03-23-1994 Special Workshop MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MARCH 23, 1994 - 7:30PM MINUTES Call to order by Mayor Norman F Freske, ROLL CALL: The following Councilmembers were present: Mayor Norman F Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier, Ron Black. Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Larry Koshak, and John Harwood, Engineers, were also present. 1. ADDENDUM: LARRY FOURNIER WILL GIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: Larry Fournier said he felt the EDA should make a decision as to when they would like to meet. ( 4/4/94 is the Advisory Commission Meeting.) COUNCIL SET MEETING FOR 4/5/94 AT 8PM FOR AN EDA MEETING. He felt the EDA Advisory Committee needed some guidance. He suggested writing a letter to them and forward a copy of the resolution. Monday night they made a list of pros and cons at the EDA Advisory Commission. He suggests we mail each member a letter requesting they not recommend on the third industrial site. They all favored the third industrial site 100% until they got pressure from the residents living there. MOTIONED BY FLOYD SECONDED BY DOUG LINDENFELSER TO SEND EVERY MEMBER OF THE EDAAC A LETTER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. MSA ISSUES: A. Summary of funding at end of 1993: Larry Koshak went over current MSA funding status, construction fund as of March 19 . Possible project funding $367,360 (funds available in 1994) Proposed CSAH 37 & Odean $150,000 (Includes Const. overhead and easements) Total Est 1995 Const fund $217,360 $210,000 FUTURE PROJECTS: Quaday (1 Mi) (42 to 37) $390,000 85TH (Nashua Ave to Odean) (0,87 Mi) $600,000 85TH (Odean to Page) (7.6 Mi.) $530,000 Page Ave (39 to 85TH) $325,000 CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - Quaday (42 to Church backlot) (0.12 Mi) $80,000 PROJECT SUMMARY: NASHUA AVE. (39 TO 83RD) AND 85TH ST) (NASHUA AVE 700 FT) (SEE ATTACHMENT EXHIBIT A) PROJECT SUMMARY: 85TH ST (PARRISH AVE TO PAGE AVE) (SEE ATTACHMENT EXHIBIT B) C. 1994 Projects: Quaday (42 to 72ND) It can be two projects (This is a fairly simple project, except for Big Eds hill) Mr Koshak explained the MN/DOT/County/ Darkenwald meeting Monday morning at Otsego City Hall, Larry explained the request for a driveway on #37 for Darkenwalds. John Darkenwald was told this wasn't an option. The easement was signed. The gas line for Northern Natural Gas is the big problem. The state was going to pay for relocating the line when we had the Quale ave proj. The cost to relocate the gasline was $90,000.00 last time we checked. We are investigating the possibility of the State paying for some of this. We will set up a meeting w/the gas Co and MN/DOT. BIG ED wants to mine his property (corner hill), It also restricts Lavendure's property. The Gas Co prefers to be out of the right of way. We also discussed that we could possibly amend Darkewalds Mining Permit. If he comes in with a plan to mine this we can discuss the road issues. More discussion on mining and elevation of Big Eds land was had. The contractor is looking to bid on the 101 projects. If he doesn't get them he wouldn't mine Big Eds. The State is buying Werner's out and changed the alignment somewhat of the 101 Service Drive. LARRY KOSHAK WENT OVER POSSIBLE MSA ROAD PROJECTS FOR 1994: 2. QUADAY - NORTH (SERVICE DRIVE): There should be an assessent on that if it is built. 3. 85TH ST PROJECTS (PARRISH - PAGE ) 4. 85TH (NASHUA AVE TO 83RD ST) (85 Nashua Ave to 83RD St.) 5. PAGE AVENUE NE (39 TO 85TH) These are the possibilities. 6, 96TH ST was discussed (Mississippi Shores) You can't put in sidewalks and lights until it has been overlaid said Larry Koshak. Mr Koshak recommended Quaday as the road to build in 1994 with MSA Funds. If we don't use the money this year there would be penalties if we didn't build a MSA street. $390,000,00 is the approximate price for Quaday. We have $217,000.00 in 1994 and $210,000.00 for 1995 if we borrowed from it. He recommended assessments by the City, You can bond and encumber the MSA future funds, CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - Storm sewer was discussed VFW was discussed Councilmember Black said he would like to see Quaday built in 1994, because of the 101 widening coming up. Quaday would cost $200,000.00 up to the Big Ed's property. Larry Koshak suggested a Feasibility Study be recommended, Hold a Hearing, and The South end can be built in 1995. A Feasibility Study should be ordered in April or May. The Council agreed that the Quaday Ave Project would be the 1994 MSA Road Project. We might want to consider the Service Drive on North Quaday where the Elk River Bank is being considered, 3, BITUMINOUS OVERLAY PROJECT - 80TH ST TO 85TH ST AND 85TH ST (KADLER AVE TO CITY LIMITS). Larry Koshak showed an overhead with the costs on the above with the estimated costs