10-25-1993 Informational Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The City Council of the City of
COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego held an Informational Meeting
CITY OF OTSEGO this 25 day of October, 1993, at
6:30 P.M. on the proposed Quale-Quam
Avenue access roads to the reconstructed Hwy 101. Norman F.
Freske, Mayor, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black,
Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, Dep.
Clerk/Zoning Adm., Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak,
Engineer, and Mark Benson, MnDOT Engineer, were present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F.
Norman F. Freske addressed the meeting and said the
purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Hwy 101 access
roads from Co.36 to Co.37 Segment A will be built from Co.36
to 60th St. MnDOT will acquire the Werner property so that
this segment can be built. Frankfort Township had decided not
to acquire easements from Werners and now MnDOT has agreed to
acquire the Werner property. Segment B from 60th to 62nd St.
and Segment C from 62nd to 65th St. will be eligible for
funding in 1995. Funding for the segment from 65th St. to
Co.37 (Quaie Ave.) has already been approved. Easements for
Segment D have been sent to the property owners but none have
been returned. The City is to pay for the easements and can
not afford higher easement costs. The City Council and Mr.
Koshak met with Mn00T on Oct. 21, 1993 in Roseville to
discuss this problem.
Mark Benson, of MnDOT, addressed the meeting and said
plans were made to reconstruct Hwy 101 with limited accesses
and that meant closing off some streets and putting in access
roads. MnDOT decided to construct the access roads in advance
of Hwy 101 construction and to construct them by a joint
agreement with the City of Otsego. MnDOT would pay
construction costs and the City would acquire the easements.
The City is now concerned if they can afford higher easement
costs. The City has asked MnDOT to continue the access road
from Co. 36 to 62nd St.
George Yankoupe asked what had happened to the $100,000
raised locally for the Hwy 101 project. Mr. Benson said that
money was all used for design purposes. One resident asked if
MnDOT would still go ahead with the access road projects if
the easements could not be agreed on and Mr. Benson replied
that they would.
Larry Koshak said that MnDOT is committed to obtaining
the Werner property..
Larry Fournier asked if MnDOT was going to acquire all
of the Werner property. Mr. Benson said it would depend on
many factors but that is a possibility even to the extent of
acquiring property and relocating the Werners. _
Mrs. Mervin Hauan asked why the decision was made not to
put in traffic signals at the Co,37 •-- Hwy 101 intersection.
Mr. Benson said the traffic volume at the intersection did
not meet the warrants we u:e to determine where signals
Chou LJ' be in:;talled et thi< time but probably will in the
near rlli",tll"', . T1`r11'i' i t, i (11-1;0!: de not always make for les
Page 2
accidents. • . .
Mr. Benson said that construction of Hwy 101 from Co. 42
to Rogers has been delayed one year, from 1995 to 1996,
because of a shortage of funds. The bridges and Hwy 101 from
the Mississippi River Bridge to Co.42 will be built in 1994.
Mr. Benson said he would like to see all the easements for
the access roads acquired by early next year.
Mervin Hauan said the access road will leave him with a
strip of land only 40 ft. wide. Mr. Koshak said that land
that is left unusable will be acquired by the City.
Steve Glatzell asked how much the City will, be paying
for land acquired. Mr. Koshak said it would depend on
appraised values.
George Yankoupe
the City anything.
Ron Black said the reason we have held all the
Informational Meetings is so the residents can have their say
rather than MnDOT coming in and put the access road wherever
they want to.
Larry Koshak said the next step is to negotiate with the
John Darkenwald asked why their land was zoned Ag and
appraised as commercial. The Council explained that in the
Comp Plan, their land was considered as a future commercial
development area because of its location next to Hwy 101 and
Co. 37.
Motion by Floyd Roden motioned to close the
Informational Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council
Members voted in favor of the motion.
said this access road should not cost
Attest: Jerome Perrault, Clerk