11-08-1993 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The City Council of the City of COUNTY OF WRIGHT Otsego met this 8 day of Nov. 1993 CITY OF OTSEGO at 7:30 P.M. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Dep.Clerk/Zoning Adm., Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak, Engineer and Bob Kirmis, Planner, were present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske. Motion by Ron Black to approve the Minutes of the Informational Meeting on Hwy 101 access roads held Oct. 25,- 1993 at 6:30 P.M. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Larry Fournier to approve the Minutes of the Oct. 25, 1993, City Council Meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the Minutes of the Informational Meeting on Fire Dept. Service held Oct. 27, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Insurance Agent Dan Greene addressed the meeting and advised the City Council that the City will soon (or already have) receive a dividend from Workmens Comp. Insurance in the amount of $1,412.00 This was a State ordered refund because the Workmens Comp. Reserve Fund had built up to a higher than necessary figure. Mr. Greene suggested putting this refund and any other Insurance refunds received into a reserve account. When you have this reserve account built up sufficiently, you could then purchase City Insurance with the higher deductibles and save the City substantial amounts on Insurance premiums. The Council will consider Mr. Greene's advice. Assessor Andrew Merges addressed the meeting with some new information on Assessing. The Homestead Card requirement has been changed and you are no longer required to send in a new Homestead Card each year. Once you have been granted a Homestead it will stay on record until you sell the property or move. Also you can now get a full year Homestead Credit if you occupy the property by mid -year and even up to December. Another change is half the value of a 35 year old home (or older) if remodeled, can be tax deferred for 10 years. You must obtain a building permit when remodeling in order to qualify. Realtors must be notified at time of sale if the home has tax deferments on it. The tax credit for remodeling can be used up to 3 times. The Council is required to notify the Assessor if a building permit is issued to remodel a house 35 years of age or older. Steve Wildermuth addressed the watershed problem in Otsego Acres. He said we are seeing more standing water in the area all the time with mature trees standing in water. He said he would like to have the Council check the depth of the culvert under 88th Street. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOV. 8, 1993 Page 2 Larry Koshak said this was done last year and he has the figures on file. Ron Black said he would like to see maps of all the culvert depths and placements in that area, Mr. Koshak replied that he had all this on file. Commissioner -Pat Sawatzke and Neil McMillian, of Wright Hennepin Electric, appeared before the Council to discuss economic development in Wright County. Recent surveys have shown the need for cooperation in economic development between Co ---ops and private individuals. The Economic Development Partnership of Wright Co., Inc. has been established. On the Board of Directors are: are: Gary Hale Melvin Swendra Susan Vergin Sharry Berning Dave Zylstra - City of Annandale City of Cokato - City of Hanover Frankfort Township Silver Creek Township Representing the Utilities on the Board of Directors Neil McMillian - Wright -Hennepin Electric Karen Young -- Northern States Power Representing the Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Clubs is Irene Neibzielski of Maple Lake. Representing Schools & Colleges is Carl Montzka, Director of the Wright Co. Technical Center. Representing Banks & Financial Institutions are: James Urchota -- Security State Bank of Maple Lake Larry Schwahn -- Oakley National Bank of Buffalo Representing private business is John Bishop of Lakedale Telephone Co. Representing private industry is Christine Rudnecki. Representing Wright Co. is Country Commissioner Judie Rose, The Board of Directors is currently working on an economic development program for Wright County and also working on a loan and grant program for business. Larry Fournier asked If this program was similar to the U.P,A. program for economic development. Mr. McMillian said that, the U.P.A. program covers 57 Counties. The t.1 .P .A . is not a member but serves on the Board of Directors. For the City of Otsego to become a member, the annual dues would be $1,000.00 plus 10 cents per capita. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOV. 8, 1993 Page 3 Ron Black said he would like to see the by-laws and mission statement of the Economic Develorament Partnership. Mr, McMillian agreed to furnish this information. The Counei.1 would like to have this information and then Placa on the agenda of the Nov. 22, 1993, Council Meeting the question of whether to jol.n the Economic Development Part"nershin. They would also like input from our own EDS-, Cotnrll.i.:.sion • Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to obtain more information on the Economy.(: Devo]opnlent Partnership and put the question f member hin on the agenda of the Nov. 22 1993, Council Meeting, 5econded by Ron ?.Slack 111 Council Members voted in raver of the ! In(,.Y L. .4on . K i.s Ni.ebier, . a resident of 96th St.. addressed the Council concerning 96th ':att. traffic problems. There was a recent 1'at:2l accident, on 96th St. which she admittedly said was caused by careless driving and not street conditions. The .said she would like to see more Deputy Sheriff patrolling on that 'Street during rush hours, at the times when school buses are running. Traffic has increased on 96th St. ince mor development was put in to the west. She said sidewalks :antra wider street are the only solution to making 96th St. 1•afer, She would also like to see more stop signs along 96th St Larry Fournier said he would like to see the 96th St. pro ect put ori our MSA Project' List. Ron Block asked if more street Lights would be a help