12-27-1993 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The Council Meeting of December
COUNTY OF WRIGHT 27, 1993 was called to order at
CITY OF OTSEGO 7:30PM by Mayor Norman F Freske,
Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier, and Ron
Black, Council Members were also present. Jim Barthel,
Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator
and Judy Hudson, Secretary were also present, as was Larry
Koshak, City Engineer.
The minutes were not ready to be considered.
Mr Lee D Luedke of 8446 Oakwood Avenue - Discuss
drainage problem of his lot. (Mr Luedke did not 'show up).
No one wished to be heard on OPEN FORUM.
Larry Koshak, City Engineer:
5.1. Antelope Park discussion and resolution. Larry Koshak
recommended that the streets be accepted. He also
recommended that the Letter of Credit be reduced to 10%.
Larry Koshak read the letter of December 20, 1993 RE:
Antelope Park (See attached letter).
Larry Fournier inquired if the 10% amount on the Letter
of Credit would be enough to cover anything that needs to be
Larry Koshak stated he felt that the 10% would be more
than adequate. The streets have been in for over two years
Ron Black motioned to adopt the recommendations of the
City Engineer as discussed in his letter of December 20,
1993, with the 11 items addressed being included. Floyd
Roden seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Norman F Freske stated that Council Member Doug
Lindenfelser was not present because of a death in the family
and Jerry Perrault, Clerk, had to go to the hospital. He
said this is just for the record.
There was some discussion of the Otsego Creek materials
prepared by the City Engineer.
Floyd Roden set up a meeting for January 6, 1994 at the
New City Hall at 7:30PM, Thursday with the Otsego Creek
Authority. The reason is that Mr Koshak and Mr Roden will
meet with the DNR on January 12, 1994 at St Cloud. The time
will be decided at a later date.
Larry Fournier asked if Albertville approved the report
from the Engineer on the Otsego Creek. Roden said no, not
Larry Koshak said there should be a meeting of the
Otsego Creek Authority to review the report. He made six
sets of plans for the Otsego Creek Plan. (We can discard the
old plans). He has estimated the cost of cleaning out the
trees in the report.
In regards to the Mn/Road Haul Issue, (See Attached
letter from Larry Koshak dated December 21, 1993). Larry
Koshak said he felt that the offer for $36,475.00 should be
accepted as recommended by the City Engineer as it represents
1/3 of the cost of the overlay. The cost was originally
$100,000.00 and the street is already 10 years old. The life
of the road reduced from 20 to 10 years. $73,000.00 is the
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cost of the actual overlay. The rest is in patching and
repairs that would normally be done. The engineer's
conclusion is that it would be best to accept this offer.
Larry Fournier asked if we had the City Attorney look at
this letter? He felt that it would be helpful to have him
review and comment. Mayor Freske agreed.
Larry Fournier motioned to have the City Attorney give
his opinion on this Mn/Road Matter. Ron Black seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously. (This will be an agenda
item on 1-24-93)
Mayor Freske directed Ms Beatty; to write a letter to Mr
Donald L Raisanen, Transportation District Engineer to let
him know we received his letter.
Larry Fournier asked if we had the Mn/Roads on the
budget for overlay in 1994. He was told that it was not on
the budget.
There was discussion of the maintenance check from MSA.
We haven't yet received the check.
Larry Koshak brought up Obrian Avenue NE and 90TH ST NE
drainage. It was noted that Otsego Acres was first platted
in 1971. The second addition was platted in 1973 (See 2nd
Page of Larry Koshak's Report). The streets were constructed
in 1982. The culvert in question was put in at that time by
Mr Woods and Mr Wiltermuth properties. Pete Raatikka said
that none of the culverts were changed. Item E showed ponds
in Outlot A & B had been excavated. We should see what the
Attorney's opinion is on that. Item F. If Mr Wiltermuth put
in a sump pump and tile, it would help. Ron Black stated
that we should consider having a water drainage study done
for all of Otsego, including 37 -South, 39 North and Nashua
Avenue to the West. To have a drainage plan would help when
we have water problems.
Floyd Roden said we did Hall's Pond drainage we decided
some day we would hook up laterals in other areas.
Larry Koshak said that in the areas to be developed, we
should have a plan that says this size pipe should be
Mayor Freske asked if Larry Koshak could give us a cost
estimate of what it would cost?
Ron Black motioned to request the City Engineer to give
us an estimate of drainage and plans in the area N of County
37, and East of Nahsua Avenue to the river. Larry Fournier
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Floyd Roden motioned to adjourn the regular Council
Meeting to hold the Odean and #37 Public Hearing. Larry
Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The Public Hearing on Odean and #37 Improvement Project
was held.
At 9:20PM the Regular Council Meeting was called to
order again.
Larry Koshak said if the Council is in favor of the
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project, we need to write a letter to Wright County.
Mayor Freske said he talked to Jerry Perrault and why do
we have to pay more because it is a MSA Road? He asked the
question of Dave Montebello. We are paying 58%. Dave
Montebello said that the City should put their concerns in a
letter and address it to Wayne Fingalson.
Ron Black motioned to accept the addendum to the 1993
Feasibility Study for Odean Avenue and CSAH #37 dated
November 11, 1993, with the understanding that we aren't
accepting the split. Floyd Roden seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Larry Fournier asked if this meant we would be accepting
the split? Larry Koshak said not necessarily.
Ron Black motioned to indicate to Wright County we would
like to proceed with this project, with the original cost -
share of November 11, 1993 Feasibility Study. (First original
of $130,785.00, NOT $146,744.00). Floyd Roden seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Larry Fournier asked about the background, or material
for the original report.
Larry Koshak said a portion of the cost to the City and
the County gets a portion of the costs. We did an addendum
to demonstrate what the split was.
Ron Black felt that the understanding that the control
should be the deciding factor, not what is decided in
Buffalo. More discussion was had on this cost share.
Dave Montebello said the reason for the split on the
approaches is it is the County's policy to correct approaches
as far as they need to. If you go on control, the City would
pick up these costs on approaches. On the rural sections the
County would pick up 100% except for the right-of-way.
Larry Koshak said in the final design we would eliminate
as much curb as we can.
Larry Koshak under "other business" brought up the
acquisition on right to construct on the State Hwy #101
project. There are eight property owners. He has met with
five of the property owners and has explained and given them
the documents to sign. He has a meeting next week with Mr
Kolles and Ms Cota. Ms Baufield's meeting is to be arranged.
Ron Black asked if there is any movement from the State?
One party who has been asked to sign the right of entry has
asked Mr Black for an opinion on it. The State is not
willing to commit on when they will proceed forward with the
acquisition. They have had a prior experience with the State
and are leery.
Mayor Freske brought up 101 service drive and are they
willing to go South yet? Larry Koshak said yes.
The Public Works Committee discussed and Larry Koshak
had prepared an item for gravel. Ron Black said #2 needs
City labor and equipment costs. Duane explained it would
cost $979.00 per mile to place it for them and we would have
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to figure out cost of our equipment.
Ron Black said he would like to see further analysis so
they can compare. The Committee should make a recommendation
to the whole Council.
Larry Koshak said he figured 1200 ton per mile. Duane
Fiedler felt this should be studied more in depth.
Ron Black said our minutes should reflect what is
budgeted. The second meeting in January they will have the
information (1-24-94).
Larry Koshak will attend the January 6, 1994 Wetland
Meeting at 1PM at Wright County along with a representative
from his office and possibly Elaine Beatty.
Mayor Freske got a call from Pat Dwyer of the Bank of
Elk River and he said they are building a bank on the corner
of #39 and #42. Dave Licht and Elaine Beatty will meet with
them tomorrow (12/28/93) at 8:30AM to discuss what needs to
be done.
The name of the Otsego Park " Otsego Prairie Park" was
motioned by Ron Black for approval to accept the
recommendation of the Parks and Recs Commission. Floyd Roden
seconded the motion. Motion failed, with Floyd Roden and
Ron Black voting yes and Larry Fournier and Norman F Freske
voting no.
Roden gave some background and said that twenty -some
names had been submitted. This name was not one of them.
They felt this was a prairie and a City Park, not
residential. Perrault Park was considered.
Mayor Freske said he felt it isn't a prairie.
Ron Black said a memo would be helpful as to the name
and why.
Floyd Roden brought up the Park and Recreation
Commission and Tom Constant is working on a snowmobile trail.
He was wondering if the Council would OK the North property
line, under the power line.
Ron Black motioned to authorize a snowmobile trail along
the North property line of the New City Hall property. Larry
Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Floyd Roden said that the Park and Recs Commission have
some donations committed. They were wondering if they could
have $1,250.00 for a warming house in case they don't get
enough money.
Ron Black said that we need to see a plan with the costs
attached. The people, hours they will work, etc.
Floyd Roden said Jeff Asfahl is involved. Ron Black
said that the operating hours/supervision/maintenance, etc
needs to be put on paper. Larry Fournier agreed the Council
needs a plan.
Ron Black motioned to pay the full time clerical
position $7.00 per hour. (The interview process had stated a
range of $6.50 - $7.50 per hr). Norman F Freske seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
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Floyd Roden asked about comparable worth. Ron Black
felt it would be lower than entry-level in the Street
Larry Fournier asked if the office committee should
research it further? Floyd Roden felt that comparable worth
should be studied. Beatty noted that the budget had been
figured at a rate of $7.00 per hour for 1994.
Larry Fournier motioned to pay $150.00 per month for
insurance be paid with the starting date to be the same time
line as for Curt Otterness. Black seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Floyd Roden motioned to have one week's paid vacation to
start after the 6 month trial period, for the first year.
Ron Black seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Larry Fournier motioned to purchase a water softer for
the old city hall. Ron Black seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously. (It was noted that this should be a
basic water softner)
Head Start is working on replacing the front door on the
old city hall. They have one ordered.
Ron Black motioned to send out bids for a New
Maintenance Truck, for either purchase or lease option.
Larry Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried
John Roebeck wishes to split his land. The report from
NAC was discussed. It was decided it would be an agenda item
for the 1/10/94 Council.
It was brought up that we had received $3,896.00 from
FEMA in response to our claim.
Ron Black motioned to authorize Mayor Freske to execute
the documents for FEMA. Larry Fournier seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ron Black motioned to direct the City Engineer to
prepare a Resolution which reflects the City of Otsego's
objection to the 3,000 foot wall costing $856,000.00 in the
Wild and Scenic District. Larry Fournier seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The Council referred the maintenance amount for Wright
County bill on Odean Avenue to Duane Fiedler for research.
Don't pay the amount until it is researched.
Floyd Roden brought up the road to the ball fields for
the City Park. They would like to install walk-thru trails
thru the woods to the ball park and use the City Hall parking
already in place. Roche Martin and Roden have reviewed the
Ron Black felt we should feed some business to John
Oliver and Associates.
Mayor Freske brought up another firm who they have delt
Black felt a concept plan for the Park and Recs.
Commission should be given to Terry Herman, Engr.
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Ron Black motioned to respond to Darkenwald's letter
that this has been brought up on numerous occasions and it
has been considered and is not in our plans. (Re: City
obtaining a Dogcatcher). Larry Fournier seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Larry Fourner motioned to adjourn the meeting. Floyd
Roden seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Ron Black motioned to reopen the meeting. Larry
Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously
Ron Black motioned to adopt a Resolution which says
because Mr LeRoy Lindenfelser devoted his time serving on the
Otsego New City Hall Building Committee and in recoginition
of his committment to the City of Otsego, three hours of paid
time will be given to any City Employees who wish to attend
his funeral. Floyd Roden seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
Ron Black motioned to adjourn the meeting. Larry
Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
EST: Elaine Beatty, Dep
Zoning Adm.
c� L
y Clerk/