09-13-1993 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A public Hearing was held this 13 COUNTY OF WRIGHT day of September, 1993, at 6:30 P.M. ON CITY OF OTSEGO on the proposed construction of the Hwy 101 access road, Quam and Quale Avenue, from Co.36 to Co.37. Norman F. Freske, Mayor Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty,Dep. Clerk/Zoning Adm., Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larrx,Koshak, Engineer, Dave Licht, Planner and Andy McArthu*: Attorney, were present. The Hearing was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. Larry Koshak addressed the Hearing and said the last meeting at which the Quam\Quale Avenue access road was discussed was on May 20, 1993. MnDOT is interested in having the access road from Co.36 to Co.37 and will participate in the construction. MnDOT has agreed to construct the Quam Avenue segment from Co.36 to 60th Street and Otsego has agreed to construct the segment from Co.37 to 65th Street, (Quale Avenue) with MnDOT funding. Otsego has agreed to obtain easements for the segment from 65th to 60th Street. Frankfort Township has passed a resolution that they will participate in the construction of the segment from Co. 36 to 60th Street. Funds are available in 1994 to contract the segment from 65th Street to Co.37 (Quale Ave) and from Co. 36 to 60th Street (Quam Ave). The segment from 60th Street to 65th Street will be built under co-operative agreement with MnDOT Larry Koshak presented the cost figures on the construction of Quale Avenue from Co.37 to 65th Street as follows: Estimated Construction Cost R.O.W. Acquisition Preliminary Engineering Gas Line Relocation Construction Adm. & Observation Construction Staking & Inspection Total estimated project costs MnDOT share: Construction Cost Preliminary Engineering Gas Line Relocation Construction Field Service (8 of Construction Value) Total MnDOT share Share to be funded by Otsego Share to be assessed $250,000.00 20,000.00 35,000.00 85,000.00 12,000.00 22,500.00 $424,500.00 250,000.00 35,000.00 85,000.00 20,000.00 $390,000.00 34,500.00 34,500.00 CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1.993 Page 2 Assessments will be $4,928.60 per unit as follows: Darkenwald - Hwy Commercial 4 units Lavendure - Agriculture Winter - Agriculture Taurus Tool - Agriculture Total Assessments 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit $19,714.30 4,928.60 4,928.60 4,928.60 7 units $34,500,00 Larry Koshak said the project is feasible and will benefit the property owners. MnDOT will require release of access documents from property owners. Paul Evenson asked what the construction schedule was. Mr. Koshak said the Quam Avenue segment from Co. 36 to 60th Street and the Quale Avenue segment from Co. 37 to 65th Street will be built in 1994 and the segment from 65th to 60th Street will be built in 1995 if funding is available. Bids will be let in 1995 for the segment of Hwy 101 from ,Co. 42 to Co .36 . Mrs. Hauan asked why they didn't know about the route before as it will pass close to their house. Mr. Koshak said it was discussed at the meeting last May. One resident asked why they are building a new segment of Quale Avenue when there is an existing road 200 ft. away and another resident asked if the existing Quale Avenue would pass as an access road. Larry Koshak replied that it would not and in order for MnDOT to participate the access road has to meet certain criteria. Paul Evenson said he was in favor of the segment between 60th Street and 62nd Street being built. MnDOT would participate in the funding from 62nd Avenue to 65th Street if the City wants it built. It could be all built at the same time but the City would have to acquire the easements. Steve Glatzell said it sounds like the project is being steam rolled thru and asked how close it would come to his house as it is only 58 ft. from the lot line and Mrs. Glatzell asked if any house would have to be removed. Larry Koshak said that he did not think any house would be closer than 50 ft. from the road. Jerry Grote asked what the assessments would be on the segment Frorn 62nd to 65th Street. Larry Koshak said that we do not know at this time. Bud Hauan said he had 10 acres of land and if the road ger thru he will have 2 narrow strips that wi 11 be CITY OF OT$EGO PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 Page 3 Larry Koshak said if the road makes the land unbuildable, the City would acquire it. Dave Licht said there is a provision in the Zoning Ordinance to grant a variance in a hardship case. One resident asked if the people on the middle segment of the access road would be stuck with a high assessment if MnDOT does not participate. Larry Koshak said that MnDOT would fund all the construction cost of the segment between 60th and 65th Street and up to 8% of the engineering costs. The City would have to acquire the easements. Steve Glatzell asked if fencing would be included in the project and Larry Koshak replied that it would not. Larry Fournier said that there seems to be a lot of unanswered questions and that we should have another Hearing. Larry Koshak said that we do need to proceed on the segment between Co.37 and 65th Street. Motion by Larry Fournier to close the Hearing on the segment of the access road between Co. 37 and 65th Street and to continue the Hearing on another date on the segment between 65th and 60th Street. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Larry Koshak said that it would take about a month to assemble more information on the project. Motion by Floyd Roden to have an Information Hearing on the segment between 60th and 65th Streets on Oct. 25, 1993, at 6:30 P.M. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. On the motion the Hearing adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG LINDENFELSER,COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL RON BLACK, COUNCIL Attest' Jerome Perrault,Clerk