04-14-1994 Special Meeting MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ON PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL APRIL 14, 1994 AT 7:30PM 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Freske called the meeting to order at 7:50PM. ROLL CALL: Norman F Freske, Mayor, Larry Fournier, Ron Black, Floyd Roden and Doug Lindenfelser, Council was present. Also present were Carol Olson, Judy Hudson, Elaine Beatty and Duane Fiedler 2. REVIEW THE VACATION, SICK -DAY ISSUE: Mayor Freske checked with Dan Greene in regards to short term disability. If an accident it covers immediately. If sickness it goes into effect after 8 days. Larry Fournier asked if he checked with other insurance companies and could he shorten up the 8 -days? Norm said no. Duane asked what would you have to do to qualify for the short term? It would be immediately with an accident. Ron Black said it is whatever the carrier states. More discussion was had on the short term disability. Ron said whatever material they have to qualify they pay retroactive to day one. Doug brought up medical insurance and the City pays $150.00. He asked if this ties in with medical insurance. Answer. No. Ron said this is what a person will get in lieu of pay instead of 12 sick days. Norm explained to Doug how it came about. We looked at what other Cities did. Larry Fournier also explained what we had discussed as Doug had not been at the meeting. Ron explained the personal leave days that had been discussed. (15 days personal leave,including previous vacation days) no questions asked. When they were gone nothing was paid. It includes funeral and all.). More discussion was had. Larry Fournier said another thing it does is encourage the employees to come to work. Larry Fournier is concerned that we are completely removing the funeral leave for the immediate family. He would like to see mother and father be covered. They agreed to identify it as a totally separate item. (1 or 2 days). Norm talked to Dave today and invited him to attend this meeting. Dave Chase and Curt Otterness from the Publlic Works Department did not attend. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CITY OF OTSEGO ADOPT THE CONCEPT OF PERSONAL LEAVE AND THE PERSONAL LEAVE DAYS WOULD BE: FOR YEARS 0-2 THERE WOULD BE 10 DAYS OF PERSONAL LEAVE. FOR YEARS 2-10 THERE WOULD BE 15 DAYS, YEAR 11, 16 DAYS, YEAR 12, 17 DAYS, YEAR 13, 18 DAYS YEAR 14, 19 DAYS, YEAR 15, AND ON 20 DAYS. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. (THIS STARTS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY DATE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. THIS IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY) CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1994 AT 7:30PM -PAGE2- Larry Fournier asked if we wanted to eliminate the word vacation, so future Councils would know how it was figured. The whole section of the Personnel Policy would have to be reworked. He wanted to hear from the employees if they had any concerns. The Employees present liked the way it was presented and understood and agreed with it. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED THAT WE PURCHASE FOR EACH CITY EMPLOYEE A SHORT TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE AS SPELLED OUT IN THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES MEMO OF MAY 19, 1993 TO START AS OF JULY 1, 1994, RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. THIS IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier said he felt we should have a date of the review of the Employee Manual. They would like it reviewed. RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT WE SET THE PERSONNEL POLICY FOR REVIEW THE FIRST MEETING IN OCTOBER. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THIS WILL BE SET BY RESOLUTION AT THE COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 25, 1994. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT WE TENTATIVELY APPROVE THE PERSONNEL POLICY SUBJECT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S COMMENT ON THE PERSONAL LEAVE DAYS, THE SHORT TERM DISABILITY AND THE TOBACCO FREE ENVIRONMENT. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion of how this would get to the Council Agenda. Larry felt we should have something before us. Ron said the 23rd of May we should have a draft for review at the City Council, DUANE FIEDLER asked if there was a set amount of time of overtime that a person can have in a week? Or is that something that the Council decides. Doug said if you can prove to me that there is work to be done. More discussion was had on overtime. The Council agreed that the employees should hold the overtime down. Ron said starting this fall we should budget so much into the budget for overtime. Discussion was had on the legality of starting this on July 1, 1994, rather than the January 1ST date as contracts have been. 4. Set possible date for Special Workshop Meeting with Wayne Fingalson, Larry Koshak and the City Council concerning the test site road surfacing in Otsego. (The Country of Finland is interested in this): Discussion of a meeting to have a Special Workshop Meeting was had CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 14, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3- FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED TO HAVE A SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING ON 4/20/94 AT 7PM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Any other business 6. Adjourn MOTION BY LARRY FOURNIER TO ADJOURN. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:10PM. (.; NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR R ELAINE I3EATTY, DEPUTY CLERK 7SNING ADM. (CITY SEAL)