09-08-1993 Special Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MN The City Council of the City of Otsego COUNTY OF WRIGHT held a Special Council Meeting this 8 day CITY OF OTSEGO of Sept., 1993, at 8:00 P.M. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, and Larry Fournier, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, and Dave Licht, Planner, were present. Also present were EDA Commission Members Vern Heidner, Rudy Thibodeau, Vern Klinkner, Liz Wilder, Nancy Brunell and Richard Nichols. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. Dave Licht addressed the meeting concerning the 3rd Industrial Site. He said this site will be primarily for relocating home extended businesses. The property owner of the site (the N.E. Quadrant of the Odean Ave. - Co. 37 intersection) is willing to sell and develope the site. The City should put together an incentive package to get the site started. In return there should be some control to keep the land prices from soaring and legal help will be needed on this. Some businesses have already left the City because there was no place to locate and the City should decide if they want to offer incentive to get the businessses to locate there. Mr. Licht said the goal should be to have this in place by next spring. Larry Fournier asked for an explanation of what incentives could be used. Mr. Licht suggested that the City could offer a longer time to pay for streets, a longer time to payassesanents and the City could share in the street costs. In the 3rd Industrial Site you will be dealing with mostly low capital businesses. Doug Lindenfelser asked if there would be a limit of lot sizes. Mr. Licht said if someone wants 20 Acres, it should be only for his expansion and not for resale to make money. Larry Fournier asked if the developer needs to come in with a site plan. Mr. Licht suggested having the City Engineer do the site plan at City expense as an incentive, but an agreement should be made with the land owner in advance of this. Vern Heidner asked what needs to be done to get the 3rd Industrial Site started. Dave Licht said the City needs to put together a plan, decide what your incentives will be, and you should focus on businesses already in Otsego and not outsiders. Larry Fournier asked what our approach should be to outside businesses. Mr. Licht suggested that you could offer less incentives to an outside business. Vern Heidner asked how many businesses the53 acre site would accomodate. Mr. Licht suggested laying it out in 5 acre lots but with a plan to sub -divide if some business want less. Mr. Licht said the Hwy. 101 area is the premier areafor business development with higher standard buildings and no outside storage. The 3rd Industrial site would allow outside storage, less costly buildings that could be all steel, and require less impervious surface. It would be classified as an I-1 District. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPT. 8, 1993 Page 2 Mr. Licht said to get the site development process started it needs to decide the following things: 1. The City's position with the property owner. 2. The City's position with the businesses. 3. Identify local potential businesses and meet personally with them. Rudy Thibodeau asked Mr. Licht if he had any sample agreements and Mr. Licht replied that he did. Motion by Larry Fournier to request Mr. Licht to draft the necessary documents to get the process of developing the 3rd Industrial Site started. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/co