04-21-1994 Board of Review MinutesMINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING APRIL 21, 1994 - 7PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 7PM - Mayor Norman F Freske called the meeting to order and introduced Pete Merges, City Assessor and Randal DesMarais, Assistant Wright County Assessor. Randal DesMarais explained the base house valuation increased by 5%, and a substantial increase in finished basements. Pole Buildings increased $1.00 per Sq Ft. Every four years the local assessor is required to review all the properties. All new construction is reviewed. Smaller properties with principal residential use have been clarified as residential, that was previously AG. Commercial properties were looked at. Legislative people have changed rules on homesteads. He talked about the property tax refund available if your value went up 12% or over. There are forms at the Post Office or the State Treasurer has forms. He explained the process and how the meeting would be conducted. Pete Merges explained that a home over $100,000.00 went up 1 or 2 to 3 percent. 10 acres and under Ag land previously is now classified as Residential. That was a change. (See attached information from Assessors) 7PM BARB AND RICHARD SAUTER PID # 118-037-001180 , 441-3827 They just refinanced their house and had an appraisal. The appraised value came up less than what they are valued for taxes. There is $2,000.00 difference. Barb Sauter questions why it went up again this year. Pete Merges said the value is the same this year. $5,000.00 increase in land value last year. The Buildings stayed the same. She asked if Pete Merges was there after the addition was put on the house. There is no basement under there. Theirs is higher than other people in the neighborhood. Pete Merges has it listed with a basement under it. They will take the basement off the assessment value. Reduction of 696 X $6.50 = $4,524.00. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED, AND RON BLACK SECONDED TO LOWER THIS PROPERTY VALUE AND EXCLUDE THE BASEMENT. BECAUSE THERE IS NO BASEMENT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7:10 BILL OLSON 118-500-202101, 441-3827 His property went from Ag to Residential. The value now is $55,800.00. He wonders why the increase. Pete and Randy will look at it. He did cosmetic work. Just wallpaper, etc. No structure change. This is an old house. 9AM - April 28, 1994, PETE AND RANDY WILL INSPECT THIS. CITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1994 AT 7PM - PAGE 2 - 7:20 EARL COOK 11118-026-002150, 441-3111 His valuation went from $79,500.00 to $82,300.00 Pete said he added a porch. Mr Cook said he built it 12 years ago. 5% was the increase, which is the amount for this year. . There was an increase on the land. The porch was assessed last year for the first time. It wasn't picked up before. PETE AND RANDY WILL CHECK THIS OUT THURSDAY APRIL 28, 1994 - 9:30AM.. 7:30 DUANE AND JOAN MORICAL #118-024-002060 , 441-3111 NOT HERE - DID NOT SHOW UP FOR THE MEETING 7:40 RONALD WRIGHT 11118-015-002050, 421-1782 OR 441-5872 The land went up $5,000.00. Buildings went up 5%. This has been at $15,700.00 since 1991. January 3, 1994 it was last inspected by Pete. He talked about the property across the street had $93,000.00 assessed and sold for $102,000.00. He wanted to know why the land values went up. He complained about the junk on the lot next door to him and the City doing nothing. He complained about the New City Hall. NO CHANGE ON THIS ONE. 7:50 DUANE GLOEGE 11118-024-003120, 441-6678 Increase of $3,200.00. That was the 5% increase. He purchased it for $76,900.00 and within two years it is $10,400.00 increase. Now $86,200.00. Land value increase last year of $5,000.00. He hasn't improved the house. When he bought it, it had been on the market for three years. January 1992 it was last looked at. The windows are shot. PETE AND RANDY WILL LOOK AT IT 5PM Thursday April 28, 1994. 8:00 SUSAN GOTH/JASON JOHNSON #118-026-003090, 214-0167 NOT HERE - DID NOT SHOW UP FOR THE MEETING 8:10 MIKE YOAKUM 11118-025-001010, 441-0838 NOT HERE - DID NOT SHOW UP FOR THE MEETING 8:20 WONDA QUANRUD #118-049-006030, 441-7902 $145,400.00 now, went from $139,000.00. There is a basement underneath and central air, porch on front. It cost $134,000.00 to build it two years ago. Lot cost $21,500.00. This should be compared to others later on. CITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1994 AT 7PM - PAGE 3 - 8:30 LINDA WOLF #118-035-001060, 241-9865 Their property did not change in value this year. They bought it for $10,000.00 less than was on it. They paid $40,000.00. $50,700.00 is value now. Thursday 10PM on 4/28/94 241-9825. PETE AND RANDY WILL VIEW THIS ONE. 8:40 JEFF CHAUINARD #118-042-003010, 441-4540 There is no basement finish. Lots went from $15,000.00 to $20,000.00. $83,500.00 is the value. Land went up $5,000.00 increase. The basement finished is on because when he was out Pete was unable to view the place. Mother-in-law was home and wouldn't let Pete in. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED, RON BLACK SECONDED TO LOWER THE VALUE TO $75,700.00 AND TAKE off $7,800.00 BECAUSE THE BASEMENT IS UNFINISHED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8:50 PAUL GOEBEL #118-033-001040, 441-7931 He doesn't think he can sell his place for that, went from $88,000.00 to $91,200.00. It was lowered last year. The house is assessed at $71,200.00 and land is at $20,000.00. This was looked at last year. He got the 5% increase. They felt this was fair. LEAVE THIS THE SAME. 9:00 DAVID STODDARD #118-121-002020, 295-4597 13 months they have been in the house. 50% increase in property tax since the sale. $84,300.00 valued. Island View Estates, Lot 2, Block 2. Basement is not finished. It is on as a finished basement. $3,400.00 will be taken off. That will take care of the increase. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO REDUCE THE VALUATION $3,400.00 FOR UNFINISHED BASEMENT. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1994 AT 7PM - PAGE 4 - 9:10 RANDY THORESON #118-031-001120, 441-489 Valuation went from $29,200.00 to $39,200.00. He built a new garage $9,984.00. It is a ( Frame garage), that is the $10,000.00 difference. Labor is included. It is on as a good garage. If they went the $9.00 per sq ft, it would be $3,000.00 less. Last year land value went up. Mobile home has not increased at all. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO LOWER THE VALUATION BY $3,100.00 ON THE GARAGE. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. (FROM 813 TO $9). MOTION WITHDRAWN AND SECOND WITHDRAWN. (NO MOTION) RANDY WILL HAVE THE MOBILE HOME REASSESSED TO SEE IF IT IS CORRECT. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THE BLUE BOOK LOOKED AT FOR THL MOBILE HOME. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. THEY WOULD LOWER IT IF NEEDED, NOT INCREASE IT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY DOUG LINDENFELSER, SECONDED BY FLOYD RODEN TO LOWER THE GARAGE AMOUNT BY $1.00 A SQUARE FOOT FOR ONE YEAR. THE REASON BEING, THE GARAGE IS NOT SIDED YET. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9:20 GUY ROWE & EVELYN CANCELED THEIR APPOINTMENT 9:30 HERB RUPRECHT DID NOT SHOW UP AT THE MEETING 9:40 MARK SANDERS #118-040-004080, 441-4470 $89,400.00. He paid $83,500.00 for the property. A 5% increase just like all the other homes. In this case we are at 105%. He had the appraisal. He has power lines on the back. Ron Black felt what Mark paid for the house is what it is worth. House was built in 1978. 22x26 new garage in 1988. Other garage was made into living quarters. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO CHANGE HIS VALUATION TO $83,500.00 RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1994 AT 7PM - PAGE 5 - 9:50 CROW, WENDELL L AND ELVA J #118-037-001070, 441-6624 In 1993 the land value went up $5,000.00. It did not change this year. $63,400 is the appraised value. THURSDAY AT 1PM ON 4/28/94 PETE AND RANDY WILL VIEW THIS PROPERTY. APRIL ALTO #118-121-05020, 295-5132 Went from $104,000.00 to $108,200.00. House went up 5%, Nothing else changed. Last year they were in the review area. Home is 4 -levels. 2 up and 2 down. Garage went from $10.00 a square ft to $12.00 a square foot. They went 2% before and when they went by schedule they went 7%. They were loosing ground too fast by raising it 2%. This year 5% on the building is the only increase. Basement is not finished. Built in 1990. 1227 sq feet. big garage. 700 square ft is not finished. Pete should look at this when it comes up for review. THIS WILL NOT BE LOOKED AT NOW. 8:30 - TIM GRENINGER #118-800-142202 $82,700.00 Is the value now. 295-5811 phone. Buildings increased 5% this year. lot is up $15,800.001-1/3 acres. THIS WILL NOT CHANGE. 8:40PM ROBERT ERICKSON PID #118-037-001040, 529-3768 His property is non -homesteaded. Value is $79,700.00. This house was trashed. He homesteads in Mpls. 2.3% non -homestead, if homesteaded it would be 1%. Ron asked if this can be classified differently. Cabins are 2%. $1,441.22 would be the seasonal price of taxes for 1994 - 1995 payable. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THIS PROPERTY CLASSIFIED AS SEASONAL. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (CLASSIFICATION CHANGE WOULD BE SEASONAL, RECREATIONAL FROM NON -HOMESTEAD RESIDENTIAL) BRIAN AND JUDY BETHKE #118-048-002070, 241-0081 This year it went up $4,200.00 valuation. $110,800.00 is the value. A house sold, 1043 sq ft 22x22 garage. 1990, for $105,500.00 - 8773 Page Avenue NE. His tax is $1,900.00. approximately.. ASSESSOR WILL KEEP CHECK ON THIS DEVELOPMENT CITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1994 AT 7PM - PAGE 7 - KEITH KUNUTSON - #118-500-332402, 441-2312 Valued at $78,700.00. Randy explained the Homestead Credit and how it works. He lives part time in Mpls and part time here. If moved in by December 1, he can go to Randy's office and get Homestead application. Randy gave him a card. He is afraid to do improvements as he can't afford to pay the taxes. Value has gone up $10,000.00. 5% on the buildings is the amount of increase this year. NO CHANGE ON THIS ONE WILLIE DUERR #118-500-253400, 497-2672 It was sold as 100 acres. He lost 3-1/2 acres. He has 40 acres now. It shows 42.62 Randy needs a copy of the survey and he can review it. 17.6 is assessed as tillable land. $119,400.00 is the amount $92,500.00 Green Acre Value. #118-033-001090 MORLEY AND VIVIAN BRECHLIN (This is a Letter ) $9,900.00 was the purchase price. The Lot alone is valued at $25,000.00. Pete said the Foreclosure information had been altered. Pete felt there was no use looking at it. It is on with the blue book value. The Board felt the value was correct. ($36,100.00 is the valuation) FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO HAVE THE ASSESSOR REVIEW IT. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING UNTIL 6:30 ON MAY 9, 1994. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA' ' IED UNANIMOUSLY. NOR N'F FRESKE, MAYOR FLO, RODEN, COUNCIL RON BLACK, COUNCIL ATTEST: EL NE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLE I K/ZONING ADM. (CITY SEAL) EB Changes Made for the 1994 assessment All houses were increased by 5%,this was done pretty much through out the County.This also includes farm houses. The only houses that were not increased by 5% were houses valued over $100,000, they were increased by 2% to 3%. Small farms Most of the small farms, 10 acres or less were classified Resi.instead of Ag.This also was done through out the County Mississippi Parkwood Blk.l. Lot values went from $20,000 to $25,000. Bare lots sole for $18,000 in 1991. In 1993 the last lot in Bik 1 sold for $22,000. Sales show the improved lots to be worth $25,000 for the 94 assessment. Halls Third ADD. The land values were held at $15,000 since the flood in 1986. The sales were watched in this area every year. the sales in 1992 and 1993 showed us that the land values have gone up. The lots are now valued at $20,000, this is in line with other lots in the city. The houses were also upgraded to comply with the rest of the houses in the city of this quality, they are now graded a D 62 There were houses in other locations that were up graded to a D62 to comply with the rest of the houses in the city.Not all houses are graded the same, but the average house is a D61/2 Great River Acres Some lots in this area went from $15,000 to $20,000, this brings them in line with the rest of the city. Hylo Acres The value of the river lots was changed, they were on at $20,000, now the first 100 feet of river frontage is on at $200 per foot and the remainder is on at $100 per foot.This is in line with the rest of the river lots in the city. Country Ridge After looking at the sales and doing a lot of figuring I decided that the lot values were to be $25,000.There is still inconsistency in this plat,it will have to be watched for a few years until it is more stable.The same was done in Antelope Park. 2 What happened in 1993. In 1993 there were 97 new houses built, most of which have a garage. In 1993 there were 9 new garages built, some were pole type. In 1993 there were 24 miss. buildings built, decks, small sheds, etc. In 1993 there were 265 properties that were sold, this includes land only sales and land and building sales. This will give you some idea of what went on in our city as far as property values are concerned for 1993.A lot of effort is put into the assessment process, the county works with other counties in the state,and the cities and townships work with the county to try and make sure everyone is treated equal.