01-24-1994 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The regular Council Meeting COUNTY OF WRIGHT of January 24, 1994 at 7:30 CITY OF OTSEGO was called to order by Mayor Norman F Freske. Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members were present. Also present was Jim Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak, City Engineer and Bob Kirmis Asst. City Planner. Minutes of January 10, 1994 were considered. Doug Lindenfelser said on the first page it should read "Bob" Wourm, not "Doug". Floyd Roden stated that on Page 3 he had also said "and we should be treated like both" and that should be added. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1994 WITH THE TWO CORRECTIONS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADDENDUM: 2.1. Arlene Wirth - Discussion of Gender Diversity Training. Arlene Wirth went over the information that she had previously copied to the Council. She outlined the needs of local communities for gender diversity training, objectives of the training, supervisors roles and responsibilities, fee options and suggested follow-up training. (See attached copy of the proposal) Ms Wirth stated she met with the Administrative Committee last Thursday and offered two options: The first was exclusively Otsego Training $775.00 (two hours employees and 3 hrs for supervisors, or an additional one hour) Second, If they were to recruit other cities the price would be $175.00 per city (they would need 10 cities) Larry Fournier said this was brought up during our Administrative Meeting. We felt it might be best if we keep it to our City, P.C.,Parks & Recs., and Employees. I think it's a good idea to have this training session because of the number of sexual harassment problems. Norman F Freske asked about fees and if there was a video, etc. Arlene Wirth said there were hand outs and it is presented by Dr Gordy Dodge who does the training. Doug Lindenfelser asked about how long would this be. Arlene said that there would be an additional hour for supervisors, above the two hours. Ron Black said we talked about should the City decide to move ahead with this it would be mandatory for all full time employees and other commissions would be encouraged to attend. I feel it is important to start somewhere. The cost seems to be reasonable on a per person basis. Doug Lindenfelser said you wouldn't know how many people you are going to have there. Ron Black said all employees, Council and the members of the advisory bodies that could make it. Larry Fournier said if we are not comfortable with the CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - $775.00, we should go along with the option of inviting other Cities to participate. The information is very good. Ron Black said that the thought is with having this strictly for the City of Otsego, we could address special issues with the City of Otsego. Doug Lindenfelser asked if the two sessions are the same? Arlene Wirth said the supervisors session would be a required additional one hour. Ron Black said my suggestion is to put this on the agenda for discussion for next meeting. The Council agreed. BLACK MOTIONED TO PUT THE GENDER DIVERSITY TRAINING ISSUE ON THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Arlene Wirth said we can tailor this to the needs of the City. In two to three weeks it can be arranged. OPEN FORUM: TOM BAILLARGEON - appeared before the Council on open forum. He stated he would like to see a Open House for the skating rink and invite the Lions, JayCees, etc. He is willing to coordinate this. He feels that in three weeks, there will be warmer weather and people can enjoy it. The Parks Commission has worked hard. Mayor Freske commended the Parks and Recs Commission for a good job. Pete Ricekamp from Bell Mortgage appeared before the Council on open forum. He stated he would like to be involved in the MHFA Program. They are one of the major players in this market. This will be put on the Council Agenda of February 15, 1994 at 7:30PM. 4. BOB KIRMIS - NAC 4.1. Discuss moratorium on Development in the LeFebvre's Watershed area: Bob Kirmis explained that Mr Koshak brought the map on this tonight. There is a Resolution and an Interim Ordinance which establishes a one year moratorium. Bob Kirmis read from page 1 & 2 of the Ordinance #1-4 Exceptions: 1. Property for which properly completed applications for development approval were filed on or before 1 January 1994. 2. Developments which have been previously approved by the City Council in settlement agreements. 3. Building permits associated with projects approved on or before 1 January 1994. 4. Building permits associated with governmental projects subject to acceptance by the City of Otsego. Mr Kirmis stated that the School Dist #127 and EDA would be a government project by definition. The City Attorney and Engineer have reviewed this. Larry Koshak noted this is a large section of the Urban CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30 - PAGE 3 - Development Area. The projects which would be affected by this moratorium would be; a. 1/2 of the Third Industrial Park b. School property c. Bank property Larry Koshak said the School would be excluded because of the completed application being finished before January 1, 1994. They have shown us a drainage plan. The Bank is outside of the district. The Third Industrial Park, the situation would have to be identified if an exception. The other option we could provide is to hold the storm water on site. We are trying to stop development until we have the easement rights to drain into the Creek. Mr Koshak said he had a couple of problems with the boundaries here, especially the Third Industrial Site. The East boundary, why don't we go all the way to #101? It does flow to the river. He further explained how the watershed boundary is split. With the ponding on the Third Industrial Site, there could be sizeable pounding that goes to the South. Norm Freske asked Bob Kirmis about the memo on the topos for the Third Industrial Site. Bob Kirmis said the topo survey was done on the Third Industrial Site. Larry Fournier felt it would be unfortunate to not do something so we can proceed with the Third Industrial Site. Floyd Roden asked if we could do something like retention ponds, etc. Larry Koshak said that if the government authority EDAAC would be taking over this project, it could be exempted. Larry Fournier felt it is good for the City of Otsego to have this area for the City businesses. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO TABLE THIS MORATORIUM UNTIL FURTHER STUDY CAN BE DONE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY PLANNER. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4.2. VFW Update Bob Kirmis explained that the Council directed NAC and the Attorney to meet with Mr Earl Green from the VFW on the amount of parking for the VFW required. He has submitted a development schedule and time schedule. The Attorney is putting together a development agreement which would include a number of stalls and allowance to waive the paving requirement until the project is finished. He will forward the draft agreement to Mr Greer when finished. When he gets their mutual acceptance he will bring the agreement to the City Council for approval. 4.3. Any other Planning Business Historic Ordinance on preservation. Mr Kirmis commented on the draft ordinance he has had contact with a gentleman from the historic preservation, Mr Mike Koop. He works with the Cities in preparing a Historic Ordinance for preservation. He works with rural cities such as Otsego. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 4 - He has offered to come out and talk to the City on how and why you may want an ordinance. Bob Kirmis suggested before we get into the nuts and bolts of the ordinance, maybe we should have him come to a meeting. He is very willing to help. The Council recommended the second meeting in February or the second meeting in March and the Historic Committee would like to be invited to the discussion. Bob Kirmis will check with Mr Koop. 5. LARRY KOSHAK - Engineer 5.1. 85TH Street Project Final Payment (Bauerly Bros) Larry Koshak explained that $9,273.50 is supplemental as 60.6% of the storm sewer is paid by the MSA and the rest is paid by the City. Mr Koshak explained the contract change order #1 dated 9/3/93. Inc.or Dec. in Contract Price Item A. Extension of contract time - 0 - - 0 - Item B. Delete:Certified Plant - 0 - - 0 - Add: Quality Management - 0 - - 0 - Item C. Excavation below grade at intersection of Page Ave & $1,548.50 - 0 - 85TH ST. Item D. Pay factor reduction in Type 31 Base course mixture - 0 - $3,263.73 TOTALS: $1,548.50 -$3,263.73 NET CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: -$1,715.23 The change order is justification for the unit bid with price extensions add $7,455.29. The total amount of the contract $258,927.30 There is $15,000.00 added to the original bid, which is 4%. Most of it was the storm sewer share. We are asking you to do the following: * Rescind your approval of Change Order #1 dated 9/13/93. * Approve Supplemental Agreement #1 * Approve Change Order #1 (revised) * approve Change Order #2 * Approve final payment form on conditions of transmittal of the required project closure document to the city Larry Fournier asked if Item B, change order #1. Will this be a problem from here on? Larry Koshak said in 1991 this is what the State wanted us to use. Now they are telling us small projects, we need to use the quality management. It is a matter of the State trying to make up their mind as to what program everyone will follow. Doug Lindenfelser said you were stating that there was a $15,000.000 overrun. Will the State reimburse that. Larry said only 60.6% of the storm sewer will be paid. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM — PAGE 5 — the amount comes out of the assessments on 85TH Street from Country Ridge and John LeFebvre. The sooner we close this, the sooner we will get the MSA money for this road. Discussion of the State Specifications was had. Larry Koshak said we are trying to follow the standard specifications. *FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO RESCIND APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #1 DATED 9/13/93. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. *FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #1. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. *FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER #1 (REVISED). LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. *FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE FINAL PAYMENT FORM ON CONDITIONS OF TRANSMITTAL OF THE REQUIRED PROJECT CLOSURE DOCUMENT TO THE CITY (IN THE AMOUNT OF $107,791.32). LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Norman F Freske asked Larry Koshak if he had any comments on this job. Larry Koshak said we have one contractor that gives us problems, but the project is a good project and very serviceable and widely used. 5.2. LCMR Application Approval. Larry Koshak explained that the application is due on February 4, 1994. This is the one that is the money put aside by the legislature, which is a lump sum. In 1992 most of the grants went to the State Government units and the Indian Tribal. Very little went to small units of government. My recommendation is take that last application and upgrade the amount of money and put different dates and times in it. Doug Lindenfelser asked if this is money the County could use on the Levee along the river? Larry said no. This is based on the enhancement of environment, wetlands research into wildlife, etc. Larry Koshak said the other application was for the DNR due March 15, 1994 for Park and Recs funds. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO AUTHORIZE LARRY KOSHAK'S OFFICE TO PROCEED WITH THE LCMR GRANT PROPOSAL FOR $186,400.00 (THE CITY MATCH WOULD BE $46,600.00. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5.3. Discussion of right—of-way on Odean (How much do we need?) Larry Koshak said he brought this to the Council for direction. Odean Avenue has a differing amount of easements. Oday Acres is affected by this right of way. If we go to 33' we can put a 4' sidewalk. 35' would be 6 or 7 ft. from the curb line. Larry stated he would like to see 40' but we have all the existing plats and homes along there. Otsego Acres 1ST Addition/Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates, etc. Doug Lindenfelser asked if he didn't want to stay CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 6 - consistent with the other MSA Roads? 85TH ST on Nashua Avenue is 33' said Larry Koshak. On John LeFebvres we got 80'. Floyd Roden said where trails are, we should have more easement. Larry Koshak said trails are one thing, sidewalks are another. MSA doesn't pay for bituminous trails, only 5' sidewalks. (He explained further) Norman F Freske said Odean has to be wide. Floyd Roden said 85TH St has to be that way too. Larry Koshak said we have two existing properties that are unwilling to give up extra easement. Ron Black would like to see us go to 40 or 80' concept. There are strong feelings on having trails or sidewalks. The emphasis is to have as much separation as possible, Between cars and pedestrians or bikes. As a policy, I would like to see the City do that. As property becomes available, we have added property easements. Norman F Freske said the people that were here were worried about safety. Floyd Roden said Odean we are figuring a sidewalk and bike trail. There is the Third Industrial Site out there. Maybe a lot of bikers would use that. You might want to post it 40 MPH then. Larry Koshak said Odean is 2,000 now. It will grow. We may need all the lanes and may not have an area for bike paths there. You may only want a sidewalk. With all the different future intersections, you need the width of the road for people to turn off at the turn-offs. Floyd Roden said to get these bike trails off the road now is tough. Larry Fournier agreed with most that had been said. I think where Park and Recreation plans say this road is going to be used for a trail, I think we should look at the 50' easement. Larry Koshak said this would put some of the lots non- conforming. Larry Fournier said he agrees on Odean. On underveloped lots I think we should take the 50' easement. Larry Koshak said Floyd Roden's plat is drawn up. Ron Black said 89TH to the North side of section 28 it appears to be less development. To the North end by 85TH ST they are real low. East side of the road we could look at to gain additional width. The W side it doesn't make sense to change the easement now. Larry Koshak said we can acquire additional easement on the E side. He explained further. Halls addition would be the only problem to the East. Ron Black said houses on Halls are set way back from the road. The Council agreed that Larry Koshak should check it out and see what he can do. The West side, no change, but CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 7 - look to add easement on the East side. (14 additional feet plus 33' for 47' total). 5.4. Update on DNR Meeting Re: Otsego Creek: Larry Koshak gave a summary of the meeting with DNR. He said that by the end of the meeting they believed the group was sincere. We talked about having a meeting on 1/31/94 at 7:30PM of the Otsego Creek Authority. 5.5. Any other Engineering Business: Proposed Mining Permit Ordinance was brought up by Larry Koshak. He said it covers the situation where our old ordinance didn't cover detail. It is a longer ordinance, but Larry felt it was needed to cover the items we found were not fully documented in the old ordinance. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO SEND THE PROPOSED MINING PERMIT ORDINANCE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO REVIEW AND COMMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND ALSO RECEIVE COMMENTS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak brought up other miscellaneous items: He said there are two Mining Permits, which are currently in effect in Otsego, one at #101 and #37 and one on Quaday. They need to be renewed as the first of the year. The permit on #101 is due to pay the city $4,000.00. We got a check today for $476.80 from Del Zentgraf. They are having problems closing the Miller Chevrolet site. I would recommend you do one of two things. The first is deny renewal of both permits until such funds are paid to the city. The second thing is, because no material has been taken out of the Quaday Ave pit, it could be renewed and deny the other one. Larry Fournier said there are no more Hearings on this. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED THAT THE MINING PERMIT FOR #101 AND #37 NOT BE RENEWED UNTIL WE RECEIVE THE BALANCE OF THE $4,000.00 RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO RENEW THE QUADAY AVENUE MINING PERMIT FOR ONE YEAR. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak said on Odean and CSAH #37: We have been talking with the County and County Board Chair about the merits of cost-sharing. Since the time we last discussed it, the County has revised their cost -share as follows: ESTIMATED COSTS: COUNTY CITY Construction $280,712.00 $ 79,928.00 Overhead $ 49,780.00 $ 34,220.00 ROW & Easement Acquisition Cost -0- $ 12,050.00 EST. PROJECT SHARE $330,492.00 $126,198.00 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30 PM - PAGE 8 - Under the Feasibility Study Split on ROW Control: COUNTY CITY Est Project Share $276,125.00 $130,785.00 Larry Koshak said what has changed is the Rural and Urban sections and curbing, that is what has made the cost difference. He will get a meeting together. Norman F Freske brought up Mn/Road and Larry Koshak said they were satisfied with the letter. He said the Maintenance Committee has handled the Mn/Road Grading letter and responded to them as to what the Maint. Department for Otsego can do and cost. 6.7. The Public Works Committee was discussed: Larry Koshak went over the Maintenance and Repair Projects sheet and Proposed Projects for the 1994 season. (See attached sheet). If the City proceeds with this we would have to advertise for bids. Larry commended the Maintenance Committee for their work in listing all those items. He brought up the Agenda for the Public Works Committee and asked who should do the Agenda. They get together and put it together before the meeting and have it typed by office staff. The grader for the State Proposal Mn/Road was discussed: the 500' long variety of material, 4 - 500' lengths and 2 - 500' lengths, all summer. The price is $100.00 per hour for man and machine for Otsego Maintenance to run it. Doug Lindenfelser said the water softener has been installed in the Old City Hall and some electrical work needs to be done. Larry Koshak brought up the sound barrier letter on #101 and modification of same (Andy MacArthur looked up the statutes pertaining to this). The letter read that the Council agrees with the Mn/DOT Project of #101, but not the sound barrier. LARRY FOURNIER REQUESTED AN 8 MIN. RECESS UNTIL 9:30PM 6. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: 6.1. Consider Bill Olson for 2ND Alternate for Park & Recs Comm. Floyd Roden felt he would be a good member. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPOINT BILL OLSON TO THE 2ND ALTERNATE POSITION FOR THE PARK AND RECS COMMISSION. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.2. Discuss Great River Road Fest. February 9, 1994 at 7PM Pam Black is setting up a meeting for the next years fest in 1995. Anyone who is interested will be invited. Ron Black said it needs to be clarified is this a City deal or a citizen group? Norm Freske felt a citizen group. Ron Black agreed. Larry Fournier is bothered that we are not having a festival this year. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 9 - 6.3. Discuss carpet and tile machine for Maint. $1,449.70 for the carpet/tile machine. Rental of machine is available for $25.00 per day. The carpet machine is $580.00 and buffer is $898.00. This item will be on the next agenda. 6.4. P.C. Report Ron Black said the Robeck land in the SW part of the City, the P.C. has tabled until April site inspection and they haven't recommended one way or the other yet. 6.5. EDAAC Report. Larry Fournier said the meeting was cancelled due to extremely cold weather. 6.6. Otsego Creek Authority. Floyd Roden said Larry Koshak went over the information. The meeting will be on 1-31-94. 6.7. Already covered 6.8. Administrative Committee Report Ron Black said we are recommending Softronics Computers/Software and installation. There is back-up information on the budget. We are recommending that the City go ahead with $9,510.45 for computer equipment and software and installation, so our system is complete and we automate our accounting system and check writing. Larry Fournier said we had budgeted $10,000.00 plus $3,400.00 for extra computer. We have already purchased those. Another thing is MSA Maintenance funds of 25%, one year it was $80,000.00. We talked and we think 5% of MSA 25% Maintenance Funds should be directed to the office to pay for salaries for office work and documentation of Maintenance items and supplies and computers. All of these things are used to take care of our road system that would amount to $4,000.00. This could be applied to office supplies and computer hardware and software. There was discussion of the amount. Doug Lindenfelser said we should designate exactly where this maintenance money should be able to be used (25% MSA funds). Larry Fournier said we are looking at 5% of the MSA 25% for administrative expense. Ron Black said I would like to see the authorization to go ahead and get this computer stuff. One of the significant advantages is we would be able to do this. A laptop computer is included in this for the minutes of all meetings. It was brought up that there was three times tonight that the information from the computer accounting would be useful. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO BUY THE COMPUTER PACKAGE FOR $9,510.45, PLUS INSTALLATION COST. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH NORMAN F FRESKE, RON BLACK, FLOYD RODEN AND LARRY FOURNIER VOTING YES AND DOUG LINDENFELSER VOTING NO BECAUSE HE WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM — PAGE 10 — Floyd Roden stated he would like to look at the Budget over the year to see where we stand at any one time with finances. Ron Black said we should maybe look at the finances after the first quarter. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO HAVE A BUDGET MEETING ON APRIL 18, 1994 AT 7:30 PM TO DISCUSS FINANCES. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.9. Parks and Recs Comm Report. Floyd Roden asked what the $5,000.00 for the Park and Recs Budgeted for? Darlene Solberg said Item #14 on the Park and Recs Comm Min there is a conflict as to what it is for. Ron Black said the $5,000.00 is for programing for activities. The idea was to get something going. Example is ice rink, heat, lights and attendant. Those type of things. This $5,000.00 would be for a bike rodeo, etc. Trophies for kids or snacks afterwards up to $5,000.00. This is a drop in the bucket compared to what neighboring communities spend. We need Andy MacArthur to get back to us in writing as to what the Park and Recs fund can be used for. Information should go to Park and Recs and Council. Ron Black explained what the Park and Rec Coordinator, Jeff's job is. More discussion was had and clarification with Darlene Solberg. Ron Black explained we participate with joint powers rec board out of that we get a rec coordinator that person job is to have rec activities in the City of Otsego. The $5,000.00 is for activities that are sponsored by the Park and Recs Comm. An Open House may need satellites. That is where they get their funds to pay for it. Park and Recs can disperse it but Jeff can't spend it. Floyd Roden brought up that outsiders pay more. Ron Black said all residents of Otsego pay the same. Floyd Roden said second page Item 4, 5 & 6. #11 six conditions. Park name. "Otsego Prairie Park" is the recommendation. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO NAME THE PARK "OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK". RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion was had on using a Staff Member for the Park and Recs Commission. Larry Fournier said at the Administrative Committee we suggested trying it for six months as is. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO HAVE BEAUDRY PUT IN THE PROPANE TANK, WHICH HE IS DONATING, FOR THE ICE RINK, RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO JOIN THE NW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR $75.00. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO JOIN THE MINNESOTA MAYORS ASSOCIATION. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 11 - Mayor Freske brought up the Mn Pollution Control meeting on Thursday, February 17, 1994 at 12:30 to 7PM at the Holiday Inn in St Cloud. Fee is $20.00 if registered by February 11, 1994 and it includes dinner. (Mayor and Council will attend) Mayor Freske brought up the water/lake/wetland conference in St Cloud Civic Center for two days. ADD. 6.11 Discussion of Assessment Policy for Streets. Larry Fournier said assessments against people's property is a difficult thing. He brought up the different kind of assessments. He would like an initiation and formation of an assessment manual for the City of Otsego. He asked the Mayor to appoint a Sub -committee of City Council to work on it. It would be information available to City Residents. I would like the City Attorney to explore other ways to explore assessments. I live on a County Road and if my street was improved, I am not assessed. If the Council agrees, I would like the Mayor to appoint a Sub -committee. would like to be on the committee. Ron Black supported working at a policy manual because of the opportunity to set down and look at it (is this fair?) and fair across the board so everybody is treated the same. Larry Fournier had a manual from Elk River as an example. Doug Lindenfelser said this is a tough issue. Every project is different, and the policy may not cover every project. Norm Freske and Floyd Roden agreed. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE APPOINTED LARRY FOURNIER AND NORMAN F FRESKE TO THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICY MANUAL COMMITTEE. ADD. 6.12 Discuss Agenda (Additions and Approval of Agendas). Ron Black explained it came up at the Administrative Meeting. Some originations go thru a procedure of approving the agenda as I understand it. I have never been informed on what that does. As an item needs to be added by a Council Member, it is done at the beginning of the meeting and that is why we thought there would be a written acknowledgment of what is going to be discussed. Mayor Freske said the additions to the agenda is what bothers me, not approvals. Larry Fournier said when this was brought up to me it sounded good. The more I thought about it, does it tie us down? Are we locking ourselves into something? Ron Black said one concern is the items that do pop up that nobody is prepared for. If you present it to us, let us think about it, but vote on it the next meeting. Mayor Freske said he will check around on it. Larry Fournier brought up Elk River Council Agenda. Mayor Freske brought up the City of Chatfield. Clean Up Day was discussed and it was agreed that the first Saturday in May would be good. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM — PAGE 12 — RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CLEAN UP DAY ON MAY 7TH, 1994, WHICH IS THE FIRST SATURDAY IN MAY. THE TIME TO BE AGREED ON LATER. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was agreed that this should be brought up at the Public Works Committee. Ron Black will look at the comparable worth issue. Doug Lindenfelser brought up inside the shop there are smokey fumes and it needs better ventilation. Dave Chase got prices on adding a hood to the existing hood 3'x8' extension for $920.00 cost. He is looking for another quote. Duane brought up a smoke-free building. Both Dave and Curt smoke. Ron Black said aren't all Public Buildings smoke free? Norm Freske said he thinks the office at the shop should be. Curt takes care of the hall. It is easier if someone helps him. Discussion of Curt receiving some help from the other maintenance man was discussed. Overtime was discussed for the Maint. Dept. Doug said the two to three hours in the morning and then 8 shop hours is wrong. More discussion was had on this. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. V N= F- FRESKE, MAYOR ,-1 FLOY / 1") Or DEN COUNCIL BC, COUNCI ATES : ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADM. EB COUNCIL COUNCIL