02-15-1994 City Council MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The regular City Council Meeting COUNTY OF WRIGHT of February 15, 1994 was called CITY OF OTSEGO to order by Mayor Norman F Freske at 7:30PM. Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members were present. Also present were Jim Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm., Judy Hudson, Secretary, Larry Koshak, City Engineer, Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner, and Andy MacArthur, City Attorney. The Minutes of January 24, 1994 were considered. Larry Fournier noted that on Page #8 it reads Larry Fournier and should read "Larry Koshak". Norman F Freske noted that on Page #4 it reads $15,009.00 and should read $15,000.00. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE MINUTES WITH THE ABOVE CHANGES. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of February 7, 1994 were considered. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Agenda Item #3: DICK BERTHIAUME- Lakeland Ford, discussion of lease of truck for maint. Mr Berthiaume appeared before the Council and said that the State bid can be tied onto. He had a sheet with prices which was copied for the Council. He explained that it is a way of buying what you want cheaper. It is a lease agreement. Andy MacArthur explained that the purchase order is thru. Brainerd trucks. It is a joint powers agreement between the Cities and it costs $350.00 to join the joint powers agreement. The Cities pay a fee of $350.00 and they get the same price as the State Bid on different items bid. It allows you to get the same price for whatever the State bids. You have to be part of this Joint Powers Agreement to purchase from it. Mr Berthiaume said he has sold to other areas about forty trucks and they didn't belong to the Joint Powers Agreement. Ron Black stated that he did not get the information and doesn't know what they are talking about. Mr Berthiaume said he can't wait two weeks until the next meeting. There is a 5.3 interest rate between Otsego and the Ford Motor Company. Doug Lindenfelser said it would make it much easier to budget it if we could lease it. Larry Fournier asked what it would cost outright? Mr Berthiaume said it is the same, except for the 5.3% interest. Maintenance Supervisor, Dave Chase said he went over the information and it is equipped with an underbody for scraping blacktop and the plastic floor on the box is different from the other truck the City purchased. Larry Fournier asked if the Maintenance Commission CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - recommended this as the best way for budgeting? Doug Lindenfelser and Norman F Freske said they thought it would be best to lease and said you can stop the lease whenever you want to. Larry Koshak asked if this is the same lease program as all lease programs? Mr Berthiaume said it is a municipal lease between Otsego and the Ford Motor Co. Larry Fournier asked if this had to be done tonight. Mr Berthiaume said that February 15, 1994 is the date and they will start building it if he doesn't notify them. Ron Black felt he didn't know what is going on here. He said he was under the impression we were supposed to save money by leasing, but it costs 5.3% to lease. It was represented to the Council that we could save $3,000.00 by leasing. Doug Lindenfelser said we can budget off of MSA Maintenance money to pay for this. Ron Black said he is not prepared to make a decision on ninety grand tonight. Andy MacArthur agreed and said he does not have the information right now. The amount of $350.00 for the Joint Powers Agreement was discussed. Larry Fournier asked if we have to do this tonight. He asked if we do it tomorrow, how much is it? Mr Berthiaume said it would be about $3,000.00 more. Ron Black said this is public money and I want to be sure that the auditors or public don't have a problem with it. Floyd Roden said he thinks we discussed this two years ago with the auditor when we bought the other truck. Larry Fournier wanted the total cost of the truck at the end of five years, including interest. He said he thought that is what we had asked for at the meeting. We also need a copy of the lease. Andy MacArthur agreed. Larry Fournier asked if Mr Berthiaume could hold this until we have a Special Meeting. They talked about 5PM on 2/16/94 at City Hall. More discussion was had. They wanted to make sure the Attorney agrees. Mr Berthiaume said between leasing and purchasing the truck is the same amount, but the $3,000.00 more comes only on the cost of the equipment. Larry Fournier said we need to see the life of the lease showing interest. Andy MacArthur felt we need verification of the Joint Powers Agreement and we need to see the lease to make sire there isn't a--nonapPropriation clause. (see file #CC21594) CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - (SEE FILE #CC11994) RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE A SPECIAL MEETING. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. LARRY FOURNIER WITHDREW HIS SECOND. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF SECOND Ron Black said we should bring it up at our next Council Meeting. Put it on the Agenda for Joint Powers and get into the buying pool. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO GO WITH THE PROGRAM THAT LAKELAND FORD HAS PRESENTED US. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. (PROVIDING THAT IT IS LEGAL AND CHECKED OUT BY ANDY MAC ARTHUR AND WE CAN JOIN THE JOINT POWERS AND APPROVAL OF THE LEASE CONTRACT IS HAD. MOTION WAS DEFEATED 3 TO 2 NORMAN F FRESKE, LARRY FOURNIER AND RON BLACK VOTING AGAINST AND DOUG LINDENFELSER AND FLOYD FOURNIER VOTED IN FAVOR. Ron Black said he is wondering why we are in such a hurry to spend $90,000.00 Doug Lindenfelser said we have been talking about this for a year. More discussion was had. It would spread it out to $20,000.00 a year. Larry Fournier said his comments on his vote is because we don't need the truck, but because there are too many things I am not sure of yet. THIS TRUCK LEASE ITEM WILL BE ON THE FEBRUARY 28, 1994 AGENDA Agenda Item #4. JEAN AYERS -15126 85TH ST NE, Discussion of Snowmobiling on Right-of-way. Ms Ayers appeared before the Council and read a letter she had written, she spoke of accountabilities and snowmobiles creating problems with yards, trees and bushes, etc. She said their retaining wall was constantly run over and damaged last year. They had to replace it. A culvert was also damaged in their yard. Every Spring there are a lot of repairs. She talked about people attempting to keep snowmobilers out of their yards with fences, etc. She didn't feel the right-of-way should be used for snowmobiles. The use should be a privilege and cooperation and courtesy should be used. More signs should be posted and there should be a write up in Otsego's Newsletter. She said the courtesy issue should be pointed out to people. The DNR offers lessons, etc. maybe some discussion of trails and the information that the City is trying to establish same. We could NOT permit snowmobiling in the residential areas. Mayor Freske said Park and Recs. have been working on the trails for quite awhile. Residents don't show up at the Park and Recs meetings. He said the last two Parks and Recs Meetings he has attended there was no other residents there. Larry Forunier asked can the City regulate snowmobiles to not be on the right-of-way? Ms Ayers asked if we can change the law to say they can't ride in the residential? There is more than one area that is being affected. Doug Lindenfelser said you are living in Minnesota and that's one of the Winter sports. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 4 - a resident said he is just wondering why there can't be some kind of Ordinance. We are 50' from the road in Country Ridge. We have small front yards. The grass is just starting to grow. You want us to keep Otsego beautiful. Andy MacArthur said you can regulate on local roads and City right-of-way. A few vocal residents spoke for and against the issues. A number of people attended the meeting. Floyd Roden said he has been on Parks and Recs and would like people to get involved. He would like to see trails established. A resident said he should be able to ride in the ditch to get where he is going. Andy MacArthur said there are different levels of regulations. Mayor Freske said he didn't like the main roads blocked off. Floyd Roden said we have to all agree and look it over and it can't be done overnight. Ron Black said we have a whole group of people on two sides of the issue, perhaps these people could volunteer. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO SET UP A SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE STUDY COMMITTEE HERE SO WE CAN NOTIFY YOU WHEN THE FIRST MEETING WOULD BE. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The City Attorney can get some sample ordinances. Norman F Freske said we have to use common sense. Darlyn Koefed said you have to have dirt bikes, bikes, 4 - wheelers, snowmobiles, horses, etc addressed in this ordinance. She volunteered to be on the committee. THE COMMITTEE WILL MEET IN APPROXIMATELY TWO WEEKS, OR WHENEVER WE CAN SET UP A MEETING AND GET THE NOTICES OUT. Agenda Item #5. BELL MORTGAGE - Consider them as a source for MHFA Mtg. Loans. RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT WE NAME BELL MORTGAGE AS AN AUTHORIZED MHFA MORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATOR. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Agenda Item #6. ARLEEN WIRTH - Consider gender diversity training for the City of Otsego Doug Lindenfelser didn't feel we need it. Mayor Freske questioned the money. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS TRAINING. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF SECOND. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO GO WITH THE 10 CITIES WITH GENDER DIVERSITY TRAINING. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION FAILED WITH RON BLACK, DOUG LINDENFELSER AND NORMAN F FRESKE VOTING AGAINST AND LARRY FOURNIER AND FLOYD RODEN IN FAVOR. Ron Black said he feels it would be a waste of time unless we had a small group training. Larry Fournier said we would break into groups for training. Norman F Freske said why don't we get just our City and CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 5 - say we will do it for $500.00 (Offer $500.00 to Arleen Wirth for the training)? It was discussed further and decided that Elaine Beatty will negotiate with Arleen Wirth and also contact the League of Cities to see if they offer training. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO TABLE THIS ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28, 1994 AT 7:30PM. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH DOUG LINDENFELSER VOTING AGAINST. Agenda Item #7. TOM SHROYER - Monticello Counseling - Consider early lease release for their rental of City Hall space. The lease is for $250.00 and is up in July. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO END THE LEASE EFFECTIVE ON FEBRUARY 28, 1994 FOR MONTICELLO/BIG LAKE COUNSELING. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Andy MacArthur said we need to have a mutual release signed. Agenda Item #8: OPEN FORUM Ken Dewitt appeared before the Council and said he lives in Country Ridge. He felt we are spreading way too much for gravel for ice control (between Palmgren and Parell & 85TH Street). He is dragging it into the house. He was told that the Public Works Department will discuss this at their next meeting. Kathy Davis of Plamgren Avenue appeared before the Council and wanted to know the status of the water problem in the ditch at 8712 Palmgren Avenue NE. Larry Koshak said the Developer still has things that have to be taken care of. Ms Davis said She has two dogs that weigh less than two pounds. The culvert is too high and the water is not running thru at all. Ron Black said that for information on water, the City Engineer will talk about storm water drainage and a cost study for that area a little later on the agenda. Jeff Hagen lives on Palmgren and appeared before the Council. He said we are a new addition. We have no cable TV. He was told that Jones Intercable is in that area and could cable the development. Norman F Freske brought up the 3% check we had just received from Jones Intercable over the years it has been less but it is $5,000.00 this year. Agenda Item #9. BOB KIRMIS - NAC 9.1. Consider Wild and Scenic Ordinance Bob Kirmis turned it over to Attorney Andy MacArthur as he has been the primary contact with DNR. Andy MacArthur said we have the Ordinance that was passed by the Planning Commission, subject to editorial by NAC. The difference is part, in the regulation section of the Zoning Ordinance. We have written the most restrictive CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 16, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 6 - regulations in that Ordinance. In the letter I wouldn't guarantee we wouldn't hear back from the DNR as in the past. Andy MacArthur explained the restrictions and lower restrictions in the blue area of the map as long as we use best water management practices. The East has 25% impervious surface area. Upon rezoning it will become a general use district. Commercial is a permitted use. For Industrial, a Conditional Use Permit. We are still restricted on noticing the DNR. The Conditional Use Permit, the DNR cannot veto. Most of the Ordinance is right out of Minnesota Rules. Impervious surface and general permitted use are two different issues. There was a change brought up by Larry Koshak's office, which was one correction on the legal description (a typo). The other change was a sentence omitted. "Or the Commissioner" was added. Andy MacArthur recommended the passage of the ordinance. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO PASS THE WILD AND SCENIC ORDINANCE WITH THE CHANGES AS INDICATED BY THE ATTORNEY ON 2/15/94. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This will be sent to DNR and has 30 days. Andy MacArthur explained, minor changes we can make them and resubmit the Ordinance. Larry Fournier asked if this was actually a rezoning? No, it is an overlay district. Agenda Item #9.2: Discuss Mark Plude Zoning. Bob Kirmis said the Mark Plude owns the bus garage on #37 and #101. He came in and asked the Staff what can he do with his property. The zoning map says it is Ag. In reviewing County files, we found it had been zoned Industrial. It was not transferred to the map. There hasn't been any development applications. Mr Kirmis had talked to Tom Salkowski about this. He said they were given a drawn up map. It was the size of a pin point and the Industrial zoning was not picked up on our zoning map. Larry Fournier asked what does the Comp. Plan call for? Ron Black said that if they are attempting to market this property, the attempted buyer would like to have some strong inclination of what this will be. Otsego's Land Use Plan says Commercial, not Industrial. Ron Black asked if when we met with these people did they have a sketch of this property? More discussion of the property and how it lays was had. Agenda Item #10: LARRY KOSHAK - Engineer 10.1. Storm water drainage cost study. Larry Koshak explained his plan. North of #39 has been developed and has individual watersheds. He explained the map and information. They use the USGAS map, aerial photography and the City streets and plat map. The Engineer field surveys are supplemented by other information. The County is CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 7 - doing low -fly aerial photography. Mark Hurd is doing this for the County this Spring. This is a low flight to get the contours of the land. In 1991 Horizons flew the area. It is an expense. We can supplement it with what we have. $24,500.00 for graphics. $3,500.00 for photo enlargement and aerial photos and screening. Exhibit A: of Larry Koshak's material. He said in 1991 there was a possibility of getting a grant and what it would cost. The cost is still a valid program and it is a target cost. Exhibit B: of Larry Koshak's material. Outlines tasks that would be performed on each watershed, A -G. Larry Koshak went over the material. Norman F Freske asked if we are spending more money by doing this piece by piece? Larry Koshak explained. Doug Lindenfelser asked if this can be done by the Army Corps of Engrs or the DNR? Larry Koshak said that Country Ridge, Antelope Park, #101 etc, we would have to take all that information that we have already and feed it into the computer. Larry Fournier asked what about a modified approach? Does that provide the information we need? Larry Koshak said we will have to do the field surveying. The one problem is the contours may not be the final answer. It may have to be changed. The contours and topos are expensive. Ron Black said I would like to see Larry Koshak talk to the County and see if we can piggy -back along with them on their project and would it be feasible to phase this project by watershed, so we aren't looking at seventy grand. We may be looking at a smaller number and pick one or two watersheds at a time to work on. Mr Koshak said that is one approach. You should be considered with development in a particular area. Ron Black said he felt that we should start with watershed E and break it down to manageable units. Doug Lindenfelser said we discussed the East half and the West haif before. Larry Koshak said this is just for the East half. We don't know how comprehensive the County's study is. Why don't we see what they are going to do and what we could attach to it? They felt that A and B and Floyd Roden said also F on the watershed map would be a good start. A is close to being done. Hall's pond has information already. Ron Black felt we should have a budget proposal from Larry Koshak's office for 1995. 10.2. Otsego Creek Information Discussion of easements and who has signed. Taxing Districts was discussed by Andy MacArthur. He ORDINANCE NO. 94.01 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. The official zoning map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to establish a WS, Wild and Scenic Overlay zoning classification upon those lands adjacent to the Mississippi River as designated by the Mississippi River Management Plan, Minnesota Rule 6105.0800 - 6105.0960. Section 2. The above described property is hereby rezoned to superimpose the WS, Wild and Scenic District as an overlay upon all zoning districts as existing or amended by the Zoning Ordinance text and official zoning map. Section 3. The regulations and requirements imposed by the WS District shall be in addition to those established for the base zoning districts which jointly apply. Section 4. Under the joint application of standards, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. Section 5. The Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate change in the official zoning map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning classification as set forth above. Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage, publication, and approval by the Commissioner, unless such approval is unreasonably withheld, in which case it becomes effective immediately. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 15TH day of Fr,bruPry 1994. CITY OF OTSEGO Dom: Norman F. Freske, Mayor By: lainE Beafty, Deputy Cl' /Zoning Adm. Published March 9, 1994r News, Elk River CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 17, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 8 - said the City does have authority to establish Taxing Districts under 444.075 which requires a public notice of two weeks. We have to be able to describe the district. We can tax only for the purpose for which that district was established. Boundaries need to be worked out. It takes an Ordinance with an attachment of the District boundaries. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO REQUIRE ANDY MAC ARTHUR TO PREPARE THE DOCUMENTS FOR A TAXING DISTRICT FOR MAINTENANCE OF OTSEGO CREEK. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak and Andy MacArthur will get the boundaries together. Larry Koshak said it wouldn't involve the Authority, only the City. There has to be a public hearing. The City receives the taxes from the Taxing District to use for this purpose. Doug Lindenfelser asked if the City can, thru the years, get reimbursed for this? Andy MacArthur said yes. He will look into it. Ron Black asked if there would be a allocation factor? Andy MacArthur said you can adjust the levy based on your proposed cleanup. Larry Koshak said one way is the value of the land. .There are several ways to do it. Agenda Item #10.3 Mn/Road Larry Koshak brought up A draft memo of understanding. one thing that came up in Public Works is would the Maintenance person have to get out of the equipment and do maintenance? Number 3 was added " The City shall furnish all equipment with operator's) to perform and accomplish the described maintenance work." Larry Fournier asked if Andy MacArthur looked at this. He said he is looking at it now. Once a week is when the work would be done, three hours a week. There are four areas now. After June 1, 1994 two of the areas would get paved. Mayor Freske said he had gotten a call from Mr Kreitzer and he said that they are working on getting us a letter. Larry Koshak had a release form from them. They have to do a supplemental agreement to Park Construction, original contract. They turn it over to Park Construction and they turn it over to the City. The same process for gravel. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THIS RELEASE FORM PENDING APPROVAL BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Doug Lindenfelser said 70TH to 85TH Street wasn't addressed. Andy MacArthur said he has looked this over and it conforms with the letter. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO PAY AN ENGINEERING INVOICE ACCORDING TO A LETTER OF FEBRUARY 9, 1994 SENT BY LARRY CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 18, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 9 - KOSHAK OF $2,037.61, WHICH IS A REDUCTION IN THE INVOICE FOR THE ISTEA APPLICATION ENGINEERING AMOUNT, WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PAID. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Park and Recs. Commission said they need to know where the money comes from to pay for the preparation of the grant. Floyd Roden said he feels it should come out of the general fund. Ron Black said the only budget the Park and Recs Comm. has is $5,000.00 for activities. The remainder is an Engineering cost. He is wondering why there is a reduction of the Invoice. Larry Koshak stated the Parks and Recs and Floyd Roden had a problem with the amount of time that was spent on the ISTEA grant application. He said he reviewed the invoice because it was holding up the billing. I said if the way to settle it is to reduce the bill, I can agree with it. Andy MacArthur said as far as what is in the Parks and Recs fund and what isn't is totally up to the Council, either way. Ron Black felt with our automated financial system we would have our budget allocated a different way (Roads/Parks/Planning Commission/Water Problems, etc. Doug Lindenfelser said he was under the understanding that we established a Park and Recs Fund from development. Is that right? Andy MacArthur said yes, it is a Council decision as to how the funds are used for the Parks. Jerry Perrault is getting together a report on what monies are in the Park and Recs fund. Elaine Beatty will distribute this information to everyone when she receives it. Ron Black said he is looking to the Park and Recs Commission for proposals for that money. Mayor Freske called for a two minute break in the meeting. After a short break, Meeting continued. Floyd Roden brought up the DNR Preliminary for March 15, 1994. He feels we should approve it. It is a minimal cost and only a one page application. Larry Koshak said when the Council authorized the LCMR grant they also authorized the pre -application for the DNR. The ISTEA Application was ordered in October, last fall. To prepare for ISTEA is $2,300.00 to #2,500.00. $1,285.00 has already been paid. The Department of Transportation kept putting off the date of the application for ISTEA. That will be coming very shortly. The information from that Hearing can be part of that. It will only take a couple of hours for Merlin Otto to do the changes and be ready to submit the application. Larry Koshak said the ISTEA Application is about CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 10 - transportation. It has to do with #39, etc. Numbers 1 and 2 on the sheet are already taken care of. The application for the DNR pre -application is $250.00 the DNR grant funding is August 1, 1994. The estimated amount is $3,600.00. That would be to refine the Park layout, etc. and prepare and submit applications. (See letter from Merlin Otto faxed today). Larry Fournier asked if we need a professional person to do these grants? Larry Koshak said Merlin Otto has the benefit of knowing how to do them. Ron Black felt it is a waste of time not to have a professional do it. Arleen Wirth also said her company does grants. Larry Fournier didn't remember these grant requests in the budget. If it's running our budget in the red, he said he has a problem with it. Floyd Roden said he didn't feel we can do it without professional help. Floyd Roden brought up $625.00 per year for Merlin Otto to attend Park and Rec Meetings. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL AS SUBMITTED BY MERLIN OTTO TO WORK WITH THE PARK AND RECS COMMISSION SO THEY HAVE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WITH THE AMOUNT COMING OUT OF THE GENERAL FUNDS. NORMAN F FRESKE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black asked Larry Koshak if out of grant funds would we be able to reimburse the City for fees paid for Engineering if we get grants. The answer was yes. The tree grant was brought up by the Park and Recs Commission. More discussion was had on funds for Park and Recs Commission. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO DIRECT THE PARK AND RECS COMMISSION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION AS TO WHAT PORTION OF THE DEDICATED PARK AND RECS FUNDS SHOULD BE USED FOR GRANT APPLICATION COSTS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black said the intent is how much of the money are the Park and Recs Commission willing to spend on grants. Larry Fournier brought up the assessment manual and what are the ways we can assess? Andy MacArthur said the City can establish an Ordinance. He will get some information for the Council. Moratorium on LeFebvres Watershed will be on the Next Council Agenda of 2-18-94 Agenda Item #12: CITY COUNCIL ITEMS 12.1. Judy Hudson will present modification for facility use. Judy Hudson stated that she added the School Districts Group A: They just pay a Supervisory Fee. The Rabbit Club is now using our building and they pay a Supervisory Fee. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 11 - She felt we should change for the overhead projector, which is being asked for use. Also, the coffee pot at $5.00 fee. The Rental Agreement she added " I have received, read, understand and agree to abide by the terms of the facility use policy and procedures" Norman F Freske said he got a call twice regarding the $400.00 damage deposit. Do we have to cash it? Ron Black said if they can't afford $400.00 cashed, if they break the place, they can't afford to fix the place either. RON BLACK MOTIONED ADOPTION OF THE REVISED FACILITY USE POLICY AND RENTAL AGREEMENT PERMIT AND APPLICATION FORM. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mayor Freske brought up that for the pancake breakfast it cost the organizations $350.00. Ron Black said he wouldn't schedule it out here. Mayor Freske said he was thinking a price of $100.00 flat fee. Larry Fournier said make it two times a year a lessor rate. Ron Black said he would support a modification to allow some money making for Otsego Lions and Jaycees and KC's. A kitchen rental and building supervisor fee. Agenda Item #12.2. Discussion of confirmation of Bd of Review Meeting (April 21, 1994 7PM) LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HOLD THE BOARD OF REVIEW ON APRIL 21, 1994 AT 7PM. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Agenda Item 12.3: Consider Secretary for #728 Rec. Bd. (Carol Greier) (See information from Jeff) RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HIRE CAROL GREIER AS SECRETARY FOR THE DIST #728 REC BD AS RECOMMENDED BY JEFF. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black explained the reason why Otsego pays her salary. He said it is cost effective and explained more, to the public at Larry Fournier's request. Carl Swenson asked if Carol Greier lived in Otsego? Darlene Solberg felt she did. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CITY OF OTSEGO BE INVOLVED WITH JEFF ASFAHL IN THE HIRING OF A PART-TIME CLERICAL POSITION. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 1 WITH RON BLACK OPPOSING Larry Fournier said we have a Council Representative involved in that Commission. Agenda Item 12.4: Discuss storage space for Lions and Jaycee's Clubs. It was discussed and was agreed that they can get their own storage cabinets, etc. and there is space available in vacant office or storage areas by the Council Chambers to store the cabinet Agenda Item 12.5: Discuss tile and carpet cleaner (buy CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 18, 1994 AT 7:30PM — PAGE 12 — or rent) Dave Cecka said the nursing home has a machine to sell and explained it is electric and works good. It is large 6' long. Doug Lindenfelser said the new 20" $508.00 and $898.00 for burnisher. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED THAT WHEN THE ROOM NEEDS IT WE SHOULD HAVE THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT CLEAN THE FLOORS AND CARPET AS NEEDED. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Agenda Item 12.6. Discuss Park and Recs Comm information to members (from last meeting) Darlyn Kofoed wanted a temporary satellite rental. NORMAN F FRESKE MOTIONED TO LET THE PARK AND RECS COMMISSION RENT A SATELLITE FOR $45.00. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Darlyn Kofoed and Darlene Solberg, Park and Rec Comm Members were at the Meeting. They stated that Bill Olson and Tom Constance will be the contact people for the skating rink. May 21, 1994 10:30 to noon there is a bike rodeo planned thru Wright Co Sheriff's Dept. They will have volunteers to help. They use chalk to mark the parking lot and they will need the small conference room. The Jaycees have volunteered. They also talked about a safety camp on Tues, Wed and Thurs. The Sheriff's Department will be out it will cover a safe -house, fire, etc. These are two of the major things they want to do working with Jeff Asfahl. Mayor Freske thanked the Elk River Rogers VFW for the $500.00 donation and the American Legion in Elk River for the $800.00 donation to the Park and recs Comm. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE BIKE RODEO AND THE SAFETY CLASS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. They also talked about the shade tree course and the skating rink. Once the warming house is completed, they are talking about hiring someone to be Supervisor. They are looking for volunteers. The City would be responsible to pay the wage. The $5,000.00 budget is for that the Council agreed. Agenda Item 12.7. Consider letter or Resolution to Corps of Engrs Re: Levee. Mayor Freske had pictures and said he and Floyd Roden went to the County Commissioners Meeting last week. The County Commissioners will write a letter to the Corps of Engrs. Mayor Freske stated that he feels we should send a similar letter to the Corps and copy to Betty Adkins, David Minge, Stephanie Klinzing and all of our Reps. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO HAVE A LETTER WRITTEN AS STATED ABOVE. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The pictures will be copied and filed at City Hall. Originals will go back to Wayne Fingalson. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 13 - Agenda Item 12.8 updates on: a. Planning Commission: Ron Black reported that the P.C. is rolling along. b. Park and Recs Comm FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED AT NO COST TO THE CITY PARK AND RECS COMMISSION THEY CAN APPLY FOR A TREE GRANT. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was noted that the DNR will help with this grant. c. Otsego Creek Authority Floyd Roden said they will have a follow-up meeting when the easements are signed. d. EDAAC Larry Fournier said they have been quite busy. Next Tuesday at 7:30PM there is an Informational Meeting on the Third Industrial Site. He suggested everyone come to this meeting. They are working on a couple of other projects. (By-laws, a Home Occupations List and Lease space in the Industrial Park). e. Public Works Dept They will go for quotes on gravel instead of bids. It is under $25,000.00 ($17,900.00) 10,000 tons stockpiled. There was discussion of clean-up day. f. Adm. Sub -Committee We talked about Computers, they are not here yet. Discussed a contracted person who might come in and put information into the computers for accounting. Elections were discussed and we are getting a quote for ordering posts, ropes and signs. We discussed getting storage cabinets for the maps in the office. We also discussed the Clerks Seminar and Elaine and Judy would like to attend two days. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HAVE JUDY HUDSON AND ELAINE BEATTY ATTEND THE CLERKS SEMINAR ON WED. AND THURS. MARCH 16TH AND 17TH. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. G. #728 Rec Joint Powers Board. Ron Black said the Joint Powers Board is working on draft by-laws. The problem is that some members don't send representatives. It is an interesting group to be in. Jeff Asfahl will be making rounds to all the Councils. There was some discussion as to what role the Rec Bd would have for Community Festivals. Agenda Item 12.12: Discussion of LMC petition on term limits. Larry Fournier read some information from the LMC Sample Resolution and he would like input from the Council. He said he has always supported term limits until he read this information. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO SUPPORT THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES RESOLUTION ON TERM LIMITS. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 1 WITH DOUG LINDENFELSER OPPOSING. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 14 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 14 - FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO GO WITH JERRY PERRAULT'S RECOMMENDATION RE: RADZWILL'S INVOICE AND DON'T PAY THE CIRCLED ITEMS. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Treasurers Report was received and reviewed for January, 1994. Mayor Freske brought up a Mosquito Control Workshop and a letter from Thad M Wilson requesting to be considered for our Police Department. (Elaine Beatty will answer the letter) He brought up other information and meetings. Agenda Item 12.13. Consider Resolution to Wright Co Sheriff for job well done. Ron Black said that in the Evanson case he felt the Deputies and investigators and the Sheriff's Department did a commendable job and felt a letter should be sent saying the same to the Sheriff and his employees. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE A LETTER WRITTEN STATING THAT WE APPRECIATE THE HARD WORK AND DILIGENCE UNDER DIFFICULT CIRCUMSTANCES AND THEY ARE TO BE COMMENDED. NORMAN FRESKE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier thanked the Coatrack Committee of Mayor Freske and Doug Lindenfelser for the fine coatracks. Ron Black agreed. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO SEND A LETTER TO REPRESENTATIVE DAVID MINGE REGARDING A POST OFFICE IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NORMAN -F FRESKE, MAYOR FLOYD RODEN, OUNCIL 1 FA RON =LACK, COUNCIL EB ST: ELAM ` BEATT DEPUTY ,CLERK ZONING ADM. INDENFELS R, COUNCIL RR RNIER, COUNCIL