls in 1992 for Otsego, 738 calls on dogs in Wright County in 1992, 466 lost animal complaints, 62 animal abuse, 11 animal cruelty, and,347 found animals. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/16/93 AT 7:30PM — PAGE 2 — Sheriff Hozempa said when they get a dog complaint, a car is dispatched to let the person know there is a complaint. He feels we need a County -wide animal control person. Sheriff's Department will not transport dogs. There was a discussion of a court appearance and fine for dogs. There had been some change in the legislation said Lindell, but he thinks that has been changed again so they can issue citations and court appearances which results in a fine. Black brought up the point that if you have 30 assaults, 60 dog calls, the assaults would take up the time. Traffic is a problem and a large number of accidents. They do have a system available now where you can get information from a central computer from the patrol car, which would speed up the process and Sheriff Hozempa would like to see it implemented, but it is expensive. If we were to agree to extra hours for patrol, it would take place in January of 1994. The contracted deputy would be paid for so they would have the money to hire extra if needed. Otsego is a unique situation. There are a lot of people spread out over a large area. Sheriff Hozempa stated that he feels the cost for 1994 would not be higher than $31..00 per hour for man, car and equipment. The roving car covers Otsego, Monticello, Frankfort and Buffalo. They do have a Sgt. that can come in and help out. The Sheriff's Department has a mutual aid with Sherburne County and Elk River. They have 50 or 51 vehicles and 28 marked cars. There was some discussion on fire and rescue with the City of Albertville. Black asked if we can get a report with times that the officers are in Otsego? Sheriff Hozempa said they can do it and that the City of Delano had asked for that. What we want is basic information said Black, how many and what type of calls. It would help us to define the Urban/Rural Taxing District and amounts paid in each if you can work that into your plans. Gary Miller said that if we have a complaint on a specific call we can call him and he will get a report on it for us. Sheriff Hozempa said that if they screw up they admit it. They want to know when they goof up. The 911 system was discussed and it is working good. As far as the dog problem, stray animals where they don't know the owner, they can do nothing. A vicious animal they can tranquilize. An animal that is barking, they can go to the home to tell the person. If it is a dog where they know the owner, they can give a warning the first time and ticket if the problem persists. Motion by Black to adjourn Motion seconded by STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/16/93 AT 7:3OPM — PAGE 3— Fournier. Motion carried unanimously. NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL RON BLACK COUNCIL ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm. EB