along 96th St. and Larry Koshak replied that it would be a definito help. Norman F. Freske asked Mr. Koshak to do a study and make some recommendations for street light placement. On the basis of recent traffic counts • Mr. Koshak said he i:jid not see any help by putting up more stop signs. Ron Black recommended increased Deputy Sheriff atr'oll.i_'iic. along 61:h 'A. and on Parrish Ave. from 96th •.wt. to the bridge as well. Fire Dipt. Service Contracts with the Cit:./ of Albertville wer- then discussed. Motion by Larry Fournier to enter into a contract with the Lit./ ot Albertville to provide Fire Dept. and Rescue Squad a rLL ; e to Sec. 2'..24yy 75, 26 27 35 36 of Range 24 and iections 29 30, 31 32 :Se 33 of Range 23 in the City of Otsego for the year 1994, Seconded by Norman F. Ere ske . Ron Black said he was opposed to the motion because we do not have the numbers available as to what it is going to cost us, also we do not know what the budget for the Albertville Fire Dept will be for 1994. Norman F. Freske. said that residence insurance rates can go up if YOU are more than 5 to 6 miles from a contracted Fixe Dept. Doug ! lrrd _ ntelser said that he was told farms are not CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOV. 8, 1993 Page 4 included in the 5 to 6 mile factor, only residences. Larry Fournier said we will be represented on a Fire Board with the City of Albertville from now on. The motion passed with Larry Fournier, Norman F. Freske, Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden voting in favor of the motion and Ron Black opposed. Motion by Ron Black to have a Public Hearing by mailed notice on the Albertville Fire Contract when the billings are received. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser. Larry Fournier, Norman F. Freske and Floyd Roden were opposed to the motion, Ron Black and Doug Lindenfelser voted in favor, the motion did not pass. Mrs. Cletus Vetsch said she would like to see at least part. of Section 27, Range 24, in the Monticello Fire Dept. Service Acrea as their farm is split by the proposed service area and Helen Weidenbach said she was not included in the Albertville Service Area. Larry Fournier rescinded his motion and Norman F. Freske rescinded his second in order to correct section numbers. Motion by Larry Fournier to enter into a contract with the City of Albertville to provide Fire Dept. and Rescue Squad Service to Sections 23, 24, 25, 26, the S 1/2 Sec. 27, 34, 35 & 36, the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 14, and the South 80 rods of the SW 1/4 of Section of 13, all in Range 24, and the Sections 30, 31, 32 and 33 in Range 23 in the City of Otsego for the year 1994. Seconded by Norman F. Freske. Norman F. Freske, Larry Fournier, Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden voted in favor of the motion. Ron Black was opposed, the motion passed. Motion by Ron Black to have a Public Hearing on the increased taxes caused by this action prior to entering into a Contract with the City of Albervi 11e . The Motion was not seconded. Larry Koshak reported that the old Kadler Ave. Bridge has been removed and the new concrete pipe put in it's place. Mr. Koshak also said • that they have completed 80% of the field survey work on the Otsego Creek, will do some walking of the creek yet this fall, and hope to have the data on the Creek analyzed by the Council Meeting in December. Mr. Koshak also said that. Mark Benson of MnDOT has informed him that the Werners have agreed to talk about their property. On the Co.37 - Odean Ave. intersection project, Mr. Koshak said he has corinpleted talking to all the property owners. On the Lefebvre Watershed, Mr. Koshak said he would like to proceed with acquiring easements after we have the Public Hearing. The Public Works Committee held it's first meeting. „alt k Sand pureha- es were discussed and the Dept .would like to purchase a snow bucket for the loader. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOV. 8, 1993 Page 5 On the Highway 101 Project, MnDOT will take care of all right---of-way issues between the Mississippi Bridge and Co. 42. Norman F. Freske commented that the sidewalks by the City Hall were not cleaned off for Saturday. We need better communication with the Maintenance Department on these issues. Ron Black said he was concerned that we have fair interviews- for the Receptionist Position, with a standard set of questions for all applicants. He suggested getting advice from a professional interviewer on the proper conduct of interviews. Norman F. Freske appointed Ron Black and himself''to a sub -committee to screen candidates for the Receptionist position. Motion by Ron Black to have a Special Council Meetin:7 on Nov. 29 .at 7:30 P.M. to interview candidates for the Receptionist position. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Judy Hudson said the annual holiday party has been scheduled for Dec . 11, at the Cit/ Hall, with a social hour at 6:30 P.M. followed by a Lubke catered dinner. Ron Black suggested checking the legality of spending city funds for the Christmas decorations for the combined holiday party and recognition day for all the volunteer committee members serving on various city committees. Motion by Larry Fournier to set the per-unit assessment for the Elk River Fire Dept. Service Area at $40.00 for 1994 Seconded by Doug Lindenfrlser, , all Council Members voted in avor of the motion. Motion by Doug Lindenfe.lser to set the per --unit assessment, for the Monticello Fire Dept. Service Area at $:35.00 for 1294. Seconded by Ron Black. all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to acknowledge receipt of the letter from the Dorkenwalds and request an agenda from them of items they wish to discuss prior to scheduling a meeting with them. Seconded by Norman F. Freske., all Council Mernbers voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a board of audit, the City Council audited and allowed verified accounts No . y 1307 to 1378 inclusive. On motia the, mee ng adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL Attest: Jerome Perrault JP/co RON BLACK,. COUNCIL.