04-11-1994 Special Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT, AND STATE OF MINNESOTA SPECIAL SESSION APRIL 11, 1994 - 6:30PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mayor Norman F Freske called the meeting to order at 6:45PM, ROLL CALL: Norman F Freske, Mayor, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black were present, Doug Lindenfelser called to say he would be late. Elaine Beatty, Judy Hudson, Carol Olson and Duane Fiedler from the Staff were present. 6:30PM - SPECIAL MEETING ON PERSONNEL MANUAL - DAN GREENE, FROM 1ST NATIONAL INSURANCE WILL BE HERE WITH INFORMATION ON SHORT TERM AND LONG TERM DISABILITY Dan Greene explained the Short term. 30 Hrs per week qualifies you. 30 hrs per week qualifies you for disability. No part time employees would qualify. Long Term Disability runs indefinitely. You can retrain the person for another job. Dan explained how the program works. They can get a summary of people, ages and occupations and they can put that together. See attached sheet from LMC on LMCIT Disability Coverages. You can't have people in the system making money off of this. Dan Greene will have someone else come in and talk to us who knows more about it. He explained that this is set up for Councils also. This adjusts automatically to Social Security Benefits. Dan Greene said they can come back with Long Term Disability information. Work Comp pays the Maximum $700.00 a mo. The Council would like more information on the Long Term Disability. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED AND FLOYD RODEN SECONDED TO HAVE DAN GREENE GET MORE INFORMATION ON LONG TERM DISABILITY FOR EVERYBODY, INCLUDING THE COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PERSONNEL POLICY - Ron Black brought up that instead of sick leave and vacation and time out for different things, why don't we go to personal days. We have 5 now. They would have 15 days personal leave time flat out, including two weeks vacation added in. It would avoid the business, do I take vacation or sick leave. Larry Fournier liked the idea. He felt the City should throw in the short term disability insurance. Most cities give a day a month sick leave. That covers the premium. Short term disability insurance would be the trade off SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ON THE PERSONAL MANUAL APRIL 11, 1994 AT 6:30PM - PAGE 2 - Ron Black said there would be no differentiation between anything. Mayor Freske said you can be sick two days without pay. On the third day you would get paid. He said that is what some companies do. Employee reaction: Duane said in 10 years and the Council changed, we could be gaining sick time, we could loose the disability part. If you could accumulate sick days they can't take it away. Ron Black said people that work for the City of Otsego have 21 working days off Almost a month off. More discussion was had and talk about the 11th year add one day a year. Duane Fiedler brought up the Smoke Free building at the shop. Ron Black said he felt that it is State law that all public buildings are smoke free. Duane brought up the safety issue. Elaine Beatty will check with Andy MacArthur on the status of City Buildings. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED, RON BLACK SECONDED TO HAVE A MEETING ON THE PERSONNEL MANUAL AT 7:30PM ON THE 14TH OF APRIL, THURSDAY, 1994. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED, RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ATTES E AINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLE (CITY SEAL) G ADM.