02-07-1994 Special Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A Special Council Meeting COUNTY OF WRIGHT was held on the Otsego CITY OF OTSEGO Creek on this 7TH day of February, 1994 at 4PM. The Meeting was called to order by Doug Lindenfelser, Vice Mayor, Norman F Freske, Mayor arrived late. Floyd Roden, Larry, Fournier, and Ron Black Council were also present. Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk Zoning Administrator, Carl Swenson, Planning Commission Chair and Larry Koshak, City Engineer were present also. Floyd Roden brought up the Temporary Easement form and Release form for the Otsego Creek. It was determined that Larry Koshak will get the information together for the Thursday Otsego Creek Authority Meeting and the City Staff will type and distribute same. Larry Koshak, City Engineer brought up that on the Temporary Construction Easement, we are working in the bank and channel of the creek. He explained that they wouldn't be going any further than the spillway. No soil is being moved, just dead wood and debris. The Temporary Easement forms were discussed. It was agreed that the legal descriptions should be added as a separate page and "See Attached Exhibit A" on the Temporary Easement form. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT FOR OTSEGO CREEK WITH AMENDMENT AS STATED ABOVE. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE RELEASE FORM FOR THE OTSEGO CREEK. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak explained the report on cost sharing for the Otsego Creek Authority. (He went over Pg #6 of his report) He said that they looked at three different ways. Floyd Roden said there was another way, Acre wise and impervious surface. Larry Koshak said that the Otsego Creek Authority recommended going with the 44% for the City of Otsego and 56% for the Otsego Creek Authority. He explained Page 2 of his report. He explained the CN # and what it is. It pertains to run-off. It was based on a study done by the Department of Ag and based on soil types and slopes. The number in area is actually the watershed area. For Page 3, each watershed was broken down. Ron Black asked if the sub-watersheds are identified on a map. Larry Koshak said yes. Doug Lindenfelser said he thought the City of Albertville would be higher with percentage of run-off for parking lots, streets and storm sewer, etc. Larry Koshak said it's only a portion of Albertville. They went over the whole process. Larry Fournier asked how accurate are these figures? Larry Koshak said they had to work within the budget. They are only talking about an allocation method. He said Page 7, CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ON THE OTSEGO CREEK ON FEBRUARY 7, 1994 AT 4PM - PAGE 2 - the CN factor (runoff method) was used as per agreement. Larry Koshak said there is a relationship there. They had to get to acre feet (as this is how the contract read). These figures are based on the present system at full capacity. They are not now at full capacity and won't be for probably five years. Albertville's Engineer was on hand when they calculated it and seemed positive with it. The Authority is split 80/20. Otsego is totally paying about 90% of the cost. The reason Otsego's number is high is because of the farm land. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE COST SHARING ALLOCATION METHOD. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak explained that on February 10, 1994 at 8PM there is an informational meeting for the Otsego Creek Authority. All the notices have been sent out. The next step is the specifications for the bidding work. They will be cleaning debris in and around the culverts and cleaning and removing dead trees and fallen trees in the channel. It will be split into two sections. Otsego and the Authority sections. We have two ways to do this. 1. Quotes from private contractors (Someone would have to review the contractors work). 2. The City Public Works would do the project (maybe one employee to oversee the project. Could hire temporary people or Community Service or unemployed farmers, etc). The City would have to supply the equipment and chainsaws and a foreman. The job would probably be done in March. Larry Koshak said that at the Thursday night meeting if we get a good response, we can get quotes. We don't have to get a permit. The Wildlife person from the DNR will flag the trees. Larry Fournier felt we should get quotes so it's not as long a process. Ron Black agreed. He was hesitant to get temporary workers in. Larry Koshak said that Fred Bangston is the wildlife person from DNR. Larry Fournier asked what ballpark figure for this project? Ron Black felt they should get a burning permit for wood before burning. Larry Koshak suggested a taxing district for the payment of this. (properties that benefit should pay for it). The Attorney would handle the process of setting up the districts. Larry Koshak said we could special assess this. He will outline this for Thursday's meeting. He will also explore the taxing district for this. The Authority can pay the communities back as they get some money back. Larry Koshak said the channel cleaning will be a little more expensive. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ON OTSEGO CREEK OF FEBRUARY 7, 1994 AT 4PM - PAGE 3 - He will get us information as to how other communities do the districts. Lease of a truck for the Public Works Department was discussed. Dick at Lakeland Ford highly recommends a lease program and he said the City could save $3,000.00 by leasing. Dick will be at the Council meeting to explain the lease program. Ron Black would like a worksheet as to lease of the truck -vs- buying the truck. He wants to see a piece of paper that it would be cheaper to lease than buy outright. He wants them to use the last truck specs and tell us what it would have cost to lease it. We know what it costs to buy it. An Appraiser for the 37 and Odean Road Project was discussed. Larry Koshak explained. He said Kolle;a didn't want the cattle pass now. They want to be comperi,oated for the loss of the feed lot. The only way to do this is with an appraiser. Howard Ellis is an appraiser who lives South of Buffalo, is a farmer/real estate person. He charges $11.00 an hour, and is not a Certified Appraiser, but he doesn't have to be. Larry Koshak recommended hiring him. He didn't feel the cost would be over $500.00. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HIRE MR HOWARD ELLIS FOR AN APPRAISER ON #37 AND ODEAN PROJECT. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There was a small amount of discussion of a petition from the Council to the Corps of Engrs to have them do a feasibility study to come up with a dollar value for the cost of repairing the levee where the rip rap ends abruptly. It was decided that it would be added to the Council Agenda of February 15, 1994. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR DEN, COUNC, L G INDF {LSE • , COUNCIL j n •RY, - ATTES: Elaine beat y Deputy Zoning Adniinitsator EB IER, COUNCIL