of the project. (See attached sheet, Letter from August 6, 1992 Hakanson Anderson - EXHIBIT D ). There are frost boils and cracks in the road. Drainage is a problem. The overlay will only last 10 years said Mr Koshak, A leveler course will be put in some of the areas. He assumes there will be no assessment on this project. Council agreed it is a bad road and needs to be fixed, (Overlaid). This has to be advertised in the Construction Bulletin. They have already done borings, etc, Larry Koshak suggested that a Document be prepared, and it be sent out for bids. A decision about pipe needs to be made. Will public works do it? ( The large one will be bid out). Their will not be much shouldering because of 22'. The Public Works can do shouldering. A Resolution ordering plans and specs will be needed for this. 4, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN: A. Aerial topography and contour proposal by Markhurd. A review of costs was shown on the overhead projector. Mr Harwood gave a presentation. He showed a 1991 overall surface water planning: $169,000.00 is the cost for the entire City. (some of that has been done gradually). Wetlands, creek study. He had a topo map, 2 foot countour which is the base map for Markhurd. Urban Service area the cost quotation is $22,000.00. Field control is in addition to that cost of $8,000.00. We need this to do a good job with the storm water drainage system. He showed a map with the drainage -ways shown. He showed a concept plan identifying pipe sizing, storage requirements and identify sizing and continuous system of pipes and ponds, etc. January 1, 1997 is the deadline to have an approved surface water management plan in place. We need to answer developers questions, how much pipe, etc. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 4 - RECOMMENDATION IS TO: 1. Pursue the Topo mapping 2. Pursue the surface water management plan Andover charges $10.00 an acre for their topo mapping for a developer. Markhurd costs is $6 or $7 an acre. You do recover the cost to the land not yet developed. For $10 to $15 you can submit a decent plan over the topo map. Price is $50,000.00. If the budget is there to do all the mapping it would be beneficial. Councilmember Lindenfelser asked if we could use the $80,000.00 for MSA Maint, Money to pay for the topo mapping. Councilmember Black felt we should do the Urban Area only. The mapping is only $4.75 an acre said Mr Koshak. They discussed what areas would be mapped . Larry Kosahk will bring to the meeting Monday night, a couple of different options. Council should order both mapping and Storm Water plan. It will be Fall before the study is done. C. REMAINING ELEMENTS OF MANAGEMENT PLAN. Larry Koshak explained what we need to do is overlay maps for the City. Wetlands need to be inventoried. Soils and Waters has some of the maps/DNR has some/Nationally, there are some. The next set of developments that occur you should be prepared to have that informaton. That follows the Topo Mapping. We need a full spectrum of what is needed. 5 - Year Plan. By 1997 a surface water Mgm plan needs to be submitted to the County. 5, DISCUSSION ON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLAN: Councilmember Fournier asked if we should check with Kincannon on an offer of land for a water tower. Larry Koshak felt that was a good idea. There is plenty of water in the Hinkley Aquafur. Larry Koshak will talk to the School about the well for their property. Discussion of water tower for the City and Well was had. The Council felt Elk River Wastewater Treatment sharing seems to be impossible as they They need their extra capacity. 101 corridor is prime land and we need to do something with sewer for that. Darkenwalds was discussed. Elk River is designing a system now. We need to look at what we want to do. 101 West to 42 should be looked at to be served by a centralized Sewer System and Water for that area to be intensely developed into a tax base said Councilmember Black. Larry Koshak felt it would be important to form a Committee to identify the property that could be the Sewer district Area, and identify what the needs are. More discussion was had. 6 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: The design for Warner's property service rd on 101 was looked at and the Council agreed with Mn/DOT's plan of 3/21/94. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 23, .. 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 5 - COUNTRY RIDGE: The developer let the Letter Of Credit expire and didn't renew it. Larry Koshak talked to Steve Scharber. He is trying to get out of the Developers agreement, said Koshak. The concensus is that the Council would not meet with the developers, but the Professionals who have been working with this all along would meet with them, LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED AND DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION TO HAVE THE CITY ATTORNEY DIRECT A LETTER TO THE DEVELOPERS OF COUNTRY RIDGE WITH A DEADLINE TO COMPLY WITH THE DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Contact with Joan Kickler - RE: Needham Avenue NE water drainage. Larry Koshak explained. Elaine Beatty brought up the VFW Parking Lot. It will be on the Mon, Council Agenda of 3/23/94. Ron Black brought up street lights particularly on 96TH & 95TH ST. Elk River Municipal will get a plan to us. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10:15 Meeting adjourned. NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR V`0 it 1,.C(4 DOUG INDENFELSER, COUNCIL FLOYD ODE COUNCIL LARRY F RON BLAC ATT COUNCIL- ATT OUNCIL EL ° BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK ZONING ADMINISTRATOR r EB (CITY SEAL) `!�' URNIER, COUNCIL EXHIBIT A PROJECT SUMMARY NASHUA AVE. (CSAH39 - 83RD ST.) AND 85TH ST. (NASHUA AVE. EAST 700 FT.) rs2 $33%,421,95 Construction: Engineering: Feasibilities Design Road plat Easement acquisition Inspection Staking Observation 94,805.80 Soils & testing service Watson Appraisals 13,500.00 975.00 Legal .11,000.00Easements Total Costs of Project: $461,702.75 Receipts; MSA Eligible Cost: $337421 .95 Construction 33,977.55 Preliminary engineering 40,490.63Construction engineering 1 x.,775.00 Easements Miscellaneous: 7,216.89 Wright County (turn lanes) Prepaid assessments as of 12/31/93 (recv'd in '93) 9101M. Total Receipts to Date: $44.,9' Total assessment $60,000.00 Less: Prepaid 9,05 Receipt after assessment term: $ 50,943.00 Total Estimated Receipt for Project: $493,862.02 EXHIBIT B PROJECT SUMMARY 85TH ST. (PARRISH AVE. TO PAGE AVE.) Costs:258,927.30 Construction: Engineering: Feasibilities Design Easements AcquisitiOn Inspection Staking Observation $50,380,22 Watson Appraisals 500.00 Braun intertec 1,889.54 ROW and easement _____ 42ELDS1 Total Project Cost to Date: $320,657.06 *Note; Attorney fees not included. Receipts: MSA Eligible Cost: Construction Preliminary engineering Construction services Right-of-way and easement Assessments: Storm drainage (paid up) Streets (paid up) Total receipts to date or applied for Referred assessment (interest not included) Total Receipts, Future, to Date and Applied for: $220,077.07 20,974.00 26,409.25 8,900.00 24,355.00 30,958.00 331,673.32 O, g�QQ $362,631.32 EXHIBIT C CITY OF OTSEGO CURRENT MSA FUNDING STATUS CONSTRUCTION FUND MARCH, 1994 Balance in MSA account at end of 1993 $172,414.62 172, 2 Less approximately $25,000* 1 ,411 .00 5.0 1994 MSA allotment 00 Total construction fund available in '93 and '94: $307,360. POSSIBLE PROJECT FUNDING Funds available in 1994 Proposed CSAH37 & Odean Avenue including construction, overhead & easements Total available for other projects in 1994: Estimated 1995 construction fund: $210,000 $367,360 goo $217,300 FUTURE PROJECTS: Street Sections: Quaday Ave. (CSAH42 - CSAH37) 1 it $390,000 85th (Nashua Ave. to Odean Ave,) 0.87 miles 600,000 85th (Odean Ave. to Page) 0.76 miles 530,000 Page Ave. (CSAH39 to 85th St.) 325,000 Quaday (CSAH42 to Church backl0t) 0.12 miles 80,000 :994 application amount for construction service on the 85th St, project. EXHIBIT D Irl Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. August 6, 1992 Honorable Mayor and CWunei1 Members City of Otsego 13474 NE 95th Street Co. Rd. 39 Elk River, MN553?�r u' • 'tam 4,03 222 Monro4.Street Anoka, Minnesota 553,03 612/427,5860 Fax 612/427-3401 RE:( Bituminous Overlay for NE 80th sheet, NE Radler Avenue, NE 85th Street between NE LaBeaux and Jager Avenues. Dear Mayor and Council Members • The purpose of the proposed project is tc mitigate observed damages to the referenced street segments, due to haul road operations in conjunction with construction of the MnROAD project. These referenced street segments were used as result of the inability to complete 70th street, due to unfavorable weather conditions. The proposed project consists of the following segments: NE 80th Street 5,253 LF NE Radler Avenue 2,745 LF NE 85th Street 4,040 LF TOTAL 12,038 LF The existing bituminous mat was designed to be 22 feet wide and a 2 inch thickness. We have observed that the etreets as constructed generally conform to these design parameters. The scope of the proposed improvements is to remove and replace all area; exhibiting major cracking and overlay the entire referenced segments with a 22 foot wide, 1-1/2 inch thick bituminous pavement. The estimated construction costs are tabulated below' Pituminous Pavement P aching (including removal and disposal) Bituminous Pavement Overlay (including tack oil) Total Estimated Construction Ccst Sincerely, H+'s.XA.USCN ANDERSON AS80CIATE, INC, /L, /)41.1,4_ i u /Ece . tf shak, P. E;. cc:la'ne Scatty, Deputy clerk /ms File; CT3:01-1,0 $24,400.00 $73,200.0 $97,600.00 I